defoliation question..... anyone familiar with it?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The point to veg defoliation is by removing the fan leaves you force the tiny leaves on the branches to become fans to replace the leaf mass in about three days making the branches grow faster if done a few times it really makes a dense bush.

Tonight after work I'll update my grow log you can see the progress from day one all the way to now but I have many pictures to sort and upload.
Why in the hell would I want more fan leaves than this?

TrainXSweettooth42DaysFlowerA1_15_04.jpg 39A.jpg

I'm confused. Some of you butchers say you're trying for more foliage by removing it first, some of you are buying into the hype that buds need light to produce. I don't get it. Is you butchering to remove leaves ("cause they just get in the way") or is you aint?

Again, stupid practice based on hearsay, no science, and no Herd consensus as to when, how much, and for how long into a plant's life cycle "one should defoliate". Shysterburgers, based on many of the posts, few seem to even understand the function and value of such solar collectors. As always, you're more interested in forum hype.


Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Does my 54 inch plant look unhealthy?

It was defoliated heavily in veg to create the density I have with these plants I should have defoliated more before and in flower I have lots of immature or non existence bud in the interior that doesn't get light despite half defoliation at 3 weeks flowering.

There is more to than just removing leaves you have to let them leaf out strong before doing it again and only do it to fast growing plants.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Why in the hell would I want more fan leaves than this?

View attachment 2516395 View attachment 2516399

I'm confused. Some of you butchers say you're trying for more foliage by removing it first, some of you are buying into the hype that buds need light to produce. I don't get it. Is you butchering to remove leaves ("cause they just get in the way") or is you aint?

Again, stupid practice based on hearsay, no science, and no Herd consensus as to when, how much, and for how long into a plant's life cycle "one should defoliate".

Yes you are confused look at the post I made with three pics look at the last pic right in the middle beside and above good bud is branches with no bud at all just a few inches away from good bud because the interior gets no light.

Even in the first pic you can see tiny three week looking bud right of the drywall square from top to bottom with big one oz nugs right beside it actually they were on top of them blocking the light buds need some light to develop proof is in the pictures.

Defoliation causes more leaf to develop because it creates more branches making more bud sites making more bud.


Both of those plants together are less then half of one of mine you should have defoliated to get more bud sites nice average plants.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member

  • Defoliation causes more leaf to develop because it creates more branches making more bud sites making more bud.

Says you and pretty much only you. That statement has ZERO validity in the real world. But in your world you have convinced yourself it is true. And how many times are you going to show the same fucking example. Oh thats right, its the only one you have. Sooner or later your leaning post is going to rot away.....

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Even in the first pic you can see tiny three week looking bud right of the drywall square from top to bottom with big one oz nugs right beside it actually they were on top of them blocking the light buds need some light to develop proof is in the pictures.
Let me see if I got this right - you say buds need more light but you proceed to defoliate them during veg which induces the same if nor more leaf output only to cover of the buds?

Yeah, makes sense to me.

Both of those plants together are less then half of one of mine you should have defoliated to get more bud sites nice average plants.
Since when did you measure dry weight much less the height and width of my plants? You got some virtual measuring stick you're hiding from the group?

BB, you have some good genetics working in your favor, but as a person you're all about conjecture and hearsay. It's human nature to see what we expect or want to see. Sorry, but you have not presented any science so your results are not credible regarding a direct cause/effect relationship. There's so many factors going on here (genetics being one of them) it's all plain silly. Even a temperature differential of 10F can have an impact on plant processes for example.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Well, here's a purple Kush with only dead and dying leaves taken off.
I'll see your Kush and bump you up one Sensi Skunk.

This is close to harvest, little to no leaf loss, grown entirely under a HPS from start to finish, solid buds all the way down. Sorry for the horrible photo but this is one of those "you kids have it so good now....back in my days" moments - before digital cameras, about 15 years back. Photo is a whopping 62kb. :)


Treated just like I'd treat me maters. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Do you know what I find funny, not 1 comment about MY big arse plant ? Defoliated vigorously throughveg and early flower. Multiple main colas and bud from top to bottom. How can I achieve this with out doing what I've done. I haven't seen any pics like that and I thought that.that is.the.point to doing defoliating


Well-Known Member
I'll see your Kush and bump you up one Sensi Skunk.

This is close to harvest, little to no leaf loss, grown entirely under a HPS from start to finish, solid buds all the way down. Sorry for the horrible photo but this is one of those "you kids have it so good now....back in my days" moments - before digital cameras, about 15 years back. Photo is a whopping 62kb. :)

View attachment 2516442

Treated just like I'd treat me maters. :mrgreen:
Nice plant UB. Going to try the hps throughout my next run. You and AS seem to have the hps thing down!

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Proof is in the pictures they tell you the story as you can see buds need some light to develop despite your theories otherwise your not use to working with defoliated plants and the density it creates.

I have stated I should have defoliated more before and after flower to eliminate more of the abundance of leaves defoliation brings but keep all of the extra bud sites.

I'll have a huge second harvest I bet at least half of my original crop with all the undeveloped tops defoliation created under the big tops so I get a second big crop with no veg time there are many bonuses to defoliation.

When I cut off my ripe bud you will be surprised at how big the plant will still be with lots of tops with nothing more than a few hairs no real bud at all dispite your hearsay that buds don't need light next your going to say they don't need food or water ether just imagine them and the will happen.

I live in the real world I am doing this and showing great results I have plenty of experience not doing this it doesn't compare.

Your theory is just that facts are in pictures can you see the branch in the middle with no bud beside the bud in the last pic?View attachment 2516451


Well-Known Member
defoliation is a bad idea, unless the leaves in question don't receive enough light. At some point then they become a drain of energy, not a source. But if you think cutting a leaf that's getting sufficient light to let a bud get that light, you should rethink things. Leaves are the power plants.

Now, some of ya'll have been bitching nonstop for years at people that won't listen about this subject. Generally belittling them. Is this productive? It falls into the same category as "beatings will continue until morale improves".