The Sex Talk Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
guilty for what? i believe its love that counts and only loving one woman at a time. You wont fall in love with a porn star. Its like when your girl/boyfriend flirts. I know shes coming home with me. I actually enjoy it when they can turn other men on. It boosts my ego. porn is creating fantasy and unless the fantasy takes over your life i dont think you should feel guilty.:):):)
It is not a matter of love. It is a matter of fantasy.

And I HATE when my husband flirts, even when he doesn't realize he is doing it.

He doesn't like me flirting either.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
what if you made your own porn? would you enjoy it then flaming pie? :):):)
No. lol. I would be critiqueing myself.

The best sex is when you are completely absorbed in the other person.

Fantasy during sex stops me from being completely absorbed with my husband.


Ursus marijanus
No. lol. I would be critiqueing myself.

The best sex is when you are completely absorbed in the other person.

Fantasy during sex stops me from being completely absorbed with my husband.
Emphatically agree. When the sex is good, my head is busy being full of fuck. cn


Well-Known Member
It is not a matter of love. It is a matter of fantasy.

And I HATE when my husband flirts, even when he doesn't realize he is doing it.

He doesn't like me flirting either.
Its funny how women can misconstrue a casual conversation sometimes between two people as flirting sometimes. Ive been accused of flirting with old ladies, and even handycaped women by exs. If inuendo is passed in conversation from the other person, and you can carry a conversation youll return it. If that gets out of hand thats flirting impo but just talking and enjoying a conversation gets turned into that so often..???


Well-Known Member
I tried watching porn with my husband. It didn't really work.
Why not make some porn with him instead? Then take frames of it from a video editor and print them, leading a trail from the front door to you naked in the tub or something similar?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I asked my hubby to think of a question. This was the best he could come up with.

Why is multiple partners such a big fantasy? Both simultaneously and seperate.

I think the answer is obvious. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I asked my hubby to think of a question. This was the best he could come up with.

Why is multiple partners such a big fantasy? Both simultaneously and seperate.

I think the answer is obvious. What do you guys think?
I think he's trying to drop a hint, and picked the worst possible time to try at his hint... that said, it's a very bad idea on multiple levels unless you and your mate both went into the relationship with the discussion of an open relationship... at that point, it may be workable.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why not make some porn with him instead? Then take frames of it from a video editor and print them, leading a trail from the front door to you naked in the tub or something similar?
I don't think he would notice the pics on the floor. He thinks he would.

I honestly would rather just call him to the bedroom and have my ass out in view as soon as he turns the corner.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I think he's trying to drop a hint, and picked the worst possible time to try at his hint... that said, it's a very bad idea on multiple levels unless you and your mate both went into the relationship with the discussion of an open relationship... at that point, it may be workable.
He laughed. I think he was just wracking his brain for a good question..

His first question was something about hawaian punch breast milk. WTF???

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He said everyone knows that multiple partners doesnt usually pan out the way you expected it to. So why fantasize about it?