Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
heph some people prefer a more mature figure . . . i dont really find tall 12 year old boy frames with nice tits attractive

ive dated skinny girls . . . they always go ow ow or not so hard .. maybe i met the wrong girls


Well-Known Member
Lahada is very attractive, obvious.

Women that are very attractive are quite common. I see women literally all the time that are very attractive. Many an attractive lady I wouldnt have sex with, many I would...

Personality... attitude... personal integrity and character.... thats what gets me ;) ... i suppose thats why Im not attracted to lahada

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and i am not implying or imfering, just saying

lehada hasnt provided one photo that proves to me that she is a she . . . . . . i do not think you are a dude i take your word for it, my point is you could be lying , tbh heph there is zero proof that what you fap to is more than the image lahade wants to express

so why get so worked up over her, and personality is way more important than looks at least for me, im here for the long hual not the saturday night special


Well-Known Member
could just be a dude showing off how hot his girlfriend is because he gets off on the "jealousy" ;)

I was always proud to be with my lady when I was with her, and had no issue showing that pride, others jealousy inflated my ego....


Well-Known Member
could just be a dude showing off how hot his girlfriend is because he gets off on the "jealousy" ;)

I was always proud to be with my lady when I was with her, and had no issue showing that pride, others jealousy inflated my ego....

it could be a dude showing off his new breast implants as well. ;)