Nice Cocaine pick up


Well-Known Member
I recall sitting in a room with a bag and a big mirror there being 4 or 5 or 10 people in the room, all looking at me.
That shit always weirded me out. As soon as someone breaks out the blow, the mood changes and everyone is looking at the dude like a pack of starving dogs.

and for some reason coke is only fun to me like 2/10 times. it's like being super sober, but once i actually get HIGH it feels like i'm gonna have a heart attack


Well-Known Member
The point here is that this stuff is crap. I wound up demeaning people when I had the power of pleasure over them and they wound up using me - and they never ever figured out what we were doing to them. I am alternately ashamed of my actions and amazed that I had that much power.

cocaine is a mistifying, powerful, dangerous and ultimately painful drug. If anyone can figure out how to have fun on it and walk away the instant that stops - good for them.

I am not one of them no matter what little stories I tell myself.
You would have made Elric of Melnibone proud.
Cruelty as an Art Form.


And lately you've been teaching me about kindness and patience.

hmmm. ;-}


Well-Known Member
96%? only one way to find out, cook it up, and see how much comes back. you could be like 'the mad scientist' -just in the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
if it was 96% pure than you got it in columbia cocaine at (92 to 100 percent pure is lethal 90% of the time its cut up to 8 times by the time it reached upper states starting once at factory and again in the port state usually flordia


Well-Known Member
Pure coke is not lethal by default. Merck cocaine was 99%+ and was snorted by tons of people in the 60s and 70s.


Well-Known Member
if it was 96% pure than you got it in columbia cocaine at (92 to 100 percent pure is lethal 90% of the time its cut up to 8 times by the time it reached upper states starting once at factory and again in the port state usually flordia

Sorry, no. Even some of the coke today is not dependent upon the cut, it is simply poorly made and poorly washed. Back in the times I was talking about we often got something so pure that it was traced pink flake with tiny veins of pink in small flakes - THAT is only slightly impure cocaine hydrochloride -- we would occasionaly get rocks the size of a baby's fist and if we carved away at it, would encounter nearly clear chrystal in the center - like a geode. The center was still fuming acetone. The first time I discovered that I was shocked and amazed - perhaps as much as 4 grams of this salt like chrystal. That is the purest cocaine you can get outside a pharm lab. We would often encounter thick planar pieces of compressed flakes that fractured easily and were a little soft to the blade. We aren't talking about powder here but fresh, well made coke. None of us died and in fact at that level our noses stayed miraculously clear - save when the flakes were too big and we suspected that there was still residual acid trapped between them , but even that didn't continue to be a problem when we shot our noses with saline every hour or so.


Well-Known Member
Stuff fucks my sinuses to hell and tend to make me a little agro and selfish. Not realy high on my to do list again.
I did date its freebase sister for a few months though. stupidest thing you can do.

I'd like to give the pure leaf or teas a shot though, but not too convined I'll enjoy it much, not realy a stimulant guy.
BOTH posts by canndo were SPOT ON! It should be of a crystalline form more than a powdery form, and will usually have a very heavy smell, i relate it to new plastic vinyl being taken out of a package, kinda like a blow up toy for a swimming pool.. similar. And when I had it, mind you it was many years ago, It was going for 35/g to the friends, and 50/g to the "guys on the corner". Many of SEMI-fond memories, more like, "I can't believe we lived through those years", often followed up by a close pal saying in dismay "I KNOW..." LOL, Either way, people are people and we do what we want, even the shit that we look back on later and think, was that really worth it?

cary schellie

Active Member
the guy weighed it in front of him but didnt offer him a bump. Trippy is most likely embarrassed now that he got ripped off. Always try before you buy and if they wont let u try its fake


Well-Known Member
BOTH posts by canndo were SPOT ON! It should be of a crystalline form more than a powdery form, and will usually have a very heavy smell, i relate it to new plastic vinyl being taken out of a package, kinda like a blow up toy for a swimming pool.. similar. And when I had it, mind you it was many years ago, It was going for 35/g to the friends, and 50/g to the "guys on the corner". Many of SEMI-fond memories, more like, "I can't believe we lived through those years", often followed up by a close pal saying in dismay "I KNOW..." LOL, Either way, people are people and we do what we want, even the shit that we look back on later and think, was that really worth it?


We often got coke that smelled of bubble gum. We found that smell was indicative of very pure coke - with a twist, the smell is a result of destruction of the coke. It breaks down as a result of too much acid or a bad last wash, so it was pure but it was degraded,the degradation introduced an element to the high that was dull, it tended to reduce that vivid, bright, airy feeling that good coke introduces.

Another smell was dirt socks, a musty dry smell. The coke that smelled like this was pure as well and we never determined what caused that slightly unpleasant dusty, dirty laundry scent. Of course one could usually smell the remains of the final wash. We would attempt to let the bulk of it dry out, either under a heat lamp or just on a warm surface. As time passed and the DEA managed to crack down on large purchases of acetone, we would smell benzene or kerosene (although I don't think kerosene was the final wash). These products tended to cut the backs of our throats like a razor and I would usually re-wash them as benzene is carcinogenic. Interestingly, that final solvent wash weighed quite a bit. When this stuff was packaged just after completion we could lose as much as half an ounce in a pound when we let it dry properly.

There was a scent that could only be described as "creamy" that singnaled a quality product - the smell was similar to the scent of vaporized freebase. Finally however, the best coke (but also the most cut) would have no scent at all.
Usually when I got mine, it was in block form, with brown packing tape, or other colors, but would still be very much moist with the acids they use to produce it, and that is what i was smelling, I cut it open aired it for a few days, and off to the streets it went. so as far as my described "plastic/vinyl" smell, that is certainly the acid. Its not fun to do when moist and fresh off the boat, or sub... lol burn... ouch! :cry:
Mine was of the pearl-escent nature, flakey and crunchy after drying, with an almost pharmaceutical smell/nasal taste after doing it.... I never liked coke, actually hated it, because of what I saw around me, but when I had the money and was trying to monopolize things in my town, I started picking it up and of course doing it. The rest was history. Thankfully so.


New Member
You know it's good coke when
#1- It's in rock form (less chances of it being cut.)
#2- Has a yellow tint to it (don't know why but all the really bomb coke I had had yellowish tints)
#3- Is more crystally then powdery


Well-Known Member
It's almost immpossible to look at coke and know how good it is. Pharm coke is power. I seriously doubt that your coke is that pure. Rocks mean nothing almost every kilo that comes into the US is recon if not it is usually reconed here or just simply cut. The cleanest, purest coke will usually snort very mild with a medicinal smell to it, and the high will also be very mild- no jittery speedy high. More of a quick rush with a fading uplifting feeling that will last until it stops dripping down the back of your throat. Ive melt-point tested lots of samples and you would be surprised how low percentage most coke really is, even straight out of a sealed kilo. The crooks know what there doing and have perfected it to maximize profits. They are out to decieve and they do it well. Learn your coke and some simple tests before spending much money on it. There is an easy clorex test that can be a start. Even something as simply as disolving a little in some water will tell you something. If you cant melt- point test it you have to rely several different easier tests-it takes some experience to recognize quality.


Well-Known Member
It's almost immpossible to look at coke and know how good it is. Pharm coke is power. I seriously doubt that your coke is that pure. Rocks mean nothing almost every kilo that comes into the US is recon if not it is usually reconed here or just simply cut. The cleanest, purest coke will usually snort very mild with a medicinal smell to it, and the high will also be very mild- no jittery speedy high. More of a quick rush with a fading uplifting feeling that will last until it stops dripping down the back of your throat. Ive melt-point tested lots of samples and you would be surprised how low percentage most coke really is, even straight out of a sealed kilo. The crooks know what there doing and have perfected it to maximize profits. They are out to decieve and they do it well. Learn your coke and some simple tests before spending much money on it. There is an easy clorex test that can be a start. Even something as simply as disolving a little in some water will tell you something. If you cant melt- point test it you have to rely several different easier tests-it takes some experience to recognize quality.

I could agree with most of what you are saying, except for one thing. It makes no economical sense to cut coke before it is smuggled. the point is to move the purest product you have over the border as weight and space are at a premium. Now that is not to say that smugglers would hold out for pure so much as that they would hold out for substances that were fresh out of the jungle labs - if that product was inferior, so be it but to lay in a cut only to pack it and ship it in a boat or the bottom of a gas tank or a submarine or in the belly of a poor frightened chicano woman doesn't make sense, and cartels are nothing if they don't most often make a deadly, utilitarian form of sense.

I used to believe that middle men would never cut coke to the point that it didn't get folks high, because the fundamental libertarian theories would be violated. I was wrong, I've seen some pretty whacked up stuff, but for the most part, especially today with the inferior quality of most coke I have ever seen (and don't think that I have experienced large amounts of bottom rung blow because I pretty much quit when the stuff got to the point where one COULD easily quit), for the most part it is just badly made or badly refined product. I am not sure that this isn't all for the best. I figure that for once, the DEA did good - at least to their level of "good", they pretty much killed the coke enthusiasm by reducing the quality to the point where it no longer has that alure, now it is just one more oh well, powder and a hell of a lot of otherwise experienced drug users don't know what good blow is all about.

In my opinion, that may be for the best. I once had a guy offer me the sole means of support for him and his family, his icecream truck, for two ounce of my product. Luckily my sense of humanity kicked in and I refused - further I told him that i would no longer sell to him but he could come by once a month for a tiny taste cause I enjoyed his company. Last I ever heard he still had not only his truck but his two kids and wife.


Well-Known Member
Some cuts do make sense before smuggling. Levamisole is added in production countries because it apparently makes the coke hit you harder.
Also big crystals like that are usually made by melting crystals together rather than an indicator of good purity.