Well-Known Member
Yeah dude if you grow from seed everytime your bug problems wont exist! Its when you bring clones in that you take that chance of getting pests. And here in AZ there aren't any clone nurseries. I been to a couple good ones in Cali that wear gloves and lab coats when they handle clones and what not.. Gnats dont really destroy crop unless you get a major outbreak gnats are more of a nuisance.. Usually nematodes and sticky traps take care of them in the past I also would do a drench using a product called "gnatrol" I think its the powder version of those mosquito dunks.
when i see a gnat slowly flying just out of reach, my hunting instincts kick in. i know the little fucker is laughing at me. getting a second hand buzz off my exhales.
they fly slow but me being medicated makes the fight more even. i tried putting a sticky trap on a string and throwing it at them as they pass by. i didn't think that one out too well.
hand sanitizer works great to get the sticky stuff from the sticky traps off your hands, arms, neck etc.