Xanax bars


Active Member
Whats the deal wit these things are the pharmacy all scams or what??? Ive been trying to get them its a sun of a bitch ne one else like xanax??


Well-Known Member
Every pharmacy should have Xanax IMO, it's prescribed so often. Any benzo made in the U.S. are the best anyway. Even if they aren't true "bar" looking bars. The 2mg round blue ones are boss, straight up.


Well-Known Member
not true, many times i've gone to pick up a prescription and they have told me they don't have that certain one. It's not like say, Phizer or Lilly sends them an unlimited supply of a product. It's the same as if a store runs out of Coke or Lays chips...


Well-Known Member
the problem is these quack doctors not wanting a legit patient to take xans when there are other alternatives even though with them you may wake up in your underwear in strange places. I had a shrink kick me the fuck out first visit last friday because my doctor sent me there, he wasn't "confident" enough to up my dosage a little to where it treats all my pain/anxiety so he sent me to the shrink, in the interview the PA made quite clear they would not up my dosage and the dumb bitch used "because it's a controlled substance" as the reason. oh it treat so many of the symptoms I have and I'm ALREADY addicted to them at the current dosage, why not treat all the pain and give me a few more, fuckers are gonna work themselves out of a job.


Well-Known Member
not true, many times i've gone to pick up a prescription and they have told me they don't have that certain one. It's not like say, Phizer or Lilly sends them an unlimited supply of a product. It's the same as if a store runs out of Coke or Lays chips...
I know this. I said SHOULD. I am aware that they do not have unlimited supplies and since they are so popular even more so. I feel like you disagree with everything I say simply because you do not like me in person. But I don't know that so, and I don't know it's the truth.


Well-Known Member
Whats the deal wit these things are the pharmacy all scams or what??? Ive been trying to get them its a sun of a bitch ne one else like xanax??
Xanex isn't shit to fuck with recreationally

I took 2 bars one time before work thinking it wasn't shit, (after having taken .5 and not feeling it ((because I didn't wait long enough)) then, proceeded to fuck work up right as my shift started, then PASSING out completely and having to be taken home by a coworker, only to wake up the next morning not knowing what the fuck happened or how I got where I was. Xanex is like a date rape drug. I could have been fucked and never known what had happened.

Yet they prescribe it to anyone with an anxiety issue.. Welcome to the American pharmaceutical industry.. Where if you have the money to pay for it, it'll be prescribed to you.


Well-Known Member
Xanex isn't shit to fuck with recreationally

I took 2 bars one time before work thinking it wasn't shit, (after having taken .5 and not feeling it ((because I didn't wait long enough)) then, proceeded to fuck work up right as my shift started, then PASSING out completely and having to be taken home by a coworker, only to wake up the next morning not knowing what the fuck happened or how I got where I was. Xanex is like a date rape drug. I could have been fucked and never known what had happened.

Yet they prescribe it to anyone with an anxiety issue.. Welcome to the American pharmaceutical industry.. Where if you have the money to pay for it, it'll be prescribed to you.
you dosed too much for your own good ...done it plenty of times

NOW...you're wondering why you can't get prescribed bars. I can't get them to save on cash dood and i take about 2.5 mgs a day for severe panic disorder. THING IS .... they don't just give out xanax near me ..let alone prescribe someone bars. Bars are only used for severe cases of anxiety. If you're prescribed to take .5mg 4x a day and the doctor writes that script out for 120 .5 mg tabs ...well that's what you're getting. No pharmacy will substitute a 120 tabs for 30 bars.... it's illegal for them to do so ...
....so what's the question here ...how do you get em? ..... well keep in mind they're addictive as shit and unless you have a real problem, or can REALLY convince the doctor that you have a problem ...
.....also keep in mind that benzos are most usually reserved for those that are/or present themselves as adults. I've had severe panic disorder since i was 13 .. i never got a benzo prescribed to me until i was almost 28... this is just my case ..

if you're going to take xanax do so in moderation and don't do anything your mind or body is telling you to do on em like drive, go to work, watch over children .....most people can't handle their shit so the end up like the above poster ...... but all in all ... i can't say i haven't done the same.


Well-Known Member
the problem is these quack doctors not wanting a legit patient to take xans when there are other alternatives even though with them you may wake up in your underwear in strange places. I had a shrink kick me the fuck out first visit last friday because my doctor sent me there, he wasn't "confident" enough to up my dosage a little to where it treats all my pain/anxiety so he sent me to the shrink, in the interview the PA made quite clear they would not up my dosage and the dumb bitch used "because it's a controlled substance" as the reason. oh it treat so many of the symptoms I have and I'm ALREADY addicted to them at the current dosage, why not treat all the pain and give me a few more, fuckers are gonna work themselves out of a job.
Dude, you are in a shitty spot but they did the right thing. They are trained to spot "drug seeking" behavior. And you display it. When my Doc refused to prescribe a certain med, saying he wanted the shrink to do it, he was passing me off for someone to make a judgement. He did not want to be blamed. The shrink talked to me for 3 sessions before he would change my meds. It's his job. And in those sessions, I had to convince him I was not "drug seeking".

You do this by researching a bunch of mental/pain killers, including narcs, benzos, miltown (carbox something), SNRIs, etc, creating a chart of pros and con, and asking him to try something new, so you can drop your benzo and narcotic usage. In my case, it was an SNRI with pain killing properties, ie: cymbalta or effexor. Once on THAT for a month, and still needing a benzo or narc or whatever, and they will give it to you if you are not an asshole about it.

Play the game, get what you want.

But you gotta play their game.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are in a shitty spot but they did the right thing. They are trained to spot "drug seeking" behavior. And you display it. When my Doc refused to prescribe a certain med, saying he wanted the shrink to do it, he was passing me off for someone to make a judgement. He did not want to be blamed. The shrink talked to me for 3 sessions before he would change my meds. It's his job. And in those sessions, I had to convince him I was not "drug seeking".

You do this by researching a bunch of mental/pain killers, including narcs, benzos, miltown (carbox something), SNRIs, etc, creating a chart of pros and con, and asking him to try something new, so you can drop your benzo and narcotic usage. In my case, it was an SNRI with pain killing properties, ie: cymbalta or effexor. Once on THAT for a month, and still needing a benzo or narc or whatever, and they will give it to you if you are not an asshole about it.

Play the game, get what you want.

But you gotta play their game.
dude, I have a legit medical problem, I get 2 mg a day and that treats about half my pain/anxiety. No, they did not do the right thing that's why I got a refund of 175 dollar co-pay. quacks.


Well-Known Member
btw I've been on the 2 mg of xans for 2 years. I've refused to try anything else because the xans treat a lot of symptoms I have right down to the tinnitus, in this case I the patient know what works for me. Do I have a concern with addiction? no, not if the drug improves the quality of life and that is just what it does for me.Addicts that "seek" the drug do 15+ mg a day, I stick to prescribed dosage even though it is half of what I actually need.


Well-Known Member
so whose the asshole? the patient in need of a medication or the doctor that won't prescribe it because it's a controlled substance?


Well-Known Member
so whose the asshole? the patient in need of a medication or the doctor that won't prescribe it because it's a controlled substance?
Both, but they have the power.

And EVERYONE says they have a legit problem. I am not judging your particular one, I am merely stating the reality o the Doctor's situation.

They are trained to say NO to new patients. NO, they will not give you whatever drug you ask for, if it is in a class of addictive drugs they are worried about. Benzos, hypnotics, narcotics, etc. The are trained to look for alternatives to whatever the patient brings up. That is their job. And if they can get you off the current addictive substance (no matter how low your dose you claim, THEY are concerned about you eating handfuls or selling it until they know you), then they consider it a professional win.

They are PEOPLE. They have baseline attitudes you MUST deal with, no matter how they should act in your perfect world. The only time you no longer need to play the game is when you know them for years and buddy up. Told my doc if he didn't prescribe me oxycodone when I NEEDED it (and I told him I had a drug problem in my youth, this was a SERIOUS issue, he was NOT going to give it to me), then I'd go score some heroin and it wouldn't be his problem.

He gave me the oxy. Something tells me you have a while to go.


Well-Known Member
uh right. you aren't dealing with someone still wet behind the ears. Do you think my doctor really offered up the xanax? no, I requested them and used nothing but the truth to get a script from him. before I had bought xans online from canada. I paid 3 dollars a mg but there was no script needed, they had this "online office visit" thing and after that they shipped the goods. I told my doctor all about this and he says "so what do you want to do?" and I told him straight up he knows me and if he doesn't write me the script I'll be online at home in minutes. He wrote the script so I think you just assume I don't know "the game" . now as for "playing the game", I don't play games with my fucking health care and I don't expect my doctor too either and if he does "play games" then he'll promptly be replaced, it's as simple as that, I don't play games.


New Member
uh right. you aren't dealing with someone still wet behind the ears. Do you think my doctor really offered up the xanax? no, I requested them and used nothing but the truth to get a script from him. before I had bought xans online from canada. I paid 3 dollars a mg but there was no script needed, they had this "online office visit" thing and after that they shipped the goods. I told my doctor all about this and he says "so what do you want to do?" and I told him straight up he knows me and if he doesn't write me the script I'll be online at home in minutes. He wrote the script so I think you just assume I don't know "the game" . now as for "playing the game", I don't play games with my fucking health care and I don't expect my doctor too either and if he does "play games" then he'll promptly be replaced, it's as simple as that, I don't play games.
Dude you need REHAB. Straight up.


Well-Known Member
Xanax does temporarily help with anxiety, but it just makes it worse when youre script runs out. my friend was shaking for 2 days when his valium got cut off, and another friend's grandma is like 60 and freaks the FUCK out when her script runs out. scary/sad