I think flushing is a myth heres why

Good idea, next time i am in a supermarket I will ask if the tomatoes, salats and so on are flushed ?
15 pages of nu uh, uh huh.

I say flush these opinions down the drain, because that's all this debate is about...preference. if one dude doesn't notice a difference and another does, then both of them should just enjoy it their way. So stupid, like arguing over whether Pepsi or coke is better.
There's misconception on how plants uptake nutrients. For instance, if you fertilize your plants with shit, your product isn't going to taste like shit because the plant uses the nitrogen and turns it into something else. Cows don't taste like grass. Plants don't just suck up chemicals, they have a very advanced filtration system. The plants show what is ailing the roots it's not actually sucked up into the plant. Plants turn these things we feed them into glucose and starches and they use this stuff for energy. So when people say they taste "chemicals" if the person didn't foliar feed with chems, it's impossible. Very few things actually get past the plants natural filters.
dude you guys sound fucking retarded on here your both fucking wrong how is that one! grow your fucking weed and shut up jeez do what you want why arnt your growing dank weed istead your on here bitching about somone else's dank weed

You managed to type a lot without actually contributing one useful thing here. The whole point of this website is discussions like these. Ones where actual reason is run against shit that makes no sense and doesn't adhere to natural laws.
15 pages of nu uh, uh huh.

I say flush these opinions down the drain, because that's all this debate is about...preference. if one dude doesn't notice a difference and another does, then both of them should just enjoy it their way. So stupid, like arguing over whether Pepsi or coke is better.

When you're debating what is fact, the "let's agree to disagree" argument goes out the window. When you state that something is the cause of something else in a definitive manner, it's no longer preference, it's a statement of fact. That requires investigation. How else do you expect progress to occur? Feelings will get hurt and people will say angry things; that's just the way things happen.
I would personaly like to thank everybody involved in this arguement. I learned alot from both sides, had some great laughs courtesy of racer boy and those popcorn eating clips. There seems like theres alot of people out there that swear by not flushing, and alot of people who have heard through passed on info that flushing is necessary. I personally would think that by giving your plant the best life untill the end would make the plant happier, inturn produce better, heavier buds with nitrogen used until the end. I totally get the whole drying properly makes chlorophill blackness less of an issue. I can see how organics dont have to be fushed because they were once part of a biological function that means that its dead or crap. Either way its what soil is made from so im consuming it naturally from my garden vegtables anyway without flushing. I have a friend who pulls those fan leaves off all the time and his plants look horrible. Lankey, skinny, bulimic lookin things. I leave mine on and my stalks are as big as my wrist. Plants are solar powered, why would taking away the solar panels help them to work better? Thats like taking a motor out of a car and replacing it with hampsters. Yur still going to get small amounts of energy produced from "hampsters" but with no motor that plants circulatory system will slow drasticly....right? If you were offended by this question i dont think theres help for you. What do you think would happen if you pulled off the leaves of a jalepeno plant or an orange tree just before your fruits were ripening? Aaaaa stall, not bigger better fruit. Cut the top off a carrot, see what happens. Thats a little more dramatic but still the same principal. I dont know sh:t. Im new to this and still learning myself. I know lots of friends that do it and every one of those idiots thinks they know the best way and they all do the opposite of each other. Im still unsure about the whole flushing thing and hydroponics. Inorganic to me means chemical. Chemical to me means unhealthy. Im aware that just feeding your plant water isint going to magicly pull chemicals out of buds when colas are jugs and stems are tree trunks but is it wrong? Does it serve a purpose at all, are all the old hippes gratefully dead wrong?? Fu2k money, i want the best smoke around outta hydro with synthetic nutes!! Wheres the side by side comparisons? Weights? Cannabinoid levels? Taste tests? Are there any scientists out there or just fact pushers. Wheres the tests? Show me the light RollItUp. Peace.
There's misconception on how plants uptake nutrients. For instance, if you fertilize your plants with shit, your product isn't going to taste like shit because the plant uses the nitrogen and turns it into something else. Cows don't taste like grass. Plants don't just suck up chemicals, they have a very advanced filtration system. The plants show what is ailing the roots it's not actually sucked up into the plant. Plants turn these things we feed them into glucose and starches and they use this stuff for energy. So when people say they taste "chemicals" if the person didn't foliar feed with chems, it's impossible. Very few things actually get past the plants natural filters.
Sorry, hit the wrong button... That was ment for you skunky, flush yes, or flush no?
ever eat a deer thats been feeding on pine needles, guess what he taste like. your grasping at analogies....do what pleases you...peace
When you're debating what is fact, the "let's agree to disagree" argument goes out the window. When you state that something is the cause of something else in a definitive manner, it's no longer preference, it's a statement of fact. That requires investigation. How else do you expect progress to occur? Feelings will get hurt and people will say angry things; that's just the way things happen.

I've done it both ways, didn't notice a difference. Thats investigation enough for me since it's my smoke. No one has brought anything to the table in 15 pages, or the other 15 thousand that have already gone down about this subject, that have even remotely made me reconsider my personal view on this subject. No amount of "fact" on some computer screen, science lab, or anywhere else is going to change that I have done it both ways many times, and noticed ZERO difference. Any amount of "investigation" isn't going to change what my taste buds think about the subject.

Now, some other dudes might notice a difference, so more power to them to flush if they prefer it that way.
So just because someone made something, is argument that it is needed?

I got some snake oil to sell you I think you will like.......

I think passthat has either conceded his position, or furiously scouring the internet for some E-ammo.
Someone should just try both flushed and nonflushed, Using the same nutes and everything

It's been done, but you still get the same subjective results. Similar to the Penn & Teller vid posted earlier.
Though it is interesting to discuss these things even if we aren't able to solve world hunger.

And welcome to RIU my friend.
None to do wit thread jus posting most recent but I'm like 2 n half weeks bout 3 in flower or 12/12 it showing signs like white pistils but I'm lookin at othher threads and appears that mine are lacking I cnt post pics from this android idky.... but there pretty small lookin tops and shit I havnt used n e nutes just ph.d water annd ffof soil 3gal pots I cnt post pics srry
For a much better response to your question you should start a thread clearly outlining what your issue is and be sure to include all relevant equipment/grow space info.
Pictures are always a huge help to people trying to help.

To start a thread hit the "Forum" button & choose the "Grow room" that applies & hit the "start a new thread" button in the upper left hand corner of your browser.

Welcome to RIU
I think passthat has either conceded his position, or furiously scouring the internet for some E-ammo.
Aaaand this is why i keep coming back to this thread!! Pure comedy! This is why not to go running your mouth when you havent done any home work lmmfao! People like G.W.N rip into you because your sellin snake oil and the funny thing is you actually havent even checked to see if it works yet. I hope hes waving a white flag. All he was really doing was insulting people who didnt belive his snake oil works. If you grew up using it and youve been told a million times it works then you think it works. And man!, his plants were weak!, if your going to post some plants to show you know what your doing with your life post some better ones than that! Those are average at best, theres guys growing shit N.A.S.A could learn from and this guy posts his twig and berries for every one to laugh at thinking hes a god lmmfgdao, i take it back. I hope he comes back, i wanna make some popcorn and have some more laughs.
Aaaand this is why i keep coming back to this thread!! Pure comedy! This is why not to go running your mouth when you havent done any home work lmmfao! People like G.W.N rip into you because your sellin snake oil and the funny thing is you actually havent even checked to see if it works yet. I hope hes waving a white flag. All he was really doing was insulting people who didnt belive his snake oil works. If you grew up using it and youve been told a million times it works then you think it works. And man!, his plants were weak!, if your going to post some plants to show you know what your doing with your life post some better ones than that! Those are average at best, theres guys growing shit N.A.S.A could learn from and this guy posts his twig and berries for every one to laugh at thinking hes a god lmmfgdao, i take it back. I hope he comes back, i wanna make some popcorn and have some more laughs.

I've no real grudge against any member, I simply challenged him to back up his statement.
I didn't belittle or attack him, just asked for proof.
Hopefully in his research to prove himself right (er) he will develop more knowledge as a grower.