Arizona Growers Thread

Yeah dude if you grow from seed everytime your bug problems wont exist! Its when you bring clones in that you take that chance of getting pests. And here in AZ there aren't any clone nurseries. I been to a couple good ones in Cali that wear gloves and lab coats when they handle clones and what not.. Gnats dont really destroy crop unless you get a major outbreak gnats are more of a nuisance.. Usually nematodes and sticky traps take care of them in the past I also would do a drench using a product called "gnatrol" I think its the powder version of those mosquito dunks.

when i see a gnat slowly flying just out of reach, my hunting instincts kick in. i know the little fucker is laughing at me. getting a second hand buzz off my exhales.

they fly slow but me being medicated makes the fight more even. i tried putting a sticky trap on a string and throwing it at them as they pass by. i didn't think that one out too well.

hand sanitizer works great to get the sticky stuff from the sticky traps off your hands, arms, neck etc. :)
when i see a gnat slowly flying just out of reach, my hunting instincts kick in. i know the little fucker is laughing at me. getting a second hand buzz off my exhales.

they fly slow but me being medicated makes the fight more even. i tried putting a sticky trap on a string and throwing it at them as they pass by. i didn't think that one out too well.

hand sanitizer works great to get the sticky stuff from the sticky traps off your hands, arms, neck etc. :)

I take a sticky trap or two and I fold it in half and even wipe the stalks of the plants so the gnats cant crawl, and if they try and crawl up the stalk they get stuck !!!
fox farm dont bug me murders shit i spray that on top of the soil when theres gnats. and the the dyna gro neem mixed with there silica all over my veg plants, mothers, and plants at beginning of flower as preventative for white flies mostly. ill spray the top of the soil pretty well to.

i killed 1000+ lady bugs putting them in the room that had that sprayed in there few days before, i didnt think it was that potent or the lady bugs that weak to it but they all died almost instantly :-(
fox farm dont bug me murders shit i spray that on top of the soil when theres gnats. and the the dyna gro neem mixed with there silica all over my veg plants, mothers, and plants at beginning of flower as preventative for white flies mostly. ill spray the top of the soil pretty well to.

i killed 1000+ lady bugs putting them in the room that had that sprayed in there few days before, i didnt think it was that potent or the lady bugs that weak to it but they all died almost instantly :-(

Yeah forgot to mention DOnt Bug me, its pretty awesome like sativa said it kills on contact its just pyrethrum but it will kill a lot of pests.
as far as good clones go. az elevated has some alright ones. i just wish ANS was still open, so far they had the best clone selection by far. no bugs from either of those places. has anyone been to the new first legal dispensary in glendale? is it worth the trip from santan valley?
weGrow Farmers Market scheduled for Sunday Jan. 27th Noon- 4:20. @ 2937 W. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85017

Meds, Clones, DJ, Food, networking opportunities, VAPOR LOUNGE! all at weGrow Farmers Market this sunday
Here's a good one for you
...I have volunteers coming up outdoors and I live at ~4000ft ele. Some single digit AM and highs of 45` Ground is frozen in the morning.

believe it or don't
I am talking about seeds popping in the cold weather we have been having. I have 3 volunteers come up. One came up 2 days ago...after the rain/snow.

I know you all think I'm full of shit! But, I was turning my beds from last season and...1301230009.jpg
Obviously, I have told you all something you didn't know.
A thousand years ago, when Mex was $70/lb, we used to accumulate lots of seed....what do you do with it?????
we tossed it in likely places and pulled more than one crop from "winter rain" to harvest in April/May. A 12/12 outdoors.

you folks that live where it doesn't frost/freeze as much would be smart to give a winter grow a try.
are any of you going to the high times cannabis cup in colorado?

i'm thinking of going but i'm also thinking there will be so many people it will be a mess.

43 days and counting. :)

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i haven't seen any bugs for a few days so i think i'll leave things as is and nuke the room after harvest.

fucking bugs.
you folks that live where it doesn't frost/freeze as much would be smart to give a winter grow a try.

oh you'll get some pretty pictures, but the days aren't long enough to make it worth your while...........TRUST ME!!

last summer my outdoor began flowering the first week of August.....this year I'll probably put a few out for the summer again, but I'm gonna veg 2 or three inside and bring them out late (mid-late Sept) also, that way the 2nd set can finish in the cooler temps, but still be done before the sun cuts out......i'll never roll through Dec/Jan again