Need Outdoor Strain for Ontario

I've been looking for a outdoor strain for my area for some time, but with not much luck. I'm currently in Ontario with a rather short season, September 15th is the first killing frosts in my area. I used to have a strain for this around here but ran out of seeds and now I don't wan't to waste any money trying to find a good strain. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Iranian G-13 from Dr Greenthumb or Timewarp from Next Generation worked for me. If I grow outside this year I want to try some Freezeland from Smoke a Lot seeds
I've heard good things about the Irainian G-13 just not sure about price, thanks for the info. My buddy actually has some freezeland I might try getting some off him for a backup plan. I'm thinking mabey GG 3 from smoke alot seeds. that sounds like it will for sure finish on time, I'm gonna check more into this strain though to make sure. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
you want skinny leaves, you want a sativa, lucky for you most the plants online are at least 50% sativa. skinny leaves = mold resistant.

i recommend Kaya gold, white castle, pretty much anything hybrid
Thanks for the info, I don't think those strains would finish in time for my area, I have had some good luck with Nirvana's gear though. The Nirvana Ice strain was a good producer.


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for something that will be done early you definatly don't want a Sativa as they tend to take MUCH longer than their Indica counterparts. I recommend an Indica dominate strain such as White Berry which is a decent producer and has a wonderful smell, taste, and smoke and flowers in 50-60 days.


Well-Known Member
I've heard good things about the Irainian G-13 just not sure about price, thanks for the info.
iranian g-13 is $150 a pack or $15 per seed and feminized. I split a pack with a buddy, $75 each. 2 seeds produced 50+ clones and pounds and I still have 3 beans. What is pricey about that?

be ez

Well-Known Member
I ran IG13 this season in Eastern Ontario and they did amazing. Mine finished with ease around the 10th of september after being germed around May 24th. I'm sure if I had started them indoor in April I could have had some monsters on my hands. They are pretty steep in price which is why I'm also looking for a new strain to run this year as I don't have a space to clone and I wanted to run 50+ plants guerrilla style.

I'm personally also looking at Nirvanas Papaya aswell as Texada Northernlights from PeakSeedsBc as a more economical route.

If you are looking for something that will be done early you definatly don't want a Sativa as they tend to take MUCH longer than their Indica counterparts. I recommend an Indica dominate strain such as White Berry which is a decent producer and has a wonderful smell, taste, and smoke and flowers in 50-60 days.
I also ran 10 whiteberry clones a friend tossed me aswell however I wouldn't recomend it at all. I treated mine great and despite the short flowering times they just don't start flowering early enough to finish in our climate. I ran mine to mid-october which was extremely rare weather wise and they still could have gone with another couple weeks to bulk up and because of this ended up with much less yield than my IG13s despite them being much taller plants.
I ran IG13 this season in Eastern Ontario and they did amazing. Mine finished with ease around the 10th of september after being germed around May 24th. I'm sure if I had started them indoor in April I could have had some monsters on my hands. They are pretty steep in price which is why I'm also looking for a new strain to run this year as I don't have a space to clone and I wanted to run 50+ plants guerrilla style.

I'm personally also looking at Nirvanas Papaya aswell as Texada Northernlights from PeakSeedsBc as a more economical route.


I also ran 10 whiteberry clones a friend tossed me aswell however I wouldn't recomend it at all. I treated mine great and despite the short flowering times they just don't start flowering early enough to finish in our climate. I ran mine to mid-october which was extremely rare weather wise and they still could have gone with another couple weeks to bulk up and because of this ended up with much less yield than my IG13s despite them being much taller plants.
Thanks for the reply, I'm hearing nothing but good things about these IG13's I'm probably gonna have to pick up a pack of those once they get some more in stock, I've been looking into Mendocino madness vsb just got some of those in, they sound pretty good. Also looking into Dutch Treat X Northern Lights. All those sound like they could do for my area. Thanks again.


Active Member
you want skinny leaves, you want a sativa, lucky for you most the plants online are at least 50% sativa. skinny leaves = mold resistant. i recommend Kaya gold, white castle, pretty much anything hybrid
you DONT want a sativa, mold resistance is irrelevant if it takes 10, 11, 12 weeks to finish flowering, which would put you into mid to late november with a foot of snow on the ground


Active Member
I ran IG13 this season in Eastern Ontario and they did amazing. Mine finished with ease around the 10th of september after being germed around May 24th. I'm sure if I had started them indoor in April I could have had some monsters on my hands. They are pretty steep in price which is why I'm also looking for a new strain to run this year as I don't have a space to clone and I wanted to run 50+ plants guerrilla style. I'm personally also looking at Nirvanas Papaya aswell as Texada Northernlights from PeakSeedsBc as a more economical route. Edit: I also ran 10 whiteberry clones a friend tossed me aswell however I wouldn't recomend it at all. I treated mine great and despite the short flowering times they just don't start flowering early enough to finish in our climate. I ran mine to mid-october which was extremely rare weather wise and they still could have gone with another couple weeks to bulk up and because of this ended up with much less yield than my IG13s despite them being much taller plants.
i can tell u what has done really well for me outdoors in eastern ontario, whats ur primary concern, yield?
Emerald wonder or Early wonder skunk by Solar warrior, Mighty mite by West coast seed co (or the skunk cross), Seal level by Mighty Mite seed co..
Last year my buddy in East Ontario ran Sour 60 by Mdanzig and it turned out really well, crystally, smooth potent smoke.. Kind of like some hard hitting hydro-grown indica.. and done like the first day of september. He vegged first indoors under 24 hrs til they were bushy and planted them in prob 20gal holes from 10gal containers.


Active Member
i can tell u what has done really well for me outdoors in eastern ontario, whats ur primary concern, yield?
Hey I'm in southern Ontario and looking for a high yielding good smoke that finishes relatively early, like end of Aug start of september. Let me know if you have any strains in mind.


Well-Known Member
Emerald wonder or Early wonder skunk by Solar warrior, Mighty mite by West coast seed co (or the skunk cross), Seal level by Mighty Mite seed co..
Last year my buddy in East Ontario ran Sour 60 by Mdanzig and it turned out really well, crystally, smooth potent smoke.. Kind of like some hard hitting hydro-grown indica.. and done like the first day of september. He vegged first indoors under 24 hrs til they were bushy and planted them in prob 20gal holes from 10gal containers.
I didn't know Mighty Mite Seed Co was still in business. Where can you find their seeds?


Female seeds has several fast flowering outdoor plants. I grew their Outdoor Grapefruit last summer a bit below you at 42N. Popped the seed 3rd week of Apr planted direct to soil mid-may and harvested 1st week of Sep. Potency was just as good as their their indoor Grapefruit - the plant was 6'+ tall and yielded 9 oz dried. I would like to try their Purple Maroc this year which is even faster - 7 week flower.

be ez

Well-Known Member
i can tell u what has done really well for me outdoors in eastern ontario, whats ur primary concern, yield?
Bag appeal is my biggest concern followed by potency then yield and so on. I know of people who just try and mass produce shitty bud to sell for dirt prices but that doesnt interest me. I'd rather have a above average product with bag appeal and get less of it but have people enjoy it. I was talking with a guy who suggested Great White Shark or Powerplant for high quality commercial yields around these parts. What would you suggest?


This was what I replied to another thread with similar question:
  • ive grow pineapple express from g13 for 2 years. Never get mold and i am near syracuse ny. usually finishes early ocotober. This is how I do it:
    pop 5 pack of g13 pineapple express and plant them in early spring as most people do when starting outdoor crops. But around mid june, I cut the 5 plants up into about 10-15 clones each. Leaving the 5 original seedlings/mothers very small, so I just let them go and don't expect much yield from them. Now here is the trick to finishing early. I keep the clones inside and under 24hrs of cfls. I keep them in party cups and I top a few times just to keep them under a foot or so. I transplant the clones to huge holes of amended soil early in july, right when the light cycle changes. This makes the small clones start flowering much faster than the 5 seedlings that were left vegging outside the whole time. Because the older ones are gradually getting use to the slow light cycle change, they slowly start flowering around the begining of august. But the clones are going from 24hrs of light to 14hrs light/10hrs dark, they start flowering mid july, and are in full flower by august. You get what I am saying homie. Regardless of strain, you can use my technique to help harvest early and avoid mold. I can usually take down an 8 week strain by october. I have tons of pictures to show everything i have mentioned if anyone is interested.​
