Slinger's 300 watt LED grow, Purple Cadillac and Grand AK


Well-Known Member
sorry wasnt trying to jack your thread those are gonna be a beast HTG has some good prices i think

Its all good man!

On another note, I spy the smallest signs of trich development woohoo, gotta get some batteries for my microscope but I think I do!


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow! I'm thinking about something similar.

5x5 tent, with 2 Apollo 12's, and one 250w hid vertical with no other cooling than the exhaust fan.(Growing in 4 hempy buckets)
The room that would house the tent is 8x10 feet, and will stay about 60-75 degrees, depending on the seasons.
Do you think i would have a problem with the temperature?

Hope to hear your thoughts on it!:grin:


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow! I'm thinking about something similar.

5x5 tent, with 2 Apollo 12's, and one 250w hid vertical with no other cooling than the exhaust fan.(Growing in 4 hempy buckets)
The room that would house the tent is 8x10 feet, and will stay about 60-75 degrees, depending on the seasons.
Do you think i would have a problem with the temperature?

Hope to hear your thoughts on it!:grin:

Thanks for checking out my grow man, I am by no means an expert with exhaust, i know I should read up on it but I am just testing out different methods for myself. In order to know anything I would need to know how much exhaust you are planning on having and with the HPS you would definitely need some kind of fan blowing across the top of your canopy and I would run an exhaust tube down near it. Do you have plenty of intake areas, even if there are no fans there needs to be room for intake so that your exhaust can pull air into the room to cool it from an outside source. Without exhaust in my tent my temps would soar over 100 degrees and I am growing in a 3ft wide, 2 ft deep and about 5 ft tall area. Running the 2 x 300 watt LED. Different lights might put off different temps as far as LED brands are concerned so just play around with it. In my opinion you would need around 1200 CPM of exhaust for your room atleast that is what I would do. When my new exhaust comes in I will personally have around 650CPM of exhaust, could be slowed down a bit with the filter though. Trial and error is my best tool. Good luck to you sir!


Well-Known Member
Day 17 of 12/12

There has not been anything too exciting happening, just stretching and lots of pistils. I have been snapping pictures for the past few days now, will post a series of photos for you guys sometimes next week, most likely when I install the carbon filter. Hope you guys had a good weekend!


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of 12/12

Ok so I lied, and I gave both plants 2tsp of tiger bloom in 1 gallon of water the Grand ak seemed to have recovered from the extra nitrogen but was showing signs of P deficiency, lower leaves yellowing and turning a purplish brown on the edges, check in on the girls this morning and it had responded really well, growing a inch over night! Carbon filter and fan are in so ill be hooking it up soon. Here are some photos for you guys, I apologize if there are doubles I'm uploading from my phone.



Well-Known Member
Carbon Filter hooked up and just in time! My back is killing me so time to medicate, here are a few pics!



Active Member
Plants are looking good, I'm starting to like LEDs, after following this and a couple other grows here on RIU!

What is the climate conditions, day and night temps, humidity? P can be locked out from cooler temps at night time.

Is this strain known for being sooo leafy?


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good, I'm starting to like LEDs, after following this and a couple other grows here on RIU!

What is the climate conditions, day and night temps, humidity? P can be locked out from cooler temps at night time.

Is this strain known for being sooo leafy?

I don't know if the strain is known to be leafy or not, both plants are shorter than they are wide that's probly why it's so bushy! Day temps are between 81-85F night temps are 59-61F and day humidity is 26-29% night time 36-42%. Thanks for stopping by, your advice/comments are appreciated!


Active Member
I don't know if the strain is known to be leafy or not, both plants are shorter than they are wide that's probly why it's so bushy! Day temps are between 81-85F night temps are 59-61F and day humidity is 26-29% night time 36-42%. Thanks for stopping by, your advice/comments are appreciated!
In your opinion, and maybe out of your control, but aren’t those day time temps on the higher side of what is recommended and a 20C temperature drop is almost kind of dramatic isn’t it?

I guess what I meant by “leafy” was in the bud formation, there seems to be a lot of leaves growing out of it. This is not a bad thing, I was only wondering if it was strain related or and increase maybe due to theL ED lighting? I’m not even sure if that is a phenomenon from LED lighting or not.

Don’t get me wrong here man, your plants are doing great and I kind of wish there were mine and all. I’m just shooting the shit and trying to learn a few things alone the way. If you would rather this be your “show and tell” then just tell me to shut it. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
In your opinion, and maybe out of your control, but aren’t those day time temps on the higher side of what is recommended and a 20C temperature drop is almost kind of dramatic isn’t it?

I guess what I meant by “leafy” was in the bud formation, there seems to be a lot of leaves growing out of it. This is not a bad thing, I was only wondering if it was strain related or and increase maybe due to theL ED lighting? I’m not even sure if that is a phenomenon from LED lighting or not.

Don’t get me wrong here man, your plants are doing great and I kind of wish there were mine and all. I’m just shooting the shit and trying to learn a few things alone the way. If you would rather this be your “show and tell” then just tell me to shut it. Thanks.

I'm not sure its the LED that causes the plants to be so leafy, I have trained plants on HID and CFL and gotten the same results. The reason my daytime temps are around 85 ambient room temp is because of LED, under HPS you want the canopy temperature to be about 75 degrees but that is because of the intense heat coming off the bulbs, with LED you want you temps around 80-85 to get the plants to release water and draw up new nutrients into the plant. Im sure I am getting the explanation wrong but this is the general idea. The 20 degree drop at nighttime is really unavoidable for me since it cools down at night here and I dont want to use a space heater, also the temperature drop helps with the flower forming process, at least thats what I hear, like this journal originally stated this is a test. I dont mind the questions at all, I am not a professional grower but I enjoy it as a hobby. Thanks for the questions, I do my best to answer them all.


Well-Known Member
Day 23 of 12/12

Watered the plants today, the Purple Cadillac received 1 gallon of water with 2 tsp of Cal-Mag Plus and 2 tsp of Tiger Bloom. The Grand AK received 3 gallons of water total, the first 2 gallons Ph'ed water and the 3rd gallon with 1 tsp of Ca-Mag Plus and 2 tsp of Tiger Bloom. The reason I gave the Grand AK all that water was a mini-leech/flush, she is not looking too well, the flower production is good but the lower leaves are yellowing and purpling on the edges still, the leaves are in general curled in and clawed, I don't really know what to say, the plant I spent the least time on is doing the best haha. The leech/flush was to try and clear the soil out a bit as I really have no idea why this is happening, both plants received the same watering/nutes up until about a week ago. Its a strain thing I am sure. Anyways here are some pictures from the watering, let me know if anyone can point me in the right direction as to why this is happening and before you ask I will give all the specs even though they have been previously posted.

Day Temp:80-85 degrees F
Night Temp :60-62 degrees F
Day Humidity: 25-35%
Night Humidity: 43-58%
Soil FFOF/Light Warrior/Perlite Mix
Nutes: FF Tiger Bloom and Cal-Mag Plus
Lights: 2 x 300 watt Quad Band LED
Pot Size: 5 Gallon
Approximate Plant Size for both plants is 12 in Tall, 20 x 18 in wide
Air Circulation 440 CPM
Grow Area: 36 in wide, 20 in deep, 5.5 feet tall (Grow Tent)

Here are the pics



Well-Known Member
yeah sorry....that piece of comedy lameness isnt helping.

Ok so you are sort of flushing her yeah? How much water were you giving her in a normal watering?


Well-Known Member
Normal watering 1 gallon, every 3-4 days depending on moisture of soil as far down as I could put my finger into the soil and lightness of the pots. Also looked for signs of the leaves not being too perky, when they would droops slightly I knew to check the soil for moisture and weight. I would always get run off water, at least a cups worth if not a little more.


Well-Known Member
Ok. The purple'ling might be result of your cold night time temps....The yellowing might be the start of your nitrogen being used up.

Over nuted slightly...maybe? I think a flush is the order of the day. :)


Well-Known Member
Ugh 10 gallons of ph'ed water through the pot...guess I need to go ahead and buy the Ammonia Detox chemical for Aquariums so I can start using my tap water, It kills chlorine and chloramine so hopefully I can pick some up sometime soon. How far back is this gonna set my flowering time?

edit: And why is it only 1 plant with this problem and not the other? strain related?