The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yorkie any chance you can give me instructions on how to make Gumby plz mate. That pic last night looked good

<span style="color:#ff3399;"><font size="5">[video=youtube;kFHshctPO9E][/video] &#8203;lol wrong vid ;-)


Well-Known Member
+rep for ice, sat toking on some of his exo, and it aint half bad, has totally stunk the house out :) and has a lovely taste to it....gratz!


Well-Known Member
anyone know if the black coverd ducting has pin holes in it like the silver ducting, i don't wanna use the acoustic ducting but can't run with little holes in it ?


Well-Known Member
cant do no harm for the extra few pound....or is it cos ur scared of the itchy stuff lol
&#8203;lol your spot on mg, i do hate the fecking stuff and as its the lights that will be being moved up and down i just don't wanna be messing with the shizz..... do's anyone know about the pinholes in the black coverd shit ?


Well-Known Member
A Priest is fishing with his mate and catches something.
"That's a huge fucker you've got there father," says the friend.
"Watch your language around a man of God," replies the Priest.
A little embarrassed, the friend lies and tells the Priest that the species of fish is called a "fucker".
The Priest takes home the fish and talks to the Bishop and explains about catching the "fucker".
"I'll clean the fucker and we can have it for dinner tonight when the Pope comes round."
So he cleans it and then shows it to the Cardinal, who says he'll cook the "fucker" for the Pope tonight.
The Pope comes round for dinner and comments on the lovely fish and, eager to please, the Priest exclaims, "I caught the fucker!"
The Bishop cries, "I cleaned the fucker!"
And the Cardinal continues, "I cooked the fucker!"
The Pope takes a moments thought, looks around the table at them and says, "You know, you cunts are alright."


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah mate wanted to loose few pounds by xmas so i could put it on over the festivities lol, not gonna happen so im just gonna endulge and loose the gut next year lmao. Porky products was cause it was the only meat stall on the market, try before you buy. Had a good little munch then came home and made bacon and sausage bagatte lol. Nice pies too, pork n stilton, game, rabbit, cheese's, cider. Went mad and spent a ton in the bloody market lol. Plenty of nice grub tho, my kinda place.
that farmers market pork n products are some tasty shit tho jim i can see where u lost ya way m8 lol but 100 notes ya fat fuck behave lol

i been to a few, spent far too much on olives n breads at a few but never a ton although saying that had they sold grade beef or lamb n i had the cash im shore i would have, had a lovely steak last week only a supermarket jobby but was a 18oz ribeye so not too shabby.


Well-Known Member
A Priest is fishing with his mate and catches something.
"That's a huge fucker you've got there father," says the friend.
"Watch your language around a man of God," replies the Priest.
A little embarrassed, the friend lies and tells the Priest that the species of fish is called a "fucker".
The Priest takes home the fish and talks to the Bishop and explains about catching the "fucker".
"I'll clean the fucker and we can have it for dinner tonight when the Pope comes round."
So he cleans it and then shows it to the Cardinal, who says he'll cook the "fucker" for the Pope tonight.
The Pope comes round for dinner and comments on the lovely fish and, eager to please, the Priest exclaims, "I caught the fucker!"
The Bishop cries, "I cleaned the fucker!"
And the Cardinal continues, "I cooked the fucker!"
The Pope takes a moments thought, looks around the table at them and says, "You know, you cunts are alright."
oh dura stop...thats way to funny and defo got me giggling my head off....your lush ;-) x