Hell yeah fella's!! Your ladies are looking beautiful as always!

well, I thought I would update what all is going on. I had received an order of seeds from Single Seed Centre.com & couldn't believe what they "GAVE" me for "FREE"!!

haha.. yup, Danks at it again!

all I did was ask nicely, and guess what they threw in, ontop of the freebies they through in already!? They threw is 11 Chemmy Jones beans!

I have never grew Chemmy before, but from what I've read on the net, it looks to be a pretty good strain. Has anyone had any grow experiance with this strain?.. Sure would make it a lot eaiser on me..
Well, you'll never believe what happen since I've been away!!

We had been hearing that here where I live that we where suppose to get one bad mother of a storm!! Well, I really didn't think to awfull much about it since the temps here has been in the upper 50's & 60's! I thought to myself, "yeah right". Boy was I wrong!! They where calling for ice & snow mix!! Well, the day it was suppose to hit, it was raining all that morning, and the temp was in the upper 50's. Well around noon the temp started dropping, & damned if it didn't start snowing!! Well within an hour there had to be atleast 2" on the ground!! Then I herd ice hitting the porch!! Come 8' o clock pm. My wife came through the door & someone she works with had brought her home, & she looked at me funny & asked me if I had looked outside! I then said NO, why? She said there has to be atleast a foot of snow out there. Sure enough there was!! We where getting ready to cook us some food, and the lights flickerd on & off, that happened atleast 3 times. Then they went off, & stayed off!!! I then started thinking OMG!! What am I going to do about my girls that's in vegging cycle!?? Then started thinking about how "cold" it would get down to in the house with NO POWER/HEAT!!!! The more I thought about it all, the more pissed off I got!! There really wasn't much I could do!!

We then lit a few candles & she made us a few peanut butter & bannana sandwhiches, & we ate by candle light!

we bundeld up and feel asleep in hopes the power would come back on!! We have two children in the house BTW!! I woke up around 3am or so, & it was so cold in here you could "see" your breath!!! I knew that if we where to stay here like that the kids would be sick & we would also!! + I knew that my "girls" couldn't make it in cold weather at all!! I just knew I was going to loose everyone of them!! So my wife started packing up clothes, and we had to leave & go to her mothers! The only thing I knew to do was put the girls up on the kitchen table, so they wouldn't be on the cold ass floor!! They really needed to be watered!! But I held off, knowing if I didiit would freeze there roots! Before we left I looked at the temp in here & it was 28*!!! The power ended up staying off for 3 days!! I just knew when we got back home all of um where be dead!! I was almost in tears!

We got home, & I went to my kitchen & really didn't wanna look!! Well, you WON'T believe this!! Everyone of them where ok..

yaaaay!!! They had withstood temps in the 20's guys!! The only thing I seen it did was it looked as if the "tips" of the leaves where burnt, & that's it!! Oh I am so happy there ok!! Even my little Chimmy Jones pulled through, and she had just broke ground!

I really can't believe it guys!! I didn't think they could surrvive in cold weather at all. I guess where it was only a few days is why.. has anyone else had this happen??
Oh!! Keep the "bud porn" coming guys!! I 4 real would love to see & hear about what your growing & how its going for all of you! Don't be shy!! I made this thread for "anyone" to post up & talk about there grows... So what are you waiting 4???
Well, I will post up a few pics this eve. I hope eveyone is ok, & made it through the snow storm if it hit anyone!! Well guys, give me a hollar, & don't forget to post up them porn pics & talk about your grow alittle bit if you would.. You guys take care till we talk again..
Your fellow grower friend, Dank.