Third time's a charm... let's go.


Active Member
Sup RIU!

Finally I'm going to give this another chance.:clap: I didn't have enough time for my last grow so you can expect what happen there. If you still want to see here is the link:

Now, can we say fresh start? :hump:

Lights: (1) 85W 6.5K CFL & (1) 65W 6.5K CFL (Got a bunch of 6.5k 23W just in case) All actual wattage.
Nuts: As little as possible (still got some GH from last try)
Temps: 67*-72*
Humidity: 40%

Grow Room Inhabitants:
- (1) Plant from my last try, let's call her Phoenix. I don't even know how she is alive, lol. She is currently LST'd.
- (2) Seedlings (Some Kush I bought a couple of weeks ago and found 2 really good seeds); Lets call them K1 & K2.
- (3) Seedlings from other bag, kind of random; B1, B2 & B3 on this thread.
= (6) Plants in Total. I will try and clone K1 or K2 (the one that turns out to be a lady of course) :weed:



Active Member
Picture 1: their first day
Picture 2: Phoenix doin' her thing
Picture 3:
K1 & K2 (Right Side)
B1, B2 & B3 (Left Side)


They will be transplanted Today into their final 2gallon pot each.


Active Member
those seedling look like they're stretching for light .. also might wanna separate those in one bucket if you can . sooner the better I think , but I'm a noob , what do I now :-o
good luck man


Well-Known Member
how are you going to transplant the 5 seedlings from that pot? better be careful bro. good luck in thr future i would start them in paper towels, then put them in separate pots. Transplanting always stuns plants for at least a day if done right. Longer if a sketchy transplant. Good luck


Active Member
how are you going to transplant the 5 seedlings from that pot? better be careful bro. good luck in thr future i would start them in paper towels, then put them in separate pots. Transplanting always stuns plants for at least a day if done right. Longer if a sketchy transplant. Good luck
I have used the paper towel method, for some reason I get better results w/ soil. + rep!

those seedling look like they're stretching for light .. also might wanna separate those in one bucket if you can . sooner the better I think , but I'm a noob , what do I now :-o
good luck man
yeah, they are a little stretch, nothing to worry about. Thanks for stopping by! +rep.


Active Member
Day 3: Transplant
Humidity: 20% (Lowest I've seen this room)
Temps: 72*

Finished studying earlier than expected so I had some time to transplant the seedlings. Hope they like it!

Far back against the wall, parallel to Phoenix is K1 & K2
Other 3 seedlings: B1, B2 & B3
Biggest = Phoenix (read above)

Sorry for the inverted pic, upload it straight and when attached to post appears inverted.
***Lights were moved for the picture***



Active Member
what kind of soil is that bro ? I don't see any perlite in it . how does it drain ? Hope you buried them stretchy stems deeper when you transplanted them , can't really see in this pic.
also , 20% humidity is a little too low for seedlings . not saying they won't make it but from my noob first experience I can honestly say they love 50%~ humidity or so . I have a humidifier sitting in my box .


Active Member
what kind of soil is that bro ? I don't see any perlite in it . how does it drain ? Hope you buried them stretchy stems deeper when you transplanted them , can't really see in this pic.
also , 20% humidity is a little too low for seedlings . not saying they won't make it but from my noob first experience I can honestly say they love 50%~ humidity or so . I have a humidifier sitting in my box .
I plant them an inch or so deeper than usual to help them with their stretching. Unfortunate, there's no perlite around here. Closest hydro/grow shop is like 90 miles away.
The 20% humidity is strange is this room, it usually fluctuates between 40-60%. 45% as of Today. All 5 seedlings are loving their new pots, hope to see more grow in the next couple of weeks, get some clones out of K1 and/or K2 and flip the lights. bongsmilie

thanks once again, can't give you any more rep lol. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Finally moved everyone to their final grow area. I mount some lights Today and a couple of fans to the new cabinet. Lets say 75% completed. Still need to cover the inner walls with reflective mylar, set up exhaust fan & accommodate some lights. :clap:

27" x 12" x 26", Upper portion, veg area.
27" x 12" x 37.5", lower part is for flowering.

I'm planning on keeping 2 females of this 5 seedlings. Preferably this 2 females will be K1 & K2 (hopefully). If otherwise, I will use B1-B3 as backups.
Phoenix is right now on the flowering area, but w/ veg light hours (18/6). Still need to cover that front gap for total darkness. :hump: She will start flowering sometime this week. I will keep you guys updated on her too (why not?).

1 & 2: Cabinet Close/Open (This cabinet is inside a closet)
3: 5 days old Seedlings (K1 & K2 @ right side, B1-B3 @ left side & small pot)
4: Phoenix

(Still some stretching due to all the moving/settling of the cabinet)

Feedback? Ideas? Critics? Comments? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nice setup!

I still think the bulbs are too far away from your seedlings - they really need to be within a couple of inches from the top of each plant or they'll continue to stretch like crazy.

If you have some spare money, grab yourself a small desk fan to blow air across the seedlings. The force of the wind pushing against the stems of the seedlings should strengthen them up and give them a nice thick trunk.


Active Member
Nice setup!

I still think the bulbs are too far away from your seedlings - they really need to be within a couple of inches from the top of each plant or they'll continue to stretch like crazy.

If you have some spare money, grab yourself a small desk fan to blow air across the seedlings. The force of the wind pushing against the stems of the seedlings should strengthen them up and give them a nice thick trunk.
I keep the lights @ 1-2.5" constantly. She stretched a little in the first couple of days that I still didn't have my grow area set up. The only fan that I have right now is one in the veg area. It is blowing area inside and over the seedlings. You can see them moving when the breeze goes their way. I need to finish my air flow setup in the room, and small desk fan will be the route. Temps in veg @ 79*, flower @ 72*. Thanks for stopping by and good advice! + rep.


Active Member
25/2 Update = 1st Week of Veg for Seedlings

Temps: 76*
Humidity: 43%

The new cabinet is a work in progress. Today I finally got the flowering area completely sealed from the upper or veg area (no light passes). Some light still gets in from the front doors so I still can't flip Phoenix into flowering. She's been hanging out down there on 2.7K lights for a couple of days now.

The seedligns are looking good, kind of stretchy from the first couple of days but seems to have stopped now. I'm hoping to veg this seedlings until pre-flower, I will select the best 2 of the 5 seedlings and those are going to be flowered. :weed: You might notice a 6th seedlings, she was found Yesterday on my germinating pot, she is a Kush seed as well as K1 & K2, so she's going to be K3. Now we have 6 seedligns, 3 bag seeds (B1, B2 & B3) and 3 good seeds (K1, K2 & K3)

1 - K1
2 - K2
3 - B1
4 - All 5 Seedlings, there's actually 6 seedlings because I found one more Kush seed and germinated it. (K3?) (Lights where moved for pic!!!)
5 - Phoenix

When can I start to feed them? Next week? Any comments/ideas/feedback is welcome! thanks for stopping by!



Active Member
Nice cab bro.
I have the exact same one except I think mine is a little smaller.
Like sunny Jim said.
For better use of cfls try to get those lights as close as possible without
Burning your babies. That fan sunny Jim said will also help cooling the
Cfls to get them closer. They are looking nice though.

Ok so since have the same setup and same thoughts.
Vegg on top and flower in the bottom.

our doors on this cab open as 2 big doors.
I was thinking. What if i want to look at my vegging cab on top.
But can't cause i have my flower cab in the bottom with lights off.

just a thought? Maybe you have an idea?


Active Member
Nice cab bro.
I have the exact same one except I think mine is a little smaller.
Like sunny Jim said.
For better use of cfls try to get those lights as close as possible without
Burning your babies. That fan sunny Jim said will also help cooling the
Cfls to get them closer. They are looking nice though.

Ok so since have the same setup and same thoughts.
Vegg on top and flower in the bottom.

our doors on this cab open as 2 big doors.
I was thinking. What if i want to look at my vegging cab on top.
But can't cause i have my flower cab in the bottom with lights off.

just a thought? Maybe you have an idea?
thanks for the advice, +rep. Post some pics of your cabinet! :bigjoint:

My cabinet is 98% done. I finally wrap the interior with some reflective material, installed the fans & got both timers set. Today was finally the day that Phoenix started flowering! So pumped!!! Seedlings are looking great.

I'm going to use velcro to do like a door that covers the flowering area from the front main doors. This way you block all possible light coming from in between the doors and you can obviusly open the doors and there will be no light going into the flowering plants. I will work on this later. I will keep you guys updated on this, specially you Mr.Light.


Active Member
looks great Mr.light! your cabinet is very similar to mine, almost identical. I finally got some pictures of it.

  • 1-Fans I used (2 for veg area & 2 for flowering area)
  • 2-Before (showing exhaust fan location of veg area)
  • 3-Veg Area
  • 4-Complete cabinet (is...that...a...satellite?)
  • 5-Lights on

2013-02-26 21.44.42.jpg2013-02-26 21.44.30.jpg2013-02-26 23.07.07.jpg2013-02-27 01.31.38.jpg2013-02-27 02.09.38.jpg

  • [Temps: are ~80*] [Humidity: ~40% @ Veg | ~35% @ Flower] Timers are set now (18/6 & 12/12).
  • Phoenix started flowering today (Day 1) & seedlings are looking great too. bongsmilie


Active Member
Nice setup Im diggin the cab, yeah just was wondering what soil are you using? You are coming alone good just keep reading and trying different things.