No more mushrooms =(

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
So I ate 2.5 grams of mushrooms on Saturday night, was feeling good after thirty minutes. After an hour has passed I reached for my beer and I laughed because it looked like I had fat mans hands, then I realized they were swollen. I was freaked the fuck out by this, my arms were swollen as well. I walked down to the emergency room which was a few blocks away just for the doctor to tell me its a minor reaction that will disappear in a few hours (and it did) and basically called me an idiot. I blame my mysterious condition with my heart/circulatory system because I felt the same discomfort around my body just like when my heart acts up,but my heart wasnt acting up this time. That was the third time I did mushrooms and the first two times were great, but that was when I was completely healthy. Does anyone have a similar experience and does anybody know what happened to me?


Ursus marijanus
Were they the same batch? If so, you may have developed a sensitivity. If not, there could have been a "bad actor" in the lot. I would do sublingual tests ... see if any give you an oral itch.

It must have suuucked to go to the doctor while tripping ... cn


Active Member
lmfao i thought it was funny when you said you were laughing at your hand only to realize it was really that way. Also pretty akward going to see your doc on shrooms. Sounds like an allergic reaction which sucks! Did it feel life threatening? Maybe drink a buncha benadryl and eat shrooms. I bet that would be an interesting trip.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
they werent from the same batch but they tasted like the last mushrooms I did, dunno if that says anything. I wasnt tripping that bad, just slight visuals. Though it did suck a lot for other reasons. Hate the emergency room...


Ursus marijanus
lmfao i thought it was funny when you said you were laughing at your hand only to realize it was really that way. Also pretty akward going to see your doc on shrooms. Sounds like an allergic reaction which sucks! Did it feel life threatening? Maybe drink a buncha benadryl and eat shrooms. I bet that would be an interesting trip.
I can see using reasonable doses of Benadryl to control the allergic symptoms. But a combined 5HT/anticholinergic trip? Aiee! cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I was used to the body discomfort caused by my mysterious heart/circulatory system problem. Add swollen hands and arms to that and it feels life threatening, scared the shit out of me, doc said it wasnt serious though. I also dont trust doctors... lol


Ursus marijanus
It is so hard to tell when an allergic reaction crosses from nuisance to real problem. I salute you for having done the right thing.
Have you considered boiling the 'shrooms to make a tea? Most allergens are proteins and get denatured by cooking. I'd give that a shot ... cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
We were thinking of doing that and I should of. I dunno if I want to do mushrooms again though because that was pretty scary. I might experiment in the future to see what works for me because I love the shroom high.


Ursus marijanus
I agree with being very careful. If you're sensitized to 'shrooms, that could end that for you. I'd have an epi pen handy! cn


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. I'm pretty sure it was an allergic reaction too but the first two times I did it I was fine.
I had to go to the emergency room back in the 80s for a severe allergic reaction to tetracycline. I had previously taken it on more than one occasion with no reaction at all. My face and hands were swelled up like the hulk lol, and when they took vitals one nurse started saying loudly "I can't get a pulse, I can't get a pulse". My wrists were so swollen she couldn't feel any pulse and thought my heart had stopped. I'm sure she must have messed herself a bit when I spoke up and said I'm not dead dear. :mrgreen:Anyway, the point is that you can develop allergies to substances that previously didn't bother you and it can happen all at once for some reason.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I had to go to the emergency room back in the 80s for a severe allergic reaction to tetracycline. I had previously taken it on more than one occasion with no reaction at all. My face and hands were swelled up like the hulk lol, and when they took vitals one nurse started saying loudly "I can't get a pulse, I can't get a pulse". My wrists were so swollen she couldn't feel any pulse and thought my heart had stopped. I'm sure she must have messed herself a bit when I spoke up and said I'm not dead dear. :mrgreen:Anyway, the point is that you can develop allergies to substances that previously didn't bother you and it can happen all at once for some reason.
Well that sucks lol I dont think I will be trying shrooms again then. The thought of what could happen scares me too much. Darn shame too, I guess alcohol is my only mind altering friend now.


Well-Known Member
Would grinding them into a fine powder and then putting them in a soup help you think Canna or MreDuck?


Well-Known Member
are you alergic to straw? could it have been what they where grown on? in fact im glad you brought this to my attention i will have to get some more definite answers for you.