The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
actually do remember readin something about waste
discharge, but think it was like 10% ?

maybe it depends on the quality of the filters
jimmy will know..
No the waste is like 75-80% mate, that's why I'm not getting one.

RO is not a filter as you would think of normally, it's water under pressure passed through a membrane.

"Household reverse osmosis units use a lot of water because they have low back pressure. As a result, they recover only 5 to 15 percent of the water entering the system. The remainder is discharged as waste water. Because waste water carries with it the rejected contaminants, methods to recover this water are not practical for household systems. Wastewater is typically connected to the house drains and will add to the load on the household septic system. An RO unit delivering 5 gallons of treated water per day may discharge anywhere between 20 and 90 gallons of waste water per day."

I'm getting one of these.......

70 quid to buy and a 10.000 litre cartridge costs 15 quid to replace. Brita cartridges are 5 quid to replace and only have a 150 litre or so capacity.


Well-Known Member
prolly same place my physco is of pukka IMO U CUNT!,,, starting new grow in 2 weeks,, il hook u up wen done mate,, mines never ALL SPOKEN FOR!! u get me? and i wont fuk off teh the carribean,, wait i dont owe,, fukit!!lmao

these ones fukka? i mean pukka
Yeh like them but abit cheaper I think there Canadian an they make um there sen so you cut the middle man out......mate with the weed I had to much on order with it bein crimbo so I've left me sen with fuck all an defo gunna run out so letting another Q go will fuck me more plus your a cheeky cunt asking for it for 40 lmao

how much dry trim did you use pukka?or how much do you need think ill get them this crop 23 quid cand go wrong realy can ya?lol
2 plants worth mate but the psycho was big I reckon there was about 3oz but is was some good quality trim an with it bein psycho an slh trim its fuckin dynamite mate been wiping me out clean lol

thought u was popping over pukka?? or u waiting till after new yr?
Shit mate forgot all about it did I reply to ya? Yeh will be after crimbo now mate, I've just lost all me photos long can you recover them from geezer?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Hey yorkie what can you do with the virgin boxes ? All channels and shit like that ? How much we talking ?
I can uncap 'Motorola Surfboard' (Virgin) modems not the TV box but it certainly gets you an uncapped fibre optic line straight to your PC.

As the bandwidth capabilities of fibre optic lines are pretty much unlimited that means you could load up your torrent client and rape the shit out of the bandwidth constantly.

If you had a machine with enough space you could download hundreds of HD files in minutes, 24/7.

"Virgin are giving you 100mb broadband" - Fuck you Virgin, why don't we just jack your kit and get an unlimited connection for the same price?


Well-Known Member
I can uncap 'Motorola Surfboard' (Virgin) modems not the TV box but it certainly gets you an uncapped fibre optic line straight to your PC.

As the bandwidth capabilities of fibre optic lines are pretty much unlimited that means you could load up your torrent client and rape the shit out of the bandwidth constantly.

If you had a machine with enough space you could download hundreds of HD files in minutes, 24/7.

"Virgin are giving you 100mb broadband" - Fuck you Virgin, why don't we just jack your kit and get an unlimited connection for the same price?
How would we go about this :D?


Well-Known Member
Do you think that system will get your ppm down to zero though? Or are you not that bothered and just trying to soften it a bit?
i don't see how a single filter will be anywhere near as efficient as a 3 or 4 stage system..
Is your water metered? We pay a fixed amount regardless of how much we use so I'm not really bothered by waste.

i think it's only the cheap nasty systems with no pump that have the wastage problem anyway.. It seems one that includes a permeate pump, the back pressure is almost entirely eliminated and prevents 80% of the waste water.

No the waste is like 75-80% mate, that's why I'm not getting one.

RO is not a filter as you would think of normally, it's water under pressure passed through a membrane.

"Household reverse osmosis units use a lot of water because they have low back pressure. As a result, they recover only 5 to 15 percent of the water entering the system. The remainder is discharged as waste water. Because waste water carries with it the rejected contaminants, methods to recover this water are not practical for household systems. Wastewater is typically connected to the house drains and will add to the load on the household septic system. An RO unit delivering 5 gallons of treated water per day may discharge anywhere between 20 and 90 gallons of waste water per day."

I'm getting one of these.......

70 quid to buy and a 10.000 litre cartridge costs 15 quid to replace. Brita cartridges are 5 quid to replace and only have a 150 litre or so capacity.


Well-Known Member
letting another Q go will fuck me more plus your a cheeky cunt asking for it for 40 lmao

Shit mate forgot all about it did I reply to ya? Yeh will be after crimbo now mate, I've just lost all me photos long can you recover them from geezer?

40 is the rate! i just paid 30 for PROPPER mates rates!! u cunt! lol

umm can recover most shit,, i got the foresnic shit the police use sumwer, but that wont be needed.


Well-Known Member
40 is the rate lmao u tell him ic3, u have spoken and deceided the rate so its the fucking rate lol

Dunno what m8s u got charging you 30 bloody cheek of em I hope u gave them a slap after handing over your 30 quid.

Pukka actually paid me 40 to take a Q and sent down the fags n rizla to smoke it lol now that's a real m8 ic3 think u need some new pals lmao


Well-Known Member
I'll sort you when I come up ice, them pics an that are priceless mate so gunna have to stop bein tight an sort ya.....I'll sort ya a 2g 8th out no bother lol


Well-Known Member
Haha I even carried him to bed an tucked him in after it aswell lol
you might have a full time job doing that the way hes going lol

hows everyone? i had to laugh reading over the talk of sleep dep. i done my fair share of that and tripped my bollocks off. i got scarface on, its got that gimp doing sign language. i got it on dvd somewhere but i think it got lent out.


Well-Known Member
40 is the rate lmao u tell him ic3, u have spoken and deceided the rate so its the fucking rate lol
fuking damn rite,,, id do one for 140 to each and anyone of you lot!! but i guess im justa big softy, only the ONE at that price tho..

I'll sort you when I come up ice, them pics an that are priceless mate so gunna have to stop bein tight an sort ya.....I'll sort ya a 2g 8th out no bother lol
fuk off priceless u say? ok a oz will cover it :) thats 65 grammes aint it?

so everyone ready for chrimbo>


Well-Known Member
right 50 pound notes whos got em? really looking for these? lol

cheddar is ya best bet the only bet apart from billy, and both seem long gone maybe the caribbean man??? lol


Well-Known Member
honestly rolla only 2 people holding that cut anymore are cheddar n billy so you can demand away unless they reading dont think its gonna help ya m8.