Having to turn work down.


New Member
Ugh, have any of you been so busy that you have to turn work down? Between turning a wrench, my union gig, and my grows... man, I feel tapped out here. What's worse is I just picked up a gig that will have me out of town on a 2 week on, 2 week off rotation.

Now I have to deal with having someone else babysit my stuff.

What a freaking juggling act.


Well-Known Member
all the time when I was photographing weddings... we would book up quick during april-nov.
I did that while working f.t with the local court house.. thankfully every wedding we had was on a weekend or late on fridays.

during the slow season we did portraits + commercial work with a winter wedding every once in awhile... we quit the business about 4 years ago.. we still get calls from referrals hoping we will do theirs


New Member
Wish I had your problems. Jerbs are a little harder to come by in the lower 48.
I can do union, turn a wrench, grow herbs and work remotely from the states as well. The numbers don't lie though, Alaska was/is one of the least affected by the "recession".


Well-Known Member
I had to turn down a 6 figure job about a decade ago. It was in Saudi Arabia, no way in hell was I going there at that time. They said it's ok, you'll be bussed in to work have an armed escort on the bus and your compound will be gaurded as well. Fuck all that.


New Member
I had to turn down a 6 figure job about a decade ago. It was in Saudi Arabia, no way in hell was I going there at that time. They said it's ok, you'll be bussed in to work have an armed escort on the bus and your compound will be gaurded as well. Fuck all that.
I'd do it, but there isn't something completely right about my circuitry sometimes lol. I almost took a job in Antarctica but decided the flight there/from would be lame.


New Member
I used to hate working but as I got older, I get anxious and feel worthless if I'm not constantly working on a project during the day.

thats why I do my own shit.I usually go snowmachining 3 or more days a week in Hatchers or P-ville.Not this winter though


Well-Known Member
I had to turn down a 6 figure job about a decade ago. It was in Saudi Arabia, no way in hell was I going there at that time. They said it's ok, you'll be bussed in to work have an armed escort on the bus and your compound will be gaurded as well. Fuck all that.
are you fucking nuts???? dude for 6 figs you could have had all that and your own personal gun on you with a couple of grenades and a rocket launcher, shit like that there is dirty cheap when our government wants to sell it.


New Member
I had to turn down a 6 figure job about a decade ago. It was in Saudi Arabia, no way in hell was I going there at that time. They said it's ok, you'll be bussed in to work have an armed escort on the bus and your compound will be gaurded as well. Fuck all that.

I coulda went to Africa last summer to install fiber optic cable.Big money,big risk.I said no thanks


New Member
Just got off the phone, got another interview on Thursday for an even better job. The kid is off to a good start in 2013. More slope money for me!


Well-Known Member
Pulling cable anywhere in Africa pays mad cash. I applied for a job in Lebanon about 6 years ago. Got all my paperwork G., got permission to travel and work internationally from my parole board, passport was stamped, work visa "APPROVED", and BAM! Israel bombed the shit outta the telecommunications buildings in Beirut. Destroyed buildings that were as old as civilization. Major bummer. I reconsidered the job.

During the I.T. boom in the late 90's and again during the security boom in the late 00's, I would turn down multiple jobs a month. Recruiters would call and leave threatening or insulting voice mails if you didn't respond to them.