Apocalyptic Blueberry


Well-Known Member
So if you can keep the doors open while the lights are one, you can rig the 105w 65k bulb up to sit parallel to the ground right in front it these two.
where? on the closet's ground, between the black cable and the fan ? Have to think at a modality to fix the CFL there... I can keep the doors open but wouldn't that spread the light outside the closet and it will not be concentrated on the leaves anymore? Usually I am keeping the doors open when dark period to get some humidity out


Well-Known Member
You could just put a couple lights sitting on a chair in front like spotlights, theres still three sides containing the light. More light makes more bud :):):)


New Member
where? on the closet's ground, between the black cable and the fan ? Have to think at a modality to fix the CFL there... I can keep the doors open but wouldn't that spread the light outside the closet and it will not be concentrated on the leaves anymore? Usually I am keeping the doors open when dark period to get some humidity out
I figured you had a reflector for the 105 like you do for the 125?? But if you can't fix it up horizonally, just hang vertically over to of one of the closet door and close it a little bit. That way you got something behind the light if you dont have a reflector.
I'm not over there haha so it's kinda hard to give you suggestions as to how to rig it up but i guarantee that if you smoke a spliff and then go in there and just stare at it, you'll have an 10 different ideas within 10 minutes lol :joint:


Well-Known Member
judging from the amount of pistols on them ladies i would say the stretch is pretty much over. they will kick into full swing flower now. i would consider this the begining of week 2 of flower.

everything looks great though, you should really look into picking up a ballast and a HID when you can. so worth it and only 1 cord to mess with. a 400w would work perfectly for you.


New Member
judging from the amount of pistols on them ladies i would say the stretch is pretty much over. they will kick into full swing flower now. i would consider this the begining of week 2 of flower.

everything looks great though, you should really look into picking up a ballast and a HID when you can. so worth it and only 1 cord to mess with. a 400w would work perfectly for you.
Haha the stretch is JUST getting started at wk 2 of flowering bro! Have you been able to judge the stretch by pistils? If so how do you do it?
I kept my plants tied down a few days into week 5, as that's when I noticed that they'd finally stop stretching! I feel like my stretch cam most between weeks 2 & 5!
And if you do go HID Perk, you have to un your ventilation because I don't think 1 fan in a closet would cool a 400w mannnnn! My temperatures bcame instantly manageable once I hook up my duct fan to suck air out. Whn you hook something up to suck air out, you create a passive intake of new air whenever it can seep into the grow area, so it kelps keep the space A LOT cooler :joint: Just my opinon anyways Matt, what you think about it?


Well-Known Member
judging from the amount of pistols on them ladies i would say the stretch is pretty much over. they will kick into full swing flower now. i would consider this the begining of week 2 of flower.

everything looks great though, you should really look into picking up a ballast and a HID when you can. so worth it and only 1 cord to mess with. a 400w would work perfectly for you.
400 would be big in there and if smells not much of an issue just a small inline would work for a cool tube id think :)

Haha the stretch is JUST getting started at wk 2 of flowering bro! Have you been able to judge the stretch by pistils? If so how do you do it?
I kept my plants tied down a few days into week 5, as that's when I noticed that they'd finally stop stretching! I feel like my stretch cam most between weeks 2 & 5!
And if you do go HID Perk, you have to un your ventilation because I don't think 1 fan in a closet would cool a 400w mannnnn! My temperatures bcame instantly manageable once I hook up my duct fan to suck air out. Whn you hook something up to suck air out, you create a passive intake of new air whenever it can seep into the grow area, so it kelps keep the space A LOT cooler :joint: Just my opinon anyways Matt, what you think about it?
2 different stretch guesses here hmm, perk you should measure their height soon so we could compare in a couple weeks ;) im curious to see :)


Well-Known Member
Haha the stretch is JUST getting started at wk 2 of flowering bro! Have you been able to judge the stretch by pistils? If so how do you do it?
I kept my plants tied down a few days into week 5, as that's when I noticed that they'd finally stop stretching! I feel like my stretch cam most between weeks 2 & 5!
And if you do go HID Perk, you have to un your ventilation because I don't think 1 fan in a closet would cool a 400w mannnnn! My temperatures bcame instantly manageable once I hook up my duct fan to suck air out. Whn you hook something up to suck air out, you create a passive intake of new air whenever it can seep into the grow area, so it kelps keep the space A LOT cooler :joint: Just my opinon anyways Matt, what you think about it?
well i dont consider my plants on day 1 of flower untill i have multiple pistol clusters forming. by the end of week 2 generally they have stopped stretching for me. every strain is different though so there is no right or wrong answer. they do continue to grow in height through week 5-6 but the actual "stretch" where they are growing 2-3 inches a day stops for me generally @ the end of week 2 of flowering.

just my personal experience and i dont have that much experience, have only been growing for 2 years now and my first year of growing was a huge learning curve. i only started growign right about a year ago.


New Member
Shit I've been under the impression that the plants sort of go dormant for some time during that first two weeks as they transition into flowering...That's why I was asking :joint:


Well-Known Member
anyways so i dont really judge stretch on the pistols, i judge week of flower on them and then use that judgement to judge how much longer pre flower stretch lasts.


Well-Known Member
Shit I've been under the impression that the plants sort of go dormant for some time during that first two weeks as they transition into flowering...That's why I was asking :joint:
mine dont, they kinda stay the same for the first 3 days or so then they start stretching like crazy. all strains are different though man some stretch more than others so its hard to really judge and be exact. the blueberry is a heavy indica strain which dosent quite stretch as much ad heavy sativa's (so i have read)

but in all honestly each individual strain and plant is going to be different. also lighting and other thing play a pretty large role. like root status, a root bound plant is not going to stretch as much as a plant that isnt root bound (my theory)


New Member
I've got 5 different strains running atm and they three that I started at the same time all stretch and stopped together which is why I chimed in pretty much.
Those 3 are my "big 3" of course :joint:


Well-Known Member
alot of aspects in growing is strain dependent. when you look at "ideal" conditions. one plant may like it 70 and another may like it 85, one might like heavy nutrients the other might like little nutrients....


Well-Known Member
Day 22 into flowering, everything is ok, more pistils are appearing. No other issues. Tomorrow evening I'll water them.


New Member
don't know about the laws, but it's illegal. I used to live in the UK for a while, in Liverpool. Now thous guys were very relaxed. They had couple of nice pubs with outside garden and everybody was sharing everything. Good people. But I had to move over the sea in the left, where they make good black beer and it's always raining and here, haven't seen or heard anyone about anything and I don't know how strict they are. Christian country, so christian strict laws I am guessing.
Word! u know where 157 queens drive is?! In Liverpool? Right around the corner for that famous rockers school?? Tat where my buddy's mom lives! He moved out into his own place after uni!
but I remember the address so vividly becuase after the first night out we got a taxi home and we all split up, but I gave him the address and the driver took us to the address, but it wasn't our place....there were 2 of the exact same addresses on opposite sides of town...wtf haha
edit - John Lennon is the rocker I was talking about! We circled his block and the school was on a back block pretty much right behind the house.

Also had some marvelous fucking fish and chips now that I think about it! Damn what a time man! Haha and english bacon for breakfast lol I don't miss it tho. Our bacon can't be fucked with haha. It's pure goodness!


Well-Known Member
Day 23 into flowering, got a bit of a stretch today as well, some more pistils are showing up; gave them water with algae juice, no other issues, they are developing well and nice!