Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yo D-S-T and guys and gals. Just got back in town, and couldn't stop thinking about flipping the switch the whole time I was on vakay... is that weird? So it's going to happen in the next few days. Just have to get some soil together and plug in my 6-0-0 and it's go time. Oh. And maybe make a scrog or four. Gonna go drink some coffee and pilage through the thread to see what's up. Hope you're all well.


Well-Known Member
Im just happy things have gotten better than worse in respect to ignorance surrounding cannabis. It's funny how some patients go from newb to connasuer lol, one friend calls himself a trichrome slut lmao,.
Ignorance can turn into strong advocacy when lots of zeros are behind a number lol. Sadly, its all about the money in the states that are leading the movement.

when i first thought about it, i figured giving the patient 1/2 of whatever my yeild was would be fair. maybe more. i know what it costs to grow and i hired people and companies for a living so i know all about expenses for leasing buildings, paying permits etc.

1 oz a month just doesn't seem fair in any way. one asswipe was basically saying fuck the patients. they should be happy to get anything for "free".

when i'm giving you the legal permission to grow a decent amount of pot, i think i deserve more than what spills off the table and you're not giving me anything. it's mine. you're just the monkey i let water my plants.
I don't think a patient should expect anything for nothing. There's just too much time and effort put into making good dank and I don't have the time to do anything for free lol.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here experiance a sap like substance a clear goo dripping off ur plants all over my plant there is a clear goo oozing from my plants
Not shure if u can c it but here is a leaf with some I couldn't focus on the plant.and get a shot when chopped will have follow up pics



Well-Known Member
Has anyone here experiance a sap like substance a clear goo dripping off ur plants all over my plant there is a clear goo oozing from my plants
Not shure if u can c it but here is a leaf with some I couldn't focus on the plant.and get a shot when chopped will have follow up pics
Peculiar... What are your heat and humidity levels?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here experiance a sap like substance a clear goo dripping off ur plants all over my plant there is a clear goo oozing from my plants
Not shure if u can c it but here is a leaf with some I couldn't focus on the plant.and get a shot when chopped will have follow up pics
Its a gigantic fucking trichome, smoke that bitch and see what it does!


Well-Known Member
I have had sap coming from the trunks of my outdoor girls before, but nothing as clear as that...the sap looked like jizz....

Has anyone here experiance a sap like substance a clear goo dripping off ur plants all over my plant there is a clear goo oozing from my plants
Not shure if u can c it but here is a leaf with some I couldn't focus on the plant.and get a shot when chopped will have follow up pics


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here experiance a sap like substance a clear goo dripping off ur plants all over my plant there is a clear goo oozing from my plants
Not shure if u can c it but here is a leaf with some I couldn't focus on the plant.and get a shot when chopped will have follow up pics
I have not encountered transparent fluid no, but i see a leaf with a whole lotta trichrome going on! Well done method. Sure that aint someone's drool? Cant wait to see full flower pics!


Well-Known Member
I have not encountered transparent fluid no, but i see a leaf with a whole lotta trichrome going on! Well done method. Sure that aint someone's drool? Cant wait to see full flower pics!
That's not frosty the pic in my avatar is frosty and yes will get full flower pics its got great color some parts are like a light cherry red under the leaf and the bud itself has dark purple highlights
this was a clones sold to me as girl scout cookies but it's not few people I showed in person say cherry pie but who knows


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm a shit head because I see an ounce a month as a hell of a deal for a patient. You get an oz a month for basically nothing. What's the problem?

I think it's one thing if you are actually 'caring' for someone who needs 'medicine' vs. getting your buddy to get a licence he didn't have in the first place, just to give you rights.

And trip out. Express, you were just in my dream (no homo)... I wake up and here you are in the 600. Freaking me out.

EDIT: Also as far as I know, you can give your rights to anyone and everyone who is allowed to be a caregiver. Meaning all the 30 co-ops I've walked into in my life.... they ALL have my patients rights giving them larger exemptions. So industrious people could be getting free ounces all over the place.
i'm in AZ. getting a card here is not the joke it is elsewhere. i'm talking about patients, not stoners with a script cause they stubbed their toe. although i know this can be quite painful. :)