First DWC, need advice. Noob.


Hi Everyone.

Ive been lurking for a while, leeching info to help myself produce some mega buds.
So Hi everybody!

Now, cutting to the chase.

Im ozzie but i will try to convert everything to imperial (easier for you i guess)

I have a 50L tub (13.20 Gallons. you call it "rubbermaid", mines food grade).

I have cut 1 x 6" hole in the top for 1 x netting pot.
I have hotglue covered the thing in black plastic (light PROOF) and plan on a making a white plastic dome to fit over everything (reflective)

Now i have 2 questions,

1. How would you best recommend i keep the water level at a constant level. Now i see the advantage of using buckets from a resovoir.
2. What size air pump do i really NEED, i have read 1w per gallon, ive read some really stupid things. I understand the bubbles need to break the surface tension to spash the roots.
Do you think 2 x 100LPH outlets with 2 x 6" air curtains would suffice?

Its a giant tub with a net in the top... 1 plant only. Im seriously thinking of drip feeding with a water pump to deliver nutes to the roots and keep them moist. and then rely on the air curtains for oxygen in the water...

I already have a SUFFICIENT pump (salvaged from my pond, bleached ready to go.) and tubing galore.

So basically is 2 x 100LPH stones/curtains going to be sufficient. (curtains is just "air stone tube", micro bubbles)

I only have limited access to shops as im not in a city. And shipping is always a joke. Im on a tight budget. So cheap and functioning is better then cant afford it, no bud...

Thanks so much guys, im going upstairs now to take photos of things so you have a visual.

IMG_1557.jpg IMG_1558.jpg IMG_1559.jpg IMG_1560.jpg IMG_1561.jpg


Well-Known Member
You don't need air stones but whatever. One more thing to harbor bacteria.

And blimey, mate, some of us are over the water in Los Estados Unidos de Norte America. Ajuuuuuuua.


Thx for the speedy reply.

I wish i had some intelligent sterotype joke to come back with, but alas im way to smashed!

So im going to go with my motto "Keep it simple, stupid".

If i was to buy a cheap little aquarium pump like ( )
It has a minimum size of 13 gallons upwards, so i guess when used in a 13 gallon tub it will be good. You are saying its better to just slip my 2 air lines into the bottom centre of my tub and just secure them?

Im doing alot of reading about air pump sizes, 1w per gallon, 4 times the capacity etc etc, Also not to buy a small pump from the pet store. Im not growing 10 pounds, Im hoping to get close to a pound within 3 months from 1 plant under a 600 watt HPS.

Im thinking of dribbling nutrients in from the top using a water pump, my water pump is quite powerful so how slow are we drip feeding, does it matter about the flow? Too fast the plants cant uptake the nutes?

Please, 1 plant, 1 big tub, dribble feed. Is the pump im looking at going to be sufficient for my goals?

Photos almost ready.


Well-Known Member
5lpm is what i use. Have used 10 lpm before.

You can use an air pump and a farm kit to top feed but its not necessary since ur on a budget. Your plants will get wet from the spray from the bubbling action.

Stones arent necessary either. Im not buying anymore.


lol, broke the friggin lid, used my science brain and obviously put some type of plastic between the hinge and air(covered in CA then hotglued). This is the problem with having no income and wanting to grow weed. beggars cant be choosers.

My Question is not about the viability of my resovoir, obviously im going to put a white plastic hood over everything so the entirety of my grow cupboard is reflective.

I know its funny to look at but i had 2 choices, use glue that i KNOW wont support a fully bloomed plant, or brace it up.

I know its not perfect but as money permits, ill be slowly converting to DWC buckets using the rubbermaid as a resovoir.

Just realised my "donated ballast" is 1000W, fuck me its going to get hot in my cabinet, (australian climate).

im going to just stick 2 x 100L/h airlines into the bottom and just dribble feed from the top as well. I dont trust myself to keep the water at the correct level and im really really concerned that my bubbles may not splash up onto the very bottom of the net.

Constipation treatment gave me the idea, hit it from the bottom and the top at the same time. Like an enema up the bottom and a laxative down the throat.

Probly just overcomplicating a simple thing.

So far everything has cost me under 35 dollars.

1000W growroom @ 5 x 7 x 5 for under 35 dollars.

again, imagine having NO money and trying to grow. hard to get the ball rolling.

ps, im going to put up photos of EVERYTHING soon, so you can laugh some more :))


Well-Known Member
Diablos don't worry just grow.I got 4 plants in 1 5Gl bucket and a lot of days I'm on crutches.I enjoy it just like that.


Well-Known Member
So here you talk about basic makeshift dwc on shoestring budget and on other threads you speak of having retired at 24, having an IQ of 135:roll: and being in possession of a 'superlab' where you make all your millions? I might be missing something here? Is this a joke? Anyway, answers 1. Top up as required ( RESERVOIR's are an expense which may or may not pose an issue) 2. I use 1000litres an hour for 50 litres of water


Well-Known Member
Well I guess he can be retired and not have any money for the rest of his life. Not a genius concept though. Maybe the SuperLab is in very early construction stage and the single dwc will pay for it. The guy in the pic with the filthy hands and bitten nails should take his food off the floor and should have put his net pot in the middle. Stability for all those mega buds. Troll Fail. Who would go to so much effort finding stupid pictures on google to post as a joke? Ridiculous if real or not. I've been reading through this wackos posts, I think he is either mentally disturbed or a cop, or both.