Bud Porn

Typed a LONG reply yesterday and hit "reply" instead of "post quick reply" so I lost it lol. But basically I meant to say that the Blue Widow strain that I'm growing is a cross between Blueberry & White Widow..And that I can't wait to taste it haha

And you've been growing for 13 years and I haven't been growing for a year yet, so let me humbly say that I was just offering some advice that I learned regarding getting feminized seeds by over-flowering. I thought maybe you didn't know since you we're dabbling around with the silver stuff to feminize seeds, but 13 years...I got nothin' on that..
And I got a Chemdawg on the way now from Attitude, so I'll be getting around to that soon!

And wives/girlfriends/girls that are friends haha they all MUST KNOW they they're the center of your world..Mine doesn't let me forget hahah

Damn! I hate when that happens,lol! I get all stoned & do it all the time myself! ;) its all good bro. And yeah,I ve got a "few" grows under my belt,lol.. but you know, just because I've grown that many yr's, it at all doesn't mean I know it all, or anything. By far! ;) I find myself learning "new" grow techniques everyday bro. And 4 real, if you ever see or know anything & you feel like haring it, go for it. I'm up for convo. And love to hear/talk to other growers about there exprience's growing. Hell, you may know somthing I missed in school one day on growing,lol.. ;) same for me, I may know somthing you don't. And talking about this stuff is the way we find out new important information.. ;) 4 real though, if you ever need any help or just wanna shoot the shit, I'm up 4 it bro! And yeah, keep me up to date on your grow! And I'll stop in your grow here & there to see!
Those sativa leaves are gorgeous -- good job! And how nice that being polite gets you free stuff -- if someone asked me nicely if I had a couple of extra this or that lying around to I send it, and I did have it lying around, I would send it! Why not if it's not being used.

I found some pot the other day that may have been super lemon skunk. If it was, it was a great high, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it...
Those sativa leaves are gorgeous -- good job! And how nice that being polite gets you free stuff -- if someone asked me nicely if I had a couple of extra this or that lying around to I send it, and I did have it lying around, I would send it! Why not if it's not being used.

I found some pot the other day that may have been super lemon skunk. If it was, it was a great high, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

Thank you bro! 4 real, means a lot! ;) hey! If you have a grow going post up a few pics.. I would love to see! And yeah "that sativa" you speak of, she's pushing 6 ft tall! I sure hope & pray her stretch is OVER!! And on the free stuff. I had thought to myself, hey self! If I was to ask all these companies if they wouldn't mind letting me try any thing they wouldn't mind me trying, in trade for a grow journal. And I was really nice about it, even when a few turned me down, I still pursued it, kept at it. And have to say it really was worth the time it took me to ask around! A 800 watt LED isn't cheap! But FREE! Ok.. don't have to tell me twice! ;) same with the seeds & the nutes! I would say in the last month or so, I would have to say I've received over 1,800 $ or more in items for free! Just for asking! ;)
you got some nice pink/purple in there. very nice.

Yeah, that would be my 800 watt LED system! Ha! Can't beat it to be free. ;) nice pink/purple glow, the girls love it! I'm working on putting up my HPS 400watt with the LED so I can get a mix going on! ;) another friend/grower helped me come up with the plan/idea. And I think it would make for a great mix/spectrum. Don't you?? Hey! 4 real. If you have any pics of your grow, please post um up! I would really love to see um! I like seeing other fellow growers grows. Makes the day looking at beautiful bud porn,lol.. ;)


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    Hubba Bubba Bomb 1st. Lemon Skunk in back..jpg
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couple pics while lights out to get u semi will get more later when i get out to check once lights are on
couple pics while lights out to get u semi will get more later when i get out to check once lights are on

Hell yeah bro!! Those babies look great!! Keep me up to date on your grow, & you mine aswell. Haha, looks as if you used some sand buckets?! I did the same thing,lol! Dollar store here I come! :) hey! As long as they have drainage holes, that's all that matters! ;) looking good though bro!
i dont do journal m8 haha my lighs on 6pm till 6am so its pulling the smell out over night for my neigbours haha and im normally baked out my head by 6pm and eveing getting them out to feed and look at is a task ha
i dont do journal m8 haha my lighs on 6pm till 6am so its pulling the smell out over night for my neigbours haha and im normally baked out my head by 6pm and eveing getting them out to feed and look at is a task ha

Damn that's a shame bro. The world would benefit from what's going on behind those closed doors i'm sure .
But yeah lad...Safety first. Good stuff tho :joint:
Hell yeah fella's!! Your ladies are looking beautiful as always! ;) well, I thought I would update what all is going on. I had received an order of seeds from Single Seed Centre.com & couldn't believe what they "GAVE" me for "FREE"!! ;) haha.. yup, Danks at it again! ;) all I did was ask nicely, and guess what they threw in, ontop of the freebies they through in already!? They threw is 11 Chemmy Jones beans! ;) I have never grew Chemmy before, but from what I've read on the net, it looks to be a pretty good strain. Has anyone had any grow experiance with this strain?.. Sure would make it a lot eaiser on me..

Well, you'll never believe what happen since I've been away!! :( We had been hearing that here where I live that we where suppose to get one bad mother of a storm!! Well, I really didn't think to awfull much about it since the temps here has been in the upper 50's & 60's! I thought to myself, "yeah right". Boy was I wrong!! They where calling for ice & snow mix!! Well, the day it was suppose to hit, it was raining all that morning, and the temp was in the upper 50's. Well around noon the temp started dropping, & damned if it didn't start snowing!! Well within an hour there had to be atleast 2" on the ground!! Then I herd ice hitting the porch!! Come 8' o clock pm. My wife came through the door & someone she works with had brought her home, & she looked at me funny & asked me if I had looked outside! I then said NO, why? She said there has to be atleast a foot of snow out there. Sure enough there was!! We where getting ready to cook us some food, and the lights flickerd on & off, that happened atleast 3 times. Then they went off, & stayed off!!! I then started thinking OMG!! What am I going to do about my girls that's in vegging cycle!?? Then started thinking about how "cold" it would get down to in the house with NO POWER/HEAT!!!! The more I thought about it all, the more pissed off I got!! There really wasn't much I could do!! :( We then lit a few candles & she made us a few peanut butter & bannana sandwhiches, & we ate by candle light! :) we bundeld up and feel asleep in hopes the power would come back on!! We have two children in the house BTW!! I woke up around 3am or so, & it was so cold in here you could "see" your breath!!! I knew that if we where to stay here like that the kids would be sick & we would also!! + I knew that my "girls" couldn't make it in cold weather at all!! I just knew I was going to loose everyone of them!! So my wife started packing up clothes, and we had to leave & go to her mothers! The only thing I knew to do was put the girls up on the kitchen table, so they wouldn't be on the cold ass floor!! They really needed to be watered!! But I held off, knowing if I didiit would freeze there roots! Before we left I looked at the temp in here & it was 28*!!! The power ended up staying off for 3 days!! I just knew when we got back home all of um where be dead!! I was almost in tears! :( We got home, & I went to my kitchen & really didn't wanna look!! Well, you WON'T believe this!! Everyone of them where ok.. ;) yaaaay!!! They had withstood temps in the 20's guys!! The only thing I seen it did was it looked as if the "tips" of the leaves where burnt, & that's it!! Oh I am so happy there ok!! Even my little Chimmy Jones pulled through, and she had just broke ground! :) I really can't believe it guys!! I didn't think they could surrvive in cold weather at all. I guess where it was only a few days is why.. has anyone else had this happen??

Oh!! Keep the "bud porn" coming guys!! I 4 real would love to see & hear about what your growing & how its going for all of you! Don't be shy!! I made this thread for "anyone" to post up & talk about there grows... So what are you waiting 4??? ;)

Well, I will post up a few pics this eve. I hope eveyone is ok, & made it through the snow storm if it hit anyone!! Well guys, give me a hollar, & don't forget to post up them porn pics & talk about your grow alittle bit if you would.. You guys take care till we talk again..

Your fellow grower friend, Dank. ;)
BUMP! BUMP! ;) BUD PORN GUYS! Come on guys! Post up those pics of your ladies you worked so hard for!! I would love 2 see um!! That's and hear about your grow, strain, etc'.. Don't be shy!! Post um up.. ;)
orlandocb! Damn bro! That bitch is looking seriously goregous!! Keep up the good work bro! So, do you use any type of flowering hardner,such as "Gravity" or Molasses,etc'??
neighbours just giv me the heads up it stinks out side haha,time to get the filter in now, so i will get a few pics of my babys when there out and im fitting filter to ducting
Haha my neighbours sound he upstairs flat im down he said it only on a night time my lights on 6pm till 6am for passage by anyway. But sl put filter in for peace of mind