dude you guys sound fucking retarded on here your both fucking wrong how is that one! grow your fucking weed and shut up jeez do what you want why arnt your growing dank weed istead your on here bitching about somone else's dank weed
15 pages of nu uh, uh huh.
I say flush these opinions down the drain, because that's all this debate is about...preference. if one dude doesn't notice a difference and another does, then both of them should just enjoy it their way. So stupid, like arguing over whether Pepsi or coke is better.
Sorry, hit the wrong button... That was ment for you skunky, flush yes, or flush no?There's misconception on how plants uptake nutrients. For instance, if you fertilize your plants with shit, your product isn't going to taste like shit because the plant uses the nitrogen and turns it into something else. Cows don't taste like grass. Plants don't just suck up chemicals, they have a very advanced filtration system. The plants show what is ailing the roots it's not actually sucked up into the plant. Plants turn these things we feed them into glucose and starches and they use this stuff for energy. So when people say they taste "chemicals" if the person didn't foliar feed with chems, it's impossible. Very few things actually get past the plants natural filters.
Good idea, next time i am in a supermarket I will ask if the tomatoes, salats and so on are flushed ?
When you're debating what is fact, the "let's agree to disagree" argument goes out the window. When you state that something is the cause of something else in a definitive manner, it's no longer preference, it's a statement of fact. That requires investigation. How else do you expect progress to occur? Feelings will get hurt and people will say angry things; that's just the way things happen.
they made flushing agents because some of these chemical nutes requior more then water to flush properly
So just because someone made something, is argument that it is needed?
I got some snake oil to sell you I think you will like.......
Someone should just try both flushed and nonflushed, Using the same nutes and everything
Aaaand this is why i keep coming back to this thread!! Pure comedy! This is why not to go running your mouth when you havent done any home work lmmfao! People like G.W.N rip into you because your sellin snake oil and the funny thing is you actually havent even checked to see if it works yet. I hope hes waving a white flag. All he was really doing was insulting people who didnt belive his snake oil works. If you grew up using it and youve been told a million times it works then you think it works. And man!, his plants were weak!, if your going to post some plants to show you know what your doing with your life post some better ones than that! Those are average at best, theres guys growing shit N.A.S.A could learn from and this guy posts his twig and berries for every one to laugh at thinking hes a god lmmfgdao, i take it back. I hope he comes back, i wanna make some popcorn and have some more laughs.I think passthat has either conceded his position, or furiously scouring the internet for some E-ammo.
Sorry, hit the wrong button... That was ment for you skunky, flush yes, or flush no?
Aaaand this is why i keep coming back to this thread!! Pure comedy! This is why not to go running your mouth when you havent done any home work lmmfao! People like G.W.N rip into you because your sellin snake oil and the funny thing is you actually havent even checked to see if it works yet. I hope hes waving a white flag. All he was really doing was insulting people who didnt belive his snake oil works. If you grew up using it and youve been told a million times it works then you think it works. And man!, his plants were weak!, if your going to post some plants to show you know what your doing with your life post some better ones than that! Those are average at best, theres guys growing shit N.A.S.A could learn from and this guy posts his twig and berries for every one to laugh at thinking hes a god lmmfgdao, i take it back. I hope he comes back, i wanna make some popcorn and have some more laughs.