600hps/mh G$C, ChemDawg91, KGDP, Kryponite Kush & Haw. OG (pics)jhod58vw style


Well-Known Member
Hey jhod, hows it goin? I just glanced over your thread. I noticed everything was lookin real good. Do you give a water flush from time to time? I've had soil plants bite the dust a couple of times from too salt built up. Since then I do a feed>feed>water, and always let the soil dry a bit between waterings, which I'm sure you probably know already...just thought I would throw my two cents in. For really lite feeders I've even done a feed>water>feed>water regiment. The way that works best for me when I do a periodic salt build-up flush is to put some sort of catch tray under plant or just take outside and water until you just start to see water come out the bottom, then wait about 5 mins. to let any excess salts dissolve in the wet soil then flush another half gallon or so through the pot, make sure you get a lot of run off, the more run off the more excess salt is removed. Since I've started doing this I never have any problems in soil. Happy Growing man!


Well-Known Member
Roll Call?Thanks Flame

I don't think there is a way.... I'm here thou
Thanks bro

Hey jhod, hows it goin? I just glanced over your thread. I noticed everything was lookin real good. Do you give a water flush from time to time? I've had soil plants bite the dust a couple of times from too salt built up. Since then I do a feed>feed>water, and always let the soil dry a bit between waterings, which I'm sure you probably know already...just thought I would throw my two cents in. For really lite feeders I've even done a feed>water>feed>water regiment. The way that works best for me when I do a periodic salt build-up flush is to put some sort of catch tray under plant or just take outside and water until you just start to see water come out the bottom, then wait about 5 mins. to let any excess salts dissolve in the wet soil then flush another half gallon or so through the pot, make sure you get a lot of run off, the more run off the more excess salt is removed. Since I've started doing this I never have any problems in soil. Happy Growing man!
Appreciate the information. This is actually my 1st time having this problem. Going to try some Cal/Mag plus flush really well. My girls have catchs under them. Thanks for stopping by my grow as well.


Well-Known Member
Anytime bro, hey I'm going to prob being writing up a tutorial this weekend for doing clones if your interested.

OH and here adower I fixed your pic for you :D



Well-Known Member
Yeah bro very interested in seeing your clones & the way you do it in action.
Will do bro, I'll try getting to it this weekend.

Got a busy rest of the week, between replumbing and new water heater and working on outside shit lol

I just feel like I never have enough time.


Well-Known Member
Will do bro, I'll try getting to it this weekend.

Got a busy rest of the week, between replumbing and new water heater and working on outside shit lol

I just feel like I never have enough time.
I've replaced a few waterheaters myself. I use to sell them.


Well-Known Member
Looks good buddy. Got me some Cal/mag today need my girls to dry a bit then flushing them out. Hopefully fix my problem.