I think i just peaked on marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Okay so i think i just peaked on marijuana, i had no idea it was possible until now, some time with in the past hour or so i packed an extremely small bowl of White Russian scissor hash that i got off of my grow here, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/559980-my-first-grow-400-watt.html .
I took about 3 small hits off of the tiny bowl and i must say the experience has been unpleasant to say the least i can barley even Begin to describe this experience except to say that it was like being on the verge of mushroom trip, i feel an extreme amount of anxiety, i am unable to concentrate or focus and my senses seem to be over whelming me.

I was so fucked up that i felt like i was shaking rapidly, i started freaking out a bit so i called my GF and i didn't feel like i was talking correctly i felt like i was talking jittery because of the shaking, so i got off the phone with her and started to calm down a bit and i started wondering if i was really shaking or if i just felt like i was shaking so i go take a look in the mirror and i can see that i am clearly not shaking.
I don't know if i was on the verge of some type of psychosis or mental break or if that was an anxiety attack or what but it was uncomfortable to say the least, i was way to fucking high.
I have noticed before the off putting feeling of a shroom trip when i have eaten weed peanut butter before but i have never experienced a high so intense, i felt like i was having a stroke. It took me quite a long to come down and be capable of writing this but now that i am, i am just wondering if anyone else has had panic attack like experiences from being to high?

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Would that be scissor hash from your first grow in your sig? Are you used to smoking good weed? Maybe your tolerance is low.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's the weed from my first grow and nah man I'm not to used smoking good weed other than the Blue Cheese i just harvested a week and a half or so ago, before that it was pretty much all brick packed Mexican.


Ursus marijanus
I've had that happen. If I can keep myself from fighting it, and just give into wherever it cares to take me, it gets awesome. Had it happen when I broke a T-fast this past spring. My own weed, too. :mrgreen: cn

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I've found weed sometimes will bring a flashback from my old acid days and I will get paranoid. It happens. I've taken long breaks from weed because of it.


Well-Known Member
Had a bad experience with a firecracker once... having tried mushrooms once before.. the effects were 100% like shrooms for about 20 mins the rest of the day and the next were not fun. Infact I recall thinking ok no one has ever died using it.. but I could potentially give myself a heart attack freaking out.. so I calmed down and tried to ride the snake as long as I could...

past times

Well-Known Member
yeah bud, take a wakl to distract yourself and keep the blood pumping. it will pass. then opne hit at a time until you have a little better tolerance


Ursus marijanus
if i knew how to post videos i would have done that. thanks cn
It's pretty simple, but only works with Youtube for some reason. Grab the Youtube url and hit the button above the post window that has two film frames. Paste url into the provided box, hit Okeydoke, and voilà! cn


Well-Known Member
Don't worry. If happens to the best of us. My 2nd grow I had shit dialed. I was living in Idaho at.the time.smoking dirt my whole life and I ordered some skywalker and some Jack the ripper. I didn't realize his much better properly grown top shelf was til that day. I had the worst anxiety attacks for aa few days. It was long ago but once in a while ill come across some shit that'll make me feel like I'm dying lol


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the hash!! Last year I had some Hash oil that had me chanting "no one has ever died, no one has ever died". :mrgreen: after a few minutes all was good, well I knew I wasn't die anyway.


Active Member
Sounds like some good hash.. You should be patting yourself on the back for growing that. Not tripping, next time that happens, take a very hot shower, and smoke some more. LOL good luck


Well-Known Member
Lol. 1000 threads with exactly the same 'OMFG has this happened to anyone!' post.

It must have been frightening if you weren't expecting it to come over you like that. :( The nearest I've had was the first time I made medibles and just tossed the shake in without measuring. It was very nearly too much for me when it hit a few hours down the line but your power come from KNOWING 'its just weed, nothing bad will happen'. I just kept reminding myself to relax and enjoy the high. Then again I smoke to relieve anxiety and I wasn't freaking out, I just felt too high. Are you sure you know what a panic attack is? Find something to fixate yourself on and calm down or eat something if you can stomach it. Where'sWaldo is a very good idea. Focus on that x