Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Gotta love this... Israel restricts Jordan Valley water access

"Palestinians in the Jordan Valley have very little access to water, living on 10-20 litres a day, far less than the 100 litres recommended by the World Health Organisation. In comparison, residents of Britain use around 150 litres a day, according to the UK Environment Agency"

But they'll approve 75% of building permits to start construction in areas where Palestinians have little or no access to water.
what part of "IN ISRAEL" did you miss? that excludes the occupied territories, arabs in israel buy water just like the jews do. just like people in california do, just like people in australia do.

if you dont have a well you have to pay somebody to pump water to you from someplace else.

these "ancient and established villages" (read SHANTYTOWNS) are in the occupied territories, and thus subject to the rules of the military occupation. if the pallies didnt want the occupation to continue they might consider negotiating with the israelis, rather than staging uprisings and murders whenever the talks get too close to a solution.

you might also want to read something other than quatari government press releases and engage your brain. quatar cant even secure it's own borders against their militant islamist insurgency and yet they have the chutzpah to denigrate the israelis for securing their own borders?


Well-Known Member
what part of "IN ISRAEL" did you miss? that excludes the occupied territories, arabs in israel buy water just like the jews do. just like people in california do, just like people in australia do.

if you dont have a well you have to pay somebody to pump water to you from someplace else.

these "ancient and established villages" (read SHANTYTOWNS) are in the occupied territories, and thus subject to the rules of the military occupation. if the pallies didnt want the occupation to continue they might consider negotiating with the israelis, rather than staging uprisings and murders whenever the talks get too close to a solution.

you might also want to read something other than quatari government press releases and engage your brain. quatar cant even secure it's own borders against their militant islamist insurgency and yet they have the chutzpah to denigrate the israelis for securing their own borders?


New Member
what part of "IN ISRAEL" did you miss? that excludes the occupied territories, arabs in israel buy water just like the jews do. just like people in california do, just like people in australia do.

if you dont have a well you have to pay somebody to pump water to you from someplace else.

these "ancient and established villages" (read SHANTYTOWNS) are in the occupied territories, and thus subject to the rules of the military occupation. if the pallies didnt want the occupation to continue they might consider negotiating with the israelis, rather than staging uprisings and murders whenever the talks get too close to a solution.

you might also want to read something other than quatari government press releases and engage your brain. quatar cant even secure it's own borders against their militant islamist insurgency and yet they have the chutzpah to denigrate the israelis for securing their own borders?
You got nothin rat. People don't go to the zionist vermin to get their news anymore. We're wise to your game.

Pathetic argument. Cue zionist backpeddling, nazi innuendo, holocoust denials or anything that will deflect from the ongoing israeli atrocities & war crimes

Don't give Quatar shit, you can't secure your own borders in CONUS

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yes it is for everyone...everyone PALESTINIAN.
My friend learn history...the crusaders butchered the entire muslim population of mercy.
What did saladin do? Islamophobic troll with no idea of reality..u just read the media zionist crap and think ur clued up.
i should learn history? what part of history do you suggest?

the part where arab nomads from many different tribal groups throughout the former arab empire rushed into "palestine" to squat some dirt and establish theemesleves as the de-facto owners of land OWNED by the british crown as a result of it being previously OWNED by the ottomans? the facts are well established, and obvious to anyone who cares to look. during the british mandate period more than 78% of the land currently being called israel was owned by the british government, that land was transfered to the ownership of israel during the establishement of the jewish state. of the remaining portion owned by individuals and communities, 3% was owned by jews outright and remaining 19% was ownned by arabs. of that 19% it was all BOUGHT by jews at exorbitant prices from the owners, which left the tennants and squatters assed out. too fucking bad. if you rent a house, and your landlord sells it to somebody else, you're gonna have to move. if you didnt even rent the land, you just set up a shanty, your shit is gonna get bulldozed.

the "west bank" (which is what could be called "prime real estate" in that region) was GIVEN locks stock and barrel to jordan as part of a deal for peace with the newly founded hashemite kingdom. jordan broke that deal goth their asses kicked, and the west bank was duely REPOSSESED! the arabs aaand hashemites living in the western portion of the jordan river valley (a distinct part of historical israel) have NOT been ejected, ethnically cleanse, or genocided.

NO group has been genocided by israel, as there are MORE pallies now than there were in 1948. the evictions are based on the extensive peele and simpson commission investigations during the mandatory period which determined WHO owned wat puiece of dirt, and who was just lying. the "refugee camps" are full of squatters and opportunists, and their extremely prolific descendants.

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping” ~ King Abdullah of Jordan. 1948

oh snap.

as to "what did saladin do?", he defeated some frenchmen. hardly a noteworthy accomplishment. even less noteable when you consider his forces outnumbered the french by nearly 3 to 1, and the french foolishly left their fortifications to do battle in the feild. wow, he was awesome.

moislems have butchered the population of MANY cities, moslems have raided irish costal towns taking the inhabitants into bondage as slaves, moslems haave violated treaties and plundered people who thought themselvves the allies of the caliphs on numerous occaisions. what does any of this have to do with anything happening today?

israel was a jerwish homelannd, and once again is a jewish homeland. it was NEVER an arab nation, and will never be an arab nation. the jews will not be giving up their homeland again. if the pallies wont negotiate, then they are gonna lose.

to get their own nationn all the pallies would have to do is give up jerusalem and a little bit of a buffer zone around the city, then all of the west bank would be "the nation of palestine" for the first time ever. too bad pallies think they can win thanks to al jazeera and people like you.


New Member
i should learn history? what part of history do you suggest?

the part where arab nomads from many different tribal groups throughout the former arab empire rushed into "palestine" to squat some dirt and establish theemesleves as the de-facto owners of land OWNED by the british crown as a result of it being previously OWNED by the ottomans? the facts are well established, and obvious to anyone who cares to look. during the british mandate period more than 78% of the land currently being called israel was owned by the british government, that land was transfered to the ownership of israel during the establishement of the jewish state. of the remaining portion owned by individuals and communities, 3% was owned by jews outright and remaining 19% was ownned by arabs. of that 19% it was all BOUGHT by jews at exorbitant prices from the owners, which left the tennants and squatters assed out. too fucking bad. if you rent a house, and your landlord sells it to somebody else, you're gonna have to move. if you didnt even rent the land, you just set up a shanty, your shit is gonna get bulldozed.

the "west bank" (which is what could be called "prime real estate" in that region) was GIVEN locks stock and barrel to jordan as part of a deal for peace with the newly founded hashemite kingdom. jordan broke that deal goth their asses kicked, and the west bank was duely REPOSSESED! the arabs aaand hashemites living in the western portion of the jordan river valley (a distinct part of historical israel) have NOT been ejected, ethnically cleanse, or genocided.

NO group has been genocided by israel, as there are MORE pallies now than there were in 1948. the evictions are based on the extensive peele and simpson commission investigations during the mandatory period which determined WHO owned wat puiece of dirt, and who was just lying. the "refugee camps" are full of squatters and opportunists, and their extremely prolific descendants.

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping” ~ King Abdullah of Jordan. 1948

oh snap.

as to "what did saladin do?", he defeated some frenchmen. hardly a noteworthy accomplishment. even less noteable when you consider his forces outnumbered the french by nearly 3 to 1, and the french foolishly left their fortifications to do battle in the feild. wow, he was awesome.

moislems have butchered the population of MANY cities, moslems have raided irish costal towns taking the inhabitants into bondage as slaves, moslems haave violated treaties and plundered people who thought themselvves the allies of the caliphs on numerous occaisions. what does any of this have to do with anything happening today?

israel was a jerwish homelannd, and once again is a jewish homeland. it was NEVER an arab nation, and will never be an arab nation. the jews will not be giving up their homeland again. if the pallies wont negotiate, then they are gonna lose.

to get their own nationn all the pallies would have to do is give up jerusalem and a little bit of a buffer zone around the city, then all of the west bank would be "the nation of palestine" for the first time ever. too bad pallies think they can win thanks to al jazeera and people like you.
Islamophobia at it's best... He takes the bus ads seriously...


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You got nothin rat. People don't go to the zionist vermin to get their news anymore. We're wise to your game.

Pathetic argument. Cue zionist backpeddling, nazi innuendo, holocoust denials or anything that will deflect from the ongoing israeli atrocities & war crimes

Don't give Quatar shit, you can't secure your own borders in CONUS
ohh right i forgot, im a zionist piggie jew...

sorry Adolph, gotta dash off to temple for my mikvah.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And what do zionists say about non jews? Read the talmud recently? Either babylonian or jerusalem editions? Sre how peaceful and loving it is?
herp a derp!

nem jews got a book what says violence is ok for jews, and nem muzzies got one that says they can do as they please to non muzzies...

that must mean it all equals out! yay! bomb vests for everybody!

another mental midget who thinks he is gonna solve the israel/palestine issue by just getting rid of all those dirty rotten jews. brilliant.


Well-Known Member
So when do the Jewish run concentration camps get constructed Kynes?

Oh they already exist. They call them the palestinian territories
Kynes...everything u have stated is lies.
Israel is not a Jewish state...its a racist murdering zionist one.
Your lies about Islam show ur pathetic atempt to indoctrinate...but thank heavens most of the people here are too informed to swallow your crap.
You cannot prove anything you say.
Come with facts .... I can post alot up here...loadsa links....but that wont change a thing because you have your twisted agenda.

Heres a little one for you...Jews used to seek protection in muslim lands from persecution...their continued presense in Iran ,Syria and Turkey are testament to this fact.
Have you heard of The Torah Jews? Not the satanic Talmudic nut cases?
I have many True Jewish friends that despise Israel and know the truth.


Well-Known Member
The Israeli's won the west bank in WAR, just like every body else!........Spin the globe stop it anywhere, every border was defined by strife & war. Why is Isreal any different?.......There are Mexicans that still think California is occupied Mexico. What if they started lobbing rockets?......