Check Out My Lady


Well-Known Member
Cheetah, wanted to pay my respects on a soon to be dead plant. was a wondrous grow man. amazing how one plant can thrive so much when it doesnt have to share any light with others. maybe my grow will end half as nice, but ive got no HID currently. just about 275 watts of CFL on her. if my maths right. cant wait to see your next project.



Well-Known Member
Wow Cheetah, awesome grow. Can't wait to see that harvest. If my first grow turns out half as good as yours did I'll be real happy!


Well-Known Member
yeh man, HID Lights do something to those lil cameras, for some reason. Found that out the other day when my friend tryin taking a pic with his Iphone, had a great picture but it had all those lines