Help me agggggh


posted yesterday and the problems is worse, the leafs are turning yellow and the leafs are very brittle you touch them and they break.

used tomato fert one time usedabout 1ml for 5 liters but flushed it few hours later.

the temp is 80 and humidity is 40%, been using tap water which i used ph down to bring to ph 5.9, its been happening to every grow so need to know to stop this.

there seems to be loads of white roots outthe rockwool so they ok,

please help me.


the plant leafs seems more yellow with yellow spots



Well-Known Member
and the leafs are bending down a bit
...those look ok man but if you are having recurring problems in all of your grows to date then maybe you should investigate a less complicated style of growing, ...hempy-buckets are a passive form of hydro that is super easy to learn and to use and because it's easy, if there is a problem it is easily dealt with.

...then feed using MaxiBloom from seedling to harvest until you gain some experience.

peace, bozo

btw, if you need links to threads where you can study the use of MaxiBloom as a one-part nutrient regimen or in the use of hempy's let me know and i'll post them up.


Well-Known Member
I didn't prepare any of my mediums properly in terms ph and washing on my first grow and it played buggery with my ph causing lockout etc


Well-Known Member
Probably not the pebbles then if you washed them thoroughly. I found as my plants grew out of the rockwool into the pots the issue calms down with the yellowing. They will be ok anyway mate if you continue to look after them well :)


Well-Known Member
Hiya M8,

In the first pic, I notice the light green algae on the rockwool. You need to cover it ( piece of plastic, mylar ) so that stops growing or it will be very detrimental to the grow. It allows many forms of fungus to take hold. Get rid of the mold and get the ph right on the water and you should be fine.

Peace and Great Grows

thanks for your reply

yeah use the pebbles but still green will try get plasic rockwool covers

been ph dowing my water to 5.9 will try get it down bit more to 5.6 or something you think should feed it now? got some ph perfect nutes


Active Member
they dont look to bad to me either, lots of young ones go thru lots of things. the next time they need a drink, mix one or two tsp of epsom salt, to a glass of warm water, then after its dissolve ad it to gal of water. give em a drink of this. if they are low on mg, this will fix it. if not, no harm done.