Club 600


Well-Known Member
It's time for giggles daily bud pr0n!

Vinnie day 72, day 20 12/12


damn you light bleaching! :evil:

Otherwise a beautiful plant...


Well-Known Member
hah i picked up a bag of some stuff called "serial killer". the dude gets names all screwed tho. his name is even dave and he has a scar from being jumped or something, and hes a little off but a very cool dude. daves not here man... it had 4 seeds in it too. nice sativa high, fruity and spicey.

and about dro shops... yeah i have prolly like 10 or more dro shops within 10 miles or so. drastic differences too. i just recently had an issue about a pack of expired OregonismXL. my usual shop sold me the expired one, and another shop offered to refund it when i brought it up. they showed me there stuff they had since october and it didnt expire till 9-26-14 and the stuff i got from the other shop the week before was 12-1-12. they even gave me the roots organic soil i use for $6 cheaper. sucks too cause i know the other guys real good, and like the new shop owner said: id like to think it was just a mistake but damn.


Well-Known Member
by the way whodat, i said other pheno of rhino cuz it was from another seed than the one i have that isnt all messed up like that. the messed up one had a pissy smell to it a bit, the other is spicey/sweet. both are just nirvana wr. used to be a real popular strain. back in the overgrow days.

EDIT: @giggles yeah im tired as fuck now. and fuck light bleaching my grape ape has one "special" leaf cuz of it.

cold turkey... god i know way too much about that. no amount of aaron neville can serenade u to sleep during that shit.


Well-Known Member
by the way whodat, i said other pheno of rhino cuz it was from another seed than the one i have that isnt all messed up like that. the messed up one had a pissy smell to it a bit, the other is spicey/sweet. both are just nirvana wr. used to be a real popular strain. back in the overgrow days.

i get it ;-) I was just beeing a goof I guess.

Good old overgrow! I remember reading threads on there when I was 15 and got my first 600 :-) I learned allot from that site.


Well-Known Member
Ik, ik, ik, ik......(that's how Dutch seaguls talk!
put into jars yesterday to cure:

Who had those Engineer's Dream? How are those coming along? I don't venture into this thread enough to keep up.
^^that pitiful white rhino got knocked outta its pot, and then got burnt to hell from a space heater malfunction. it tried, but i failed it. :(

i posted a few pics of my keeper Psycho killer today over in Don's thread. im glad i got a JTR dom one. BB kicks ass.
Glad to hear it. I am dealing with a complaint about the Psycho Killer. The dude said that everyone on the net was slagging them off (he even told me to go google Psycho Killer, lol) Which of course I did. And all I found was Dons thread on the first page, then countless page about TGA's Psycho Killer Bubba Space Kush or something.....who would have thought someone else would come up with Pyscho Killer for a strain name, lol.

Oh, question, so when a tap root pops on a seed, would you guys class that as germinated?

Santa Claus?
I he-hawed!


Well-Known Member

Oh, question, so when a tap root pops on a seed, would you guys class that as germinated?
The tap root must breach the s33d's outer perimeter defenses by an egress of no less than 2.753mm before a s33d can be determined to have been properly germinated.


Well-Known Member
i get it ;-) I was just beeing a goof I guess.

Good old overgrow! I remember reading threads on there when I was 15 and got my first 600 :-) I learned allot from that site.
I used the same name on Overgrow too! God I was devastated when they got shut down. It was like someone shot my dog.