Meeting my Coley tonight :D


Well-Known Member
your coley? you only been sexting her a couple days and you got nick names and shit? your really trying to make up for not having a job.. sounds like coley is real smart to date a loser when she has a child. most times chicks are down to send nudies to dudes they havent met... they either; got the myspace angles, are looking to sell your organs on the black market, or she has the herpes. good luck budsmoker.


Well-Known Member
so you meet a girl on the net and for your first date you invited her to your parents house for some chicken soup...sounds like a real winner to me


Well-Known Member
This is your chance.

Dont you dare fuck this up.

You are going to move out, support that woman and better be a good role model to her impressionable son.

Shit gets real now; make sure your mind is on things other than the pussy.

Go fucking redeem yourself, boy.


New Member
lol can you even afford to take her out?

lol, no :( this woman knows me, my current situation, my situation with new job and new place tomorrow, my plan to return to the oil field, etc.

I said I was gonna take a break from punching wells out west where females are SCARCE to "rough ride some cheekie snow bunnies on snowboards!!"

or something to that extent

I don't have any dough but she listened to my WHOLE story, how I saved up a bunch, blew it, travelled 15,000 miles around this country since last November, etc.

Yea Kuroi, she sent me all these pics, I think she wants the dick! All I gotta really do at this point is simply NOT FUCK UP, which should be easy to avoid :) haha I think everybody goes through WAVES of good and bad luck, transitions in life from jobs, relationships, places you live, etc all are pivotal too


Well-Known Member
Of all the amazing info and pictures on this site... this has got to be in the top5% of best thread ever. Half if me is like OK bored Guy with nothing better to do than fuck with people but then the other half I'm like this guys really believes the shit he spews. Its wildly amusing but I feel like I should looking for your guardian at the same time. How old are u? Really.


Active Member
Speaking from personal experience, I really suggest that you don't get involved with a chick that has a kid unless you're really serious. Fuck that, even if you are serious, steer clear of single moms. It's a bitch and a half.


Misguided Angel
Of all the meals you can make to impress a chick you choose chicken vegetable soup? Should have left the chicken and vegetables together and made an actual meal lol!


Well-Known Member
The wicket is now open, place your bets.....what page # will theexpress get this thread locked down by posting those rosy pics. :bigjoint:


New Member
For those who uh...still don't know?

i will be 26 in 31 days

I've got a MEAN, VERY detailed tattoo of a goat with horns on my leg to rep my bday, in maui, with my fam, right after graduating high school


Well-Known Member
I just took a bad ass hot shower after smoking and got the BEST idea ever. I'm gonna get some people together to do a documentary/youtube vid to find the TRUTH behind budsmoker's 'coley' and story. Might take a couple week but if the threads dead by then, I shall revive!


Well-Known Member
This is your chance.

Dont you dare fuck this up.

You are going to move out, support that woman and better be a good role model to her impressionable son.

Shit gets real now; make sure your mind is on things other than the pussy.

Go fucking redeem yourself, boy.
kuroi, sweetheart, do you really even read his posts? :eyesmoke: