Zimmerman sues NBC


New Member
Huh? Are you serious? The operator has no police powers and can only make suggestions. If the operator said don't touch your son if he was trapped under a huge tree, but you think you can move the tree safely, wouldn't you do it? The operator doesn't know the situation completely and can only make suggestions based on limited information which worked in similar situations the operator was trained to give. Those suggestions are no different than my opinion you should smoke a sativa for anxiety instead of taking Zoloft. Neither would work for excuses in a court of law.
Not sure if my post was deleted, gotta type it again I guess.

No need to insult, thought you were a hippy?

Anyway, those scenarios are completly different and a suggestion means he should for his own safety but Zimmerman felt powerful with a gun against a bag of skittles on a 17 year old kid. Zimmerman clearly got out of his car and approached him, why? Let the police handle it and go back to your house, was no need for him to keep following acting like a wannabe cop investigater.

I do agree nobody knows what really happened to the full extent but still, no reason to get out of your car and that says something about Zimmerman's intent, he prolly started talking loud, and to a 17 year old kid, they're gonna get louder, some kind of sxruffle prolly broke out and Zimmerman either already had or was in the middle of getting his ass beat.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Your carrot/stick combo notwithstanding ...
the single biggest piece of physical evidence is Z's bullet in T's body. Physical evidence alone cannot discern between a righteous defense shooting and a picked fight gone bad. I accept that in that instance he'd be acquitted.
As for the other stuff, no comment. Race politics in the USA are a filthy thing, but don't allow such a categorical outcome as you suggest ... imo. cn
Physical evidence:


Hands/knuckles consistent with injuries if you don't know how to fight properly and are self inflicted. Bullet in the chest.


Head lacerations wounds,two black eyes, and a broken nose.

Conclusion based on physical evidence alone. Zimmerman was getting beat up real bad and didn't fight back. He got away enough to shoot Martin to stop it.

It doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman is racist, wasn't minding his own business(I agree), should have not followed (I agree), or made comments which escalated, and possibly racist ( might be true). No matter what Zimmerman may have said, they don't warrant Martin's beating.

This should serve as a warning not to attack someone physically, unless you want to risk your life. It's a sad situation for all. But the worst part, everyone would rather focus on the apparent unprovable racism.

If you want to bring up Zimmerman's flaws, it's only fair Martin has his exposed too. Martin was suspended for marijuana, possibly dealing it. He made Twitter comments about beating a bus driver, so this wasn't an isolated incident for either of them. It's just a shame these two mentally unstable people met, with the consequences of both their personalities.


Active Member
Zimmerman is saint and everything out of his mouth is gospel. He was right to follow some kid with a hoodie and confront him, because this was his neighborhood and some young black kid wearing a hoodie, a "thug", shouldn't be in his neighborhood. Hell, Zimmerman owns a gun through lawful means, that means he's on our side, most likely a conservative supporter of the second amendment! He's an upright citizen! defending our streets from inner city youth! Whomever he shoots had it coming because we are the authority. Remember, this is our America! It's about time we're allowed to shoot whomever fights us. How dare they!

This is why you suck...


New Member
Physical evidence:


Hands/knuckles consistent with injuries if you don't know how to fight properly and are self inflicted. Bullet in the chest.


Head lacerations wounds,two black eyes, and a broken nose.

Conclusion based on physical evidence alone. Zimmerman was getting beat up real bad and didn't fight back. He got away enough to shoot Martin to stop it.

It doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman is racist, wasn't minding his own business(I agree), should have not followed (I agree), or made comments which escalated, and possibly racist ( might be true). No matter what Zimmerman may have said, they don't warrant Martin's beating.

This should serve as a warning not to attack someone physically, unless you want to risk your life. It's a sad situation for all. But the worst part, everyone would rather focus on the apparent unprovable racism.

If you want to bring up Zimmerman's flaws, it's only fair Martin has his exposed too. Martin was suspended for marijuana, possibly dealing it. He made Twitter comments about beating a bus driver, so this wasn't an isolated incident for either of them. It's just a shame these two mentally unstable people met, with the consequences of both their personalities.
How do you know Zimmerman didn't throw the first punch?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if my post was deleted, gotta type it again I guess.

No need to insult, thought you were a hippy?

Anyway, those scenarios are completly different and a suggestion means he should for his own safety but Zimmerman felt powerful with a gun against a bag of skittles on a 17 year old kid. Zimmerman clearly got out of his car and approached him, why? Let the police handle it and go back to your house, was no need for him to keep following acting like a wannabe cop investigater.

I do agree nobody knows what really happened to the full extent but still, no reason to get out of your car and that says something about Zimmerman's intent, he prolly started talking loud, and to a 17 year old kid, they're gonna get louder, some kind of sxruffle prolly broke out and Zimmerman either already had or was in the middle of getting his ass beat.
zimm told interrogators he was in fear. yet he gets out of his car and chasess martin.

makes perfect sense, right? you follow people you fear too, right?


Active Member
Physical evidence:


Hands/knuckles consistent with injuries if you don't know how to fight properly and are self inflicted. Bullet in the chest.


Head lacerations wounds,two black eyes, and a broken nose.

Conclusion based on physical evidence alone. Zimmerman was getting beat up real bad and didn't fight back. He got away enough to shoot Martin to stop it.

It doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman is racist, wasn't minding his own business(I agree), should have not followed (I agree), or made comments which escalated, and possibly racist ( might be true). No matter what Zimmerman may have said, they don't warrant Martin's beating.

This should serve as a warning not to attack someone physically, unless you want to risk your life. It's a sad situation for all. But the worst part, everyone would rather focus on the apparent unprovable racism.

If you want to bring up Zimmerman's flaws, it's only fair Martin has his exposed too. Martin was suspended for marijuana, possibly dealing it. He made Twitter comments about beating a bus driver, so this wasn't an isolated incident for either of them. It's just a shame these two mentally unstable people met, with the consequences of both their personalities.
Wait, so you automatically assume Martin started it. You don't know if Zimmerman started it. So it could be that Zimmerman picks a fight with Martin, get's his ass beat, and he has the right to shoot them? Pretty fuckin convenient. See, I don't know what happened, I'll tell you right know. But you people, you know, right? How exactly do you come to this conclusion? conclusions and assumptions based on what? The dead kid can't speak. So you believe who you're most likely to sympathies with.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so you automatically assume Martin started it. You don't know if Zimmerman started it. So it could be that Zimmerman picks a fight with Martin, get's his ass beat, and he has the right to shoot them? Pretty fuckin convenient. See, I don't know what happened, I'll tell you right know. But you people, you know, right? How exactly do you come to this conclusion? conclusions and assumptions based on what? The dead kid can't speak. So you believe who you're most likely to sympathies with.
he also lied about martin. martin had one tiny scratch on one single knuckle.


Ursus marijanus
Physical evidence:


Hands/knuckles consistent with injuries if you don't know how to fight properly and are self inflicted. Bullet in the chest.


Head lacerations wounds,two black eyes, and a broken nose.

Conclusion based on physical evidence alone. Zimmerman was getting beat up real bad and didn't fight back. He got away enough to shoot Martin to stop it.

It doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman is racist, wasn't minding his own business(I agree), should have not followed (I agree), or made comments which escalated, and possibly racist ( might be true). No matter what Zimmerman may have said, they don't warrant Martin's beating.

This should serve as a warning not to attack someone physically, unless you want to risk your life. It's a sad situation for all. But the worst part, everyone would rather focus on the apparent unprovable racism.

If you want to bring up Zimmerman's flaws, it's only fair Martin has his exposed too. Martin was suspended for marijuana, possibly dealing it. He made Twitter comments about beating a bus driver, so this wasn't an isolated incident for either of them. It's just a shame these two mentally unstable people met, with the consequences of both their personalities.
I don't think you can have it both ways, Buns. Somebody who doesn't know how to fight cannot be beating a reasonable physical specimen like Z "real bad". And for me race was never a central issue here, but a great distractor and generator of thousands of Politics posts.

As for not warranting Z's beating, we will never know what he did or said to T. I see it as very possible that Z behaved in a manner that would infuriate anyone with a speck of masculine pride. (And if we launder away the value judgment in the word "warrant", we are left with "be likely to precipitate".) Do I know? heck no. Do I know otherwise? Same answer. Fwiw. cn


Active Member
Canna Sylvan He could have tried to tackle him. We don't know! Stop acting as if you know. The only reason why you side with something even though you have no idea, is because you have prejudices. You're opinion isn't based on facts and evidence. It's based on what you think the situation should be.


Well-Known Member
the fight was so brutal and life threatening that zimm's shirt nearly came untucked. nearly.

poor guy.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Wait, so you automatically assume Martin started it. You don't know if Zimmerman started it. So it could be that Zimmerman picks a fight with Martin, get's his ass beat, and he has the right to shoot them? Pretty fuckin convenient. See, I don't know what happened, I'll tell you right know. But you people, you know, right? How exactly do you come to this conclusion? conclusions and assumptions based on what? The dead kid can't speak. So you believe who you're most likely to sympathies with.
There is no physical evidence to back up Zimmerman started it. Let's assume Zimmerman called Martin a nigger. Does that mean Zimmerman started it? I've been called a cracker by random black people. If I beat their ass and got shot, I'd be to blame. You don't beat down someone just because they hurt your feelings, even if it's racist, unless you want to risk your life. So if Zimmerman was a racist, Martin payed the ultimate price for his wounded pride.


Well-Known Member
There is no physical evidence to back up Zimmerman started it. Let's assume Zimmerman called Martin a nigger. Does that mean Zimmerman started it? I've been called a cracker by random black people. If I beat their ass and got shot, I'd be to blame. You don't beat down someone just because they hurt your feelings, even if it's racist, unless you want to risk your life. So if Zimmerman was a racist, Martin payed the ultimate price for his wounded pride.
there is no evidence to prove either person started it, cann-o-bullshit.

and not all speech is protected, 'fighting words' do exist.


Ursus marijanus
Since we're "what if"ing, what if Z did indeed grab the front of T's shirt or hoodie before T made fists? That would be assault, and can be seen warrant a bit of percussive opinion. cn


New Member
Again, maybe Zimmerman was just a shitty fighter but threw the first swing or did a windmill technique, maybe he swung and slipped and then Martin got on top or kept him on the ground. Then Zimmerman maybe pulled the gun because he was getting his ass beat by a kid?

Nobody really knows.