The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i just love staring shit,.....[video=youtube;50_iRIcxsz0][/video]

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i just love staring shit,.....[video=youtube;50_iRIcxsz0][/video]
shame you can't spell the language of the country you mock. Though that's to be expected the way you've bastardised it.. do one you mug


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Kalishinapple kush is the next Seeds to be popped .Seeds arrived today bought them a while ago but been sitting in the sorting office haven't had time to pick them up . 11 will be germed tonight can't wait to run these monsters


Well-Known Member
my wee lad just sneezed a couple of times so i said 'hey! what do you say when you sneeze??', he looks at me like i'm daft and says 'atchoo?'


Well-Known Member
hes a fuking nutjob,, just been looking into this 3d thing,, seems ps3 is 3d enabled so gunna take a look at sum 3d games,, i need to buy one of those sub boxes u get for surround so i can plug me surround speakers up,, NOW THATS GAMING!