1st time, 27 days from wet seed..


Active Member
My first real trouble showed up today. Something got in my buckets and rooted and nibbled on the base of my girls. No major damage but I'm sure whatever it was will be back. Do mice and rats like my plants and if so how any tricks to get them to stay out?? Here's a few pics before they get pruned and cloned.



Active Member
are they autos?
No way I would know as this is my first time. I put 12 seeds found from quality medicine, 3 of which were white, into a propagation tray without dome 30 days ago and this is what I have left. I am hoping for girls. My lights are 24/0 so I don't think they are auto but who knows. Thanks mccray!!


Active Member
A little history on this plant, I broke the main stem a couple of weeks ago and then broke off one of its branches a week ago so I now have a five inch main stem with three massive branches that are about 14 inches tall. I've seen where they don't sex until a week or so into flower and these have been under light 24/0. Is this plant flowering or is this just my first plant to pre-flower?? This plant doesn't fit my plan so no worries either way but I'm guessing male. The big ball growth does have a long hair coming out of it, but these little balls have shown up at all of its nodes. Also is it possible that this plant is an autoflower and how common is it to come across one. Bmeat, it may very well be am auto. Pic not the best...



Well-Known Member
Keepa close eye on them, hard for me to see, but if they start looking like little bunches of green grapes, that is a male and unless you intend to breed, off with his head.

I popped roughly 20 regular seeds I killed 5 with my dumb ass and ended up killing 8 males out of the bunch so far. There are still 2 that have not disclosed thier sex to me as of yet, but they are about 2 weeks behind the others.
Your plants do look very healthy, kudos to you on that.

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
I'm now 33 days into cutting my light on for 24/0 and starting my first fun growing experience. I just got rid of two more plants, both of which I had stressed and both looking male, one with raised balls (could have been new growth but they had popped up everywhere). These two were also the last two left that were planted 2 to a bucket, I will never put two plants in one five gallon pot again!! Well here are my four girls and hopefully the start of my perpetual grow. The range from 13-17 inches and have all been easy growers. Hopefully I'll cut my clones this weekend and turn my light sometime next week. If all 4 take 8 weeks in flower my first grow will have gone from seed to harvest in 90 days!! These pics are taken 5 hours after being fed new nutrients and also my first attempt at lst. These are being grown all organic. Please give me some input as to what you think, thanks for viewing.



Well-Known Member
Believe me when I say your grow space will soon be very very crowded. Its going to be a jungle in there. You dont know this yet because you have never seen it but those plants are going to explode in growth and you may find you have little airflow in the thickness of the branches. If I where in your shoes I would take a few more clones from each plant to enable airflow. Also you never know which one is going to be the pick of the litter so its a good idea to have a few clones of each. I know you probably wont take my advice because you think its going to hurt your plant now that its in flower but it wont. Good luck. Ill be waiting too see just how crowded it gets in there.


Active Member
hey! they looking really good man! i'm on my first grow as well and ill be switching to 12/12 very soon as well :) only that my plants are on their 7th week at the moment but they look about the size of yours


Active Member
Just took 5-6 clones off each plant, gonna leave them on 24/0 until I see some clone roots, take 3 more clones then switch to 12/12. This will allow me to have new plants in clone, early veg and the start of flower. I'm hoping to keep 4-6 plants in flower at all times. So far so good on my airflow, I vent it out 4 times a day and put new air into it 7 times a day with a fan running about 18 hrs a day. I will add a fan pointing up through the branches if they get stuffy. Takes me about 7-10 minutes to move old air out and new in. I know my space will get a little jammed going this far into veg but I wanted to just take my time with my first one. Thanks for the looks and all suggestions, critiques and praises are welcome.



Well-Known Member
where did u take clones from? in the pics i dont see where any cuts were made. im new to this have had my plants in veg from seed for about 4 weeks, and wondering if take clones from top or? also did u top these plants?


Active Member
where did u take clones from? in the pics i dont see where any cuts were made. im new to this have had my plants in veg from seed for about 4 weeks, and wondering if take clones from top or? also did u top these plants?
I have squeezed a few stems until I hear them click but have not cut any tops out. My clones mostly came from bottom of my plants, but I did take a couple of better clones from my mid level. I trim a couple of fan leaves everyday and pinch a stem or two.


Active Member
I hope my flower pics are as healthy as my veg pics. Last boring set of veg pics, 39 days ago I put 12 seeds in and here they are hours before going dark. Good luck girls!! Hopefully my 17 or so clones make as well.

One of my girls is a freak, not only did her main stem branch into two stems, a few branches split into two as well. Did I do this, is this the strain or is this just bad genetics or maybe I just got lucky!!



Well-Known Member
Those things are bushy as fuck... wondering when you're going to start flowering... imo they've been ready for sexing. Would be a huge weight off you shoulders finding out how many females you have, if any.
And also my suggestions are to prone some of those bottom branches and leaves once flowering to help give the flower more source of energy. But that's my opinion.
Best of luck, and let us know how they're going.