The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeh jimmy does use RO and he swears by it but fuk a duck u onoly get about 30% of the water that comes out ya tap, thats 70% waste¬!! fucking nuts, all good and dandy if your loaded and can afford to pay for the huge water bills ur gunna face,but for us mere mortals its totally a waste of money

Exactly, that's why a £60 inline carbon unit under your sink is the way to go if you can't afford the massive water bill associated with RO.

A replacement cartridge is £15 and it has a 10.000L capacity.


Well-Known Member
yeh jimmy does use RO and he swears by it but fuk a duck u onoly get about 30% of the water that comes out ya tap, thats 70% waste¬!! fucking nuts, all good and dandy if your loaded and can afford to pay for the huge water bills ur gunna face,but for us mere mortals its totally a waste of money
If u only get 30% and I use about 120-160 litres every five days I'd need to use a hell of a lot of water, and for what in return?? Te fuck with that

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I ask this earlier, anyone ever heard of caviar, the shit that's made using buds, hash oil and kief??? It's the stuff in the pic beside the wee thing off oil, im gettin a wee sample of each thing in the pic, so anyone tried or heard??
I think DST said he saw a bud rolled in oil and then in kief one time in the Dam, said it was stupid pricey though.


Well-Known Member
I think DST said he saw a bud rolled in oil and then in kief one time in the Dam, said it was stupid pricey though.
Just over a btc for the sample of every thing in the pic, think u get about half g of each but people say he generous. Get on it yorkie, bit of bubble, oil and caviar,,mmmm


Well-Known Member
how the fuk is everyone ordering from SR all of a sudden, howdya get these coins? fort they was banned in uk, or at least transfers wer?

how much water u loose with the inline thngemybob?


Well-Known Member
Fu kin ell I knew this would cause a ruckus. To be fair my.last grow in flower were that thirsty that I was having to mix nutes nearly everyday. I was leaving it out overnight but the one bucket would only do 2 plants so I had to mix more up strait away to feed the other 2 and tbh I didn't notice any difference so it most proberbly doesn't do I said I only do it cuz I have a shit water supply.


Well-Known Member
how the fuk is everyone ordering from SR all of a sudden, howdya get these coins? fort they was banned in uk, or at least transfers wer?

how much water u loose with the inline thngemybob?
Lol, bobby big balls is always dissin it and the stuff on it and now he's lookin to know wer to get coins!! Gtf lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
If u only get 30% and I use about 120-160 litres every five days I'd need to use a hell of a lot of water, and for what in return?? Te fuck with that
Well better crop health, faster growth, bigger yields and overall better quality of final crop.
You'd have to speak to Jimmy to see the price vs return but he won't use anything else any more, I personally can't justify the huge water bill at the moment but if a ever run a sealed room with CO2 supplementation and a Triacontanol regime in the future then......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And the performance of said filter.....

TYPICAL PERFORMANCE - What your filter removes
THM's (trihalomethanes) ECB's, OCB's, TME's
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
Industrial Solvents (halogenated hydrocarbons) PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) PAH's (polycyclic hydrocarbons)
90% to 99%
95% plus
Rust Particles, Silt, Algae
Benzene, Petroleum Solvents, Oil Residues,

I'd rather not feed all that to my plants let alone drink the stuff, which is why I don't do either.


Well-Known Member
Lol, bobby big balls is always dissin it and the stuff on it and now he's lookin to know wer to get coins!! Gtf lol
na i dont diss it, i just think a lot of people need to get ther priorities inline ratehr than drooling over class a shite, thers much more to life than getting of yer hed on heavy drugs,, i suippose coz i been ther,done it all had the habits and now grown up its easy fro me to put it like that,

so cummon matebator stop bin a cunt!

and fucking hell yorkie, im sure u find it mentally impossible to have a normal conversatio on here,, just be a lad and chat all this chemical soap box stuff,makes folks think u r a know it all cunt, but u know i know that u have prolly got jotted down eevry answer to anything u put up could possibly get, and i also know u wont just leave it,, jeez u can be hard work!

MY FOOT IS HEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEHHHHAAAAA,,, ITS HALF THE SIZE,, fuk the nhs,. since i been doing it all meself its fixing itself,, again FUK THE NHS!


Well-Known Member
na i dont diss it, i just think a lot of people need to get ther priorities inline ratehr than drooling over class a shite, thers much more to life than getting of yer hed on heavy drugs,, i suippose coz i been ther,done it all had the habits and now grown up its easy fro me to put it like that,

so cummon matebator stop bin a cunt!
I know what your sayin m8, I've no responsibilities like kids or nothing m8. I have grown up but no harm in a few class a now and again.


Well-Known Member
I know what your sayin m8, I've no responsibilities like kids or nothing m8. I have grown up but no harm in a few class a now and again.
yeh im thinking about it for bud, bt i reckon i can graft enough to last, i cant even get on sr, this new pin things fucked i nver got a pin wen i signed up,, maybe u with a act can get i and sort it out, i dunno

so how?


Well-Known Member
lol ok if your sure, ur waters like that toilet water in trainspotting, lol,. so yes u can join pipes but thats easy coz u jocks use the same pipe for tap water as u do toilet waste!! fuk uuuu!!!!!:P,, did u get the grow with your pal on the go?

looking nice that tickle, u got a few extractors in ther, get a aircooled hood mate, u can do away with most of them small fans and extractors,

just waitin on him gettin the seedlings fact just gonny phone the cunt the noo.


Well-Known Member
And the performance of said filter.....

TYPICAL PERFORMANCE - What your filter removes
THM's (trihalomethanes) ECB's, OCB's, TME's
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
Industrial Solvents (halogenated hydrocarbons) PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) PAH's (polycyclic hydrocarbons)
90% to 99%
95% plus
Rust Particles, Silt, Algae
Benzene, Petroleum Solvents, Oil Residues,

I'd rather not feed all that to my plants let alone drink the stuff, which is why I don't do either.
you dont drink tapwater?

again, i aint removing shit, whatever difference you 'think' you see, it's all bollox, the plant thrives despite far more than a few additives thrown into water supplies, fuck, your the one chattin bout steroids and shit,
triacontanel, what does this contain?

tell you what, i'm runnin batches of 4 x clones, i'm gunna get a filter, and feed 1 of these clones 'filtered' water throughout, just to call BULLSHIT on all this tapwater crap, i dont think there's gunna be any diff at all, except i'm gunna get more cal/mag probs with the non instant water, which raises my costs because i gotta add what i am taking out....makes sense?

far too many other 'bottle-necks' to take into consideration before bothering with a little chlorine in the water....