Club 600


Well-Known Member
I want some sweet carrots. I love em like rabbits.

Friday!!! lol... I'll probably be in bed by 10. Hope you kids have a fun weekend.

You still got all your fishing gear worm?


Well-Known Member
Figure I'd post some artsy eye candy I have from my first grow a few months back ... 600W FTW and experiment dj led light lol....

IMG_0188.jpgIMG_0276.jpgIMG_0277.jpgIMG_0579.jpgIMG_0590.jpgIMG_0594.jpgIMG_0595.jpgIMG_0598.jpgIMG_0599.jpgIMG_0600.jpgSkywalker Week 6.jpg20121129_011221.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Crazy Carrots. They are so sweet it's insane.

View attachment 2548769

I grew some multi colored carrots last year :-) They are so good right out of the ground!

Radish bongsmilie

:hump: lovely pr0n!

edit: just saw this as someones AV hahaha :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Damn canna blowing up the 600 club haha.

Good evening guys! Not much going on here other then smoking me some herb and watching Ghost Adventures.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday.


Active Member
A little update on my ladies in my closet.
Have a good night!

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Well-Known Member
Hey 600! Those of you looking for a new variety of gear at a solid price don't forget about attitude's promo! Spend 40 euros and get 10 free seeds. I went with a few pick and mix and a 4 pack of fem C99. 18 Seeds for 56 euros, not bad! 13 of them are fem as well.

I saw a cpl people scored them as I did a quick catchup, I hope they're winners, have a good weekend 600.


Well-Known Member

Happy Friday fellow 6ers! Just wanted to share some pron with you guys!View attachment 2548970View attachment 2548969View attachment 2548971View attachment 2548972
my 600 sunmaster, and 4 girls. will cut last one of these tomorrow.

View attachment 2549225

Dizzam the pr0n is BLOWING UP tonight :hump: very nice all around. I decided to check in while my late night pics are loading and see all this :-)


Well-Known Member
Smorgen Borgen, finally got me tinternet back. Even my phone was down yesterday, and a lot of the shops had stopped taking pin/credit/debit cards....seems like someone at KPN forgot to put some money in their server meter! tut-tut-tut.

Anygaroo, the prawn I prmoised 24 hours ago.


DOG (from the original seeds from 2010)

A couple of BX2's and the original DOG.

Upstairs DOG in flower.

Some new DOGs just put into the cab, and ones from a week or so back.

Downstairs in the cab.

Livers and DOG on the left.

DOG drying

Deep Blue F4

DOG...i spy a bean:)

Some of my veg pics are on my rooftop grow. Tatters doing grand.

Hey, whodat, I grew some carrots last year, and the year before. For the life of me I can't get them bigger than a pencil dick! Your one's also looked small (not meaning anything with that btw, lol), is that the variety or are they just difficult to grow big?!?!

Fuk me, I crashed on the couch at 10, went to bed, apart from a couple of visits to the bog, I slept to 8:30...fukkin breaking records here.

Have a good Saturday.

Peace, DST
very nice pr0n. i want to try the deep blue DST, how forgiving is it? hanging my 2nd 600 tomorrow. hoping to add a new strain or 2, heard some good things about it.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Erasmus,

I love the Deep Blue, can be vegged out to produce fairly decent sized girls, or can be run 12/12 from seed and finishes quickly (even the F3's). I am working on the F4-F5's. Really nice sweet old school smell, some fruityness thrown in there for good measure. It has also added some weight to the DOG in the Deep BluexDOG cross so is a decent yielder. Can handle a good amount of feed and is generally a nice dark lush green colour, so is fond of N and Mg in particular. I ran 12/12 and from seed they finished in 9 weeks from germination to chop. SOlid hard nugs are generally all it produces.
There is a pheno in the F3's that sometimes comes out like Lime green, I think GHB also found this pheno. They really need heavy N in veg.
There is a Deep Blue F3-F4 thread I started a while back. Also check with ghb who is on the 600 thread for a second unbiased opinion.


you don't appear to be biased DST. sounds like what i been looking for. i been checking on it for awhile, that and maybe white russian and exodus kush added to the mix.

anyone feel free to recommend a breeder for seeds. unfortunately i'm not a fortunate american living in a legal state so i gotta order from overseas. haven't ordered for awhile as i normally am a cloning fool but i have been having an issue with my water. thusly my clones weren't healthy.

it's all good, ready for something new and ready to blast the extra 600, will certainly please cat as well as the plants i'm sure.
