Welcome New Members!

Sorry to come on your post asking for help but im a newbie between a rock and a hard place :wall:. Im about 4 weeks from seed, im growing in ffof with 25% added perlite im watering with 6.5 ph tap water and my runoff is coming out at 5.0. The only reason I complaining is because I have some type of deficiency or slight nute burn do to me adding a half of tsp of the General Hydroponics Flora Nova Grow nutes (7-4-10). Im growing in a 3x3 tent with a 400w mh reflector hood my temps stay between 72-75 degrees and humidity between 45%-65%. I don't know what the issue is so any help would be appreciated. By the way the strain is white widow/big bud from attitude. Pic are below. (I keep hearing that lime will buffer my ph but idk.)

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Hi, first post.. had to register to see all the pictures:) Been coming to this site for questions i've had for some time now...but now i get to post and see what ive been missing. Just sayin high.


Hi Guys, I love the info on these forums, sifting through it all is intense at times. There are so many factors to watch out for temp, humidity, Co2, mediums, lights, ppm, stealth etc. What are the main things I should be focusing on in my first grow regarding growing a quality smoke and preferably a nice yield in that order.


Greetings: Spokane, WA resident trying to grow for personal, (brown thumb) :cry: I am trying. So came here for tips and meet new friends. Thanks awesome forums. Anyone able to offer suggestions or suggest a thread for starter kits?


Well-Known Member
New to this site, not new to growing. Was on another forum back then. Decided since I was starting a new grow after taking a year off, to sign up and show my progression and share tips/tricks.


hey newbie here, just signed up today or yesterday, and started posting for advice and useful information. Everyone here, that I've talked to have been very accommodating, and I appreciate that. I'm a firm believer in "Knowledge is Power", and that We should all have the power of knowledge. Anywho, here's a few pics of my little girl that some people here helped me with. had to raise the plant to get closer to the lights, and tie her town a bit, but she'll be fine :DView attachment 2455720View attachment 2455721View attachment 2455722
I really appreciate all the people here who know more then me, and are willing to spread that knowledge my way, and I hope we become life long friends!


Hey all. Long time smoker, never grew before. Figured it was time. Tired of the hassle and cost for crap.
Greetings from India all.

Have been lurking on the forums for a while soaking in as much info as I can. I am now ready to start growing the holy herb at home so figured I should sign up so that I can ask advise from all you gurus on here.

I have just potted some local seeds after germinating them to get the beginning of the root to pop out. Let's see how it goes. Next step is to build a grow box that looks inconspicuous enough to get busted by the folks :mrgreen:
hey hows it going. been smoking for almost 20 years. Sick of paying for it so doing my homework before i stops paying for it. NOt only the price is bad but the bud is not worth it either. i really dont want to screw it up, so i rather do some homework and see whats best for where i live and any other situations i may run into


Active Member
Hey all, First post for me. I've got the hankering for a grow. A couple of years ago I grew a decent plant on my balcony outdoors. Germinated in Spring and harvested at the end of Summer. I had a yield of about 6 grams. Here is a pic.

This time, after following and reading through quite a few journals here, I'm inspired by all your awesome grows. I'm get my head around my plans and fully activated my learning switch! I'm going to go with a stealth, mini fridge or cabinet, LED set up. I have a long way to go and am going get a good light and be resourceful with the rest, I'm also leaning toward a Deep Water Culture hydroponics system to boot... and I'm looking fwd to earning my independence from the hassles of finding a dealer. :leaf: Make a difference!


New guy here to the trailer park. Kinda interested in doing a micro grow, something in 5-gallon containers (1-2 plants). Need to read through the FAQ's before I start asking questions.



Hey all. brand new to the site. live in USA and in an area where commercial weed is about all we get. looking to learn how to produce my own worth the trouble of grinding and loading into the bong. Don't want to pay the outrageous prices for the medical that comes through here from time to time. The only grower i know lives in Canada so it is rather hard to share hehe. Anyhow, i just found this most awesome site and will peruse the posts before i ask to many questions. Wanted to intro myself and with that done, Happy New Year!!! FI! (fire it up)
Hello all. Just starting out with indoor grow. I'll be checking out journals and would accept any help on starting my grow room. There is much to learn so if anyone can lead me to a site with helpful info for a newbie I'd greatly appreciate it. Happy New Year!
I'm trying to find out what is the best temp and humidity for my closet grow room(6'x4'x2'). Can someone give me some numbers and is there a formula? Right now at 82 degrees with 39% humidity.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Hi new guy to this forum I am on other sites I grew for ten years then stopped for years was in a relationship with kids so I grew outside a couple of times I grew a plant last year but I killed it trying to kill fungus gnats. I'm a month or so from finishing two big plants with a vertical 1000 mh in a reflex shield that i defoliated every couple of weeks they might be a little too big I should have gotten a few more feet of reflex.


Hello everyone just stopping in to post my first post saying hello. I am very excited to finally be a part of this community and learn more. I've been actively cultivating MJ for a few years. I was fortunate to have been brought up by my farming family an leaned a lot of methods and nutrient practices very young from my dear mother. I look forward to sharing my knowledge as well as expandig as well. Peace and Love to all!