Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
There is some evidence that he bought blunts too. Also, he had a lot of jewelry confiscated from him at school as well as screwdrivers. It obviously wasn't his, he never told his parents about it to get it back. Add to that his facebook/twitter names and actions. Yes, you come up with a thieving ghetto thug.
there is no evidence that he ever stole a damn thing and the twitter stuff wasn't even his own. if you had looked beyond the biased circles from which you feel comforted in your bigotry, you would know this.

i've sold people stuff that they've turned into blunts, am i a ghetto thug?


Ursus marijanus
So, if somebody calls you an asshole you think you have a right to beat him to death?
Obviously not. But who's to say that's how it happened?

I don't think there was any danger of T beating Z to death. Ya wanna kill someone with your fists? Larynx, not eyes and nose.


Well-Known Member
We know that Z shot Martin. The rest, not so much, mudscuttle.
zimmerman chased martin after martin ran away, that is established fact, straight from zimm's mouth.

eyewitnesses saw a chase before the final confrontation, items were dropped on the ground along the way. established fact.

you;re just too dumb and unfamiliar with the facts of the case to know this. i've had to fill you in on details revealed in the interrogations endlessly.


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is a fun game. My turn:

*Trayvon posted that he was going to go beat some Jew/Mexican ass right before he left to get blunts. He probably couldn't tell the difference between Mexicans and Peruvians.
*Trayvon raped 8 white women on his way through the neighborhood. He didn't have much stamina, that is why it was only 40 minutes.
*Trayvon was also known as Al Jawa Michealoha - a known terrorist of the butt rape brotherhood with ties to Al Qaukers.
*UncleBuck would back cannibals eating children if Obama was OK with it.

Wait... that last one is true.
listen, you've already exposed yourself as a despicably racist human being/piece of shit. no need to dig the hole deeper.


Well-Known Member
Physical evidence is indisputable.

Zimm was battered, Martin was not, unless you are alleging that Zimm assaulted Martin by bashing his face and against Martin's knuckles.
no one knows who started the fight, dummy.

yet red and catrapist and you all insist that martin must have started it, despite the fact that martin RAN AWAY from zimmemran and zimmerman followed after him as he ran away.

you take the known facts and flip them on their logical heads to arrive at the conclusion that fits your preconceived, bigoted narratives. uncanny.


Well-Known Member
"then it supports that T punched Z in the same spirit." No, it doesn't. Asking a question in no way is "in the same spirit" as beating someone to the ground, mounting him, and then continuing to beat him. Continuing to attack a man after he is down proves an intent to do serious bodily harm at least, if not to kill. The Trayvon thread had plenty of evidence, you just choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist. You sacrifice your honesty for your ideology.
if you believe zimm's story that he was mounted and pinned to the ground near the T, you have to explain how the shooting occurred about 50-75 feet to the south of the T.

go ahead, reconcile that little bit of actual physical evidence against zimm's BS story.


Well-Known Member
I do not know if that testimony is correct. Seeing how polarized the topic has been here, an uncorroborated eyewitness has a lot of power. Allow me to classify this as not established. cn
The fight was right outside the guy's sliding glass door. You think he was mistaken in what he saw? And, once again, the physical evidence corroborated his testimony. Allow me to classify this as established. At least you're smart enough to know Zimmerman will likely be acquitted. But there is no guarantee. Prisons are full of innocent men. Don't take my word for it, just ask them.


Ursus marijanus
"then it supports that T punched Z in the same spirit." No, it doesn't. Asking a question in no way is "in the same spirit" as beating someone to the ground, mounting him, and then continuing to beat him. Continuing to attack a man after he is down proves an intent to do serious bodily harm at least, if not to kill. The Trayvon thread had plenty of evidence, you just choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist. You sacrifice your honesty for your ideology.
There are so many different ways to "ask a question", and Z knew that. "What the f*** your dopesmokin' a** doing here, n****r?" is technically asking a question. I'm not saying that's how it happened, just as you can't assure that it didn't.

And what ideology? I refuse to unjustly hang either Z or T with the blame for this. But since I believe that Z pursued T when he didn't have to ... this ruins Z's case imo. cn


Well-Known Member
I made a long post about the timelines involved and showing the housing units and where the attack took place as well as their respective times. It is 100% obvious from reality that Martin backtracked to confront Zimmerman.

Zimmerman followed him once and then lost him. Confrontation over. Martin was home free, he could of went home. Instead, he decided to get Zimmerman. It would be like playing Grand Theft Auto, running from the cops, then when the cops aren't chasing you anymore popping out and shooting them and going HAHAHAHA STOP FOLLOWING ME MOTHERFUCKERS. Funny? Sure. Makes you the aggressor? yes.
you have absolutely zero evidence to back up your claims.

have you even listened to the interrogations of zimmerman by serino? zimmerman kept looking for martin. martin was talking on the phone until about aminute before he was shot to death. he had every right to be out there talking on the phone.

despite your beliefs, black people do not have to know their place and go home or buy land where they won't be treated like animals, you racist sack of shit.


Ursus marijanus
The fight was right outside the guy's sliding glass door. You think he was mistaken in what he saw? And, once again, the physical evidence corroborated his testimony. Allow me to classify this as established. At least you're smart enough to know Zimmerman will likely be acquitted. But there is no guarantee. Prisons are full of innocent men. Don't take my word for it, just ask them.
If there were indoor lights on, then he could have seen anything he wanted. As for the physical evidence, we do not possess it. Your claim that they corroborate ... post links. Show me. cn


Well-Known Member
Facts say otherwise.
FACT: no one knows who started the fight

FACT: martin ran away, zimm followed. source: zimm's own recorded words.

FACT: you believe in some of the most racist things ever. you are far worse than stormfront red.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman was no longer in pursuit of him when the attack happened. This means you are full of shit and that Martin is a violent felon who got a bullet for reward. Maybe if his parents didn't let him run around in the middle of the night high while he was kicked out of school for drugs he wouldn't of been the sort of person who was a d-bag.
this proves that you have not listened to the interrogations.

zimm told serino that he went down the T to look for martin. he was not back there looking for an address. he lived there for 5 years, he knew the addresses were not in the back. he told serino he was looking for martin and found him.

are you fucking stupid? go listen to the interrogations.


Well-Known Member
i didn't think you could get more racist than red, but catrapist makes deseert dude look like al sharpton.


Well-Known Member
there is no question there was a fight between the two. the thing that will determine guilt is if zimm took an action that set off the chain of events... the guy could've walked up to trayvonn, asked him something, martin could've responded "FUCK YOU BITCH I DON'T KNOW YOU" and zimm would have had to suck it up.... he had no authority to go up to trayvonn, no need to go up to him asking questions, and he didn't have any basis for engaging in a citizens arrest, because, AGAIN, TRAYVONN HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG. he was walking to his house minding his own business....
Citizen's arrest? WTF are you talking about? Trayvon was actually walking away from his house, by the way. Does that suggest anything to you?


Well-Known Member
Citizen's arrest? WTF are you talking about? Trayvon was actually walking away from his house, by the way. Does that suggest anything to you?
i know how you like to cite eyewitnesses, so what about the eyewitnesses that saw a chase before the fight? what about the items dropped by both parties along the way painting a trail back towards martin's house?

anything to say about that little bit of physical evidence?