Got a Christmas present - Opana


Well-Known Member
So I was just given two 20 mg of Oxymorphone. What do I do with them? What should I expect? are they any fun?

I don't know if they are er or ir but how much should I take and how?


Well-Known Member
I would guess they are old. I have done some preliminary work - I read that they don't have much of a euporic effect - is this true? and is it true for every mode of ingestion? I found that the hydromorphone I was given some time ago pretty much only made me sleepy when I ate the pill. I figured that they weren't really of much interest to me and turned my nose up at another gift (different guy), but I got a few of those recently and tried snorting them, WHAT a difference, now they are my second all time favorite.


Well-Known Member
I can't say how euphoric they are as I've never had oxymorphone but I've been told they're good but have a harsh comedown.
So you saw the light that it Dilaudid? Good for you! Plugging them is probably a blast too.


Well-Known Member
Opana is very strong, you will most likely be nodding if eat the whole thing. I do believe the comedown is shittier than most opiates, but it's really strong.


Well-Known Member
I used to get the 40s, if you have a low opiate tolerance then i know 1/4 off the 40 would do me pretty good at first, dont take both together though for sure if you've never taken them. I only snort them though, the effects of taking them arent as nice. But i will say its one of my favorite highs just to sit back and nod but very addictive if you have that personality type. I do and luckily I caught myself before it got to bad. Enjoy yourself I would just do one for starters that should fuck you up real good if you snort it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was stunned when the FDA let Endo market Opana. It had been pulled from the market in '72 because of rampant abuse.


you have to sniff opana, oral bioavail. is really low with opana, especially the new ones, is it a stop sign pill or round? prob round, they sorta suck now adays lol but i wish i had some :)


Well-Known Member
is it the green opana stop sign shape? or the new circles (blue or green i forget)? the old ones just have a coating like the old OCs, just take that off and snort about 10mg with your tolerance. if its the new ones, they are a pain in the ass. I've seen people using a dremel to get it to powder. can't lie, it worked good when I snorted it that way. with the old ones, there is kind of a waxy substance throughout the entire pill. so that can kind of gunk up in your nose. but, nonetheless, oxymorphone is one of my favorites no doubt. I liked when they had the IR ones. haven't seen any of those in a long time, except for the IR 10's.

opana is really strong. too strong for most. it's got a very heavy buzz. it's euphoric and energetic for me, but for some it's too much and is just nauseating. and makes them nod-out without ever getting energy.

i remember you saying morphine is you favorite opi. that's like my least favorite, so you may not like opana. just send em here =P


Well-Known Member
Wow, I wish I got some Opana for Christmas haha. I'm just taking a trip to Colorado for my present.


Well-Known Member
Opanas are great, I've only personally snorted them, and it was "like" snorting heroin to an extent. I actually thought they had a really good euphoria, but maybe that's just me. Like mr duck said though the comedowns are pretty harsh. Be safe, and have fun!


Active Member
did my first siboxin last night it was the 8mg strip shit made me feel like i just got done snoting some adirol i was zoomin


Well-Known Member
Opanas are great, I've only personally snorted them, and it was "like" snorting heroin to an extent. I actually thought they had a really good euphoria, but maybe that's just me. Like mr duck said though the comedowns are pretty harsh. Be safe, and have fun!
How is it harsh? Does it make you feel bad coming down or is it because you're just BOOM, sober?


Well-Known Member
i've gotten nasty headaches on the comedown from large doses. sometimes a disoriented pukey feeling too.


did my first siboxin last night it was the 8mg strip shit made me feel like i just got done snoting some adirol i was zoomin
im on suboxone for opiate maintaince, take my advice, stay away from subs, they run opiate receptors, stick to your vicodin and percocet and just be happy with that, please trust me on this. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I can't say how euphoric they are as I've never had oxymorphone but I've been told they're good but have a harsh comedown.
So you saw the light that it Dilaudid? Good for you! Plugging them is probably a blast too.
They are extremely pleasant - HOWEVER, I gave some to my wife - about 6 mg. In half an hour she felt nothing, or nearly nothing. Already feeling it myself I nonchelantly laid out another 4 mg and she hooted that down. Within minutes she said "Um, I think I took too much". My first thought was a drive to the hospital was not going to be too difficult but she said no, all she had to do was throw up and she would be fine. Long long ago we experimented with some extraordinarily strong poppies and we both made ourselves sick - of course after throwing up everything was just fine.

Not so with this stuff. She spent two hours TRYING to vomit, and failing. When she finally managed to do so with the help of some salt water it did no good. It was far from the pleasant evening I had anticipated and of course it was a waste of 12 mg of this stuff. Duck, I don't practice overt "drug seeking behavior", I made it known a long time ago that I enjoy opiates and I accept whatever gifts are given me but I will not overtly look for quanties - seeing it as a treat. Given that, 12 mg was indeed a waste.

At any rate, I would warn people with low tolerance - if you ever encounter this stuff be very carful, you could turn a luxurious evening into a night of salmonella like discomfort.

I don't understand though - I did my due diligence and found that oral availability ran from 30 to 50 percent, nasal ran from 30 to 55 percent or so - there must be some other effect than simply bioavailability there - oh, and I found that plugging supposedly had no higher availability than oral.

There is something nice about 4 mg followed by another 2 and then another 2 - this for me precludes plugging, as once a day using that route is plenty.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was stunned when the FDA let Endo market Opana. It had been pulled from the market in '72 because of rampant abuse.

Read that this stuff was subject to dose dumping when combined with alcohol in any amount. I was given to understand that all of the plastic matrix time release formulations were the same - I guess not. Seems that hooking down a 40 and chasing it with a couple of beers wrecked the old ER conction and the whole thing gets absorbed at once - now THAT would be sort of a shock "dude, that is the strongest can of Coors I have ever had"


Well-Known Member
you have to sniff opana, oral bioavail. is really low with opana, especially the new ones, is it a stop sign pill or round? prob round, they sorta suck now adays lol but i wish i had some :)
Stop sign. that is the old type?


Stop sign. that is the old type?
yes the stop sign version is the older, better version, they do gel but NOTHING like the new round ones, the round ones are like the OP oxycontin formula, a true waste of time IMO. if you hae the stop sign, ocatgon 20mg pills that say 20 on one side and nothing on the other, then i wish i was you, they are awesome, and very hard to find anymore, or so ive heard, i no longer partake in opiate usage, im on suboxone maintaince. :lol:


Well-Known Member
How is it harsh? Does it make you feel bad coming down or is it because you're just BOOM, sober?

My question as well, most opiates take a long time to dissapate in my system - I will feel the effects of 20 mg hydrocodone the next morning after I took them the previous one. (I tend to use my opiates as early in the morning as possible - it is farily well known that many drugs have more of an effect just after one rises in the morning). Of course that fentanyl I had a month or so again jimmied my carefully guarded tolerance and I don't know if it was really worth it. Got a single patch in my stash and I think I'll save it for 4th of july or something.

So, the "comedown" is just being drowsey or even sleepy for me. One more thing - I know that grapefruit juice has some effect on one's what? liver? inhibiting metabolic pathways for some drugs - I am prohibited from drinking it when I take simvistatin but I am currently checking my cholesterol levels after having lost some weight and putting on 10 lbs or so of new muscle at the gym (thank you thank you thank you - it wasn't easy).

So is there any good effects from that magic juice in this case?