The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cheers BO real names lmao

40mins u was like 10 plus getting ther n bak,, ur blaggin our heds lmao

No cameras u w nt a pair of google glass. Do a search ter fukin qualitty'' serious tell me u woldnt want soe
aye, if i wanted my comeback i woulda wiped aff yer maws chin hahahahahahahaha

- just searchin ma warhouse.... not a single fuck could be found aha

i do believe he done a quickie, you workout realy fast for 10 minutes, then its equals to about 40 minutes of workin out, i do it all the time then tell everyone i go to the gym 12 times a weeks for hardcore workout, but realy i go there for the tele an free water...


Well-Known Member
Fuk me sambo that was a fast workout,, will u edit that comment now yer bak plz

So the pk I thought u only gave for a week so i give full dose o. Week 4 then half dose week 5 and 6? First time using it sso wanna be sure don't wanna fuk this one wen its going soooo well
i usually give it 15ml per l on week 5 and then i start cutting back the base nutes a bit on week 6 and give 7.5ml per l of pk. this time i done the same sort of thing but swapped the pk for potasium sulphate on week 6 and gave a bit of pk on week 7

@sambo dont the gym get fucked up leaving it open all night without staff?


Well-Known Member
aye, if i wanted my comeback i woulda wiped aff yer maws chin hahahahahahahaha

- just searchin ma warhouse.... not a single fuck could be found aha

i do believe he done a quickie, you workout realy fast for 10 minutes, then its equals to about 40 minutes of workin out, i do it all the time then tell everyone i go to the gym 12 times a weeks for hardcore workout, but realy i go there for the tele an free water...
i used to go to the gym and sit in the jacuzzi and watch deal or no deal :-D


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'll start pk a week on satirday fuking week4 thpis week so technically halfway thru' well not technically but u know wat I mean

Them gyms sou d cool wouldn't u be able to take ya pals with you at 3am. Wen ur on a coke bender ??


Well-Known Member
you did mg was gooden aswel lol

you hard at work making them morters lmao did ya see that car convertd to fire the morters 3 of em nicked.
Yeah it was a van m8, I was lucky to get away lol. Aye it's fuckin madness m8, I'd say they got it in the nick of time, tthem boys weren't for sailin about in a van with no roof for too long. Must have been tipped off, just shows u the amount of touting bastards there is

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm hammering the gym at the moment too been going like 5-6 days a week. lost a stone since xmas but only been gyming last 2 weeks. hurts like fuck but i'm losing and feeling better for it. looking to lose another stone then join an mma group. don't want to compete just learn to do more than drunkenly throw head buts and elbows haha def need my base fitness level up a good few notches first


Well-Known Member
i can hear your old bones creak as u bend over to pik up your pots DON lmao

duno why but u got the feel ofbeing a old guy even tho we know ur not

well done on the wieght loss,, wen i was ill i lost 4 stone in 4 months!! TOUCH!

seriously yeh its hard to loos weight afte rthe initail weight loss it kinda slows down,, u going for weight loss or the six pak,, i can send uinsanity workout dvds if you want?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i feel like an old man, i've always ben a more traditional type of bloke in almost all ways but i embrace new things if there any cop lmao.

funny man 4 stone when ya ill. i was actively trying to get this noro virus over the xmas. shift a stone in 3 days with that fucker.

ta for the dvd offer but i need to get out the house or i'll get stoned and do nowt. simple as lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a cheap place to sleep....funny if you walk in and there's a whole load of homeless bods working out. The UK is getting totally 24 hour, supermarkets as well. NL ain't got shit open much past 10pm shop wise. When I first moved here everything was closed on a Sunday.
any got these 24hr gyms in ya twns? u can go anytime, its not got any staff after 8pm theres 2 pod at the front u type ya number in and it opens, fuking big gym aswel n only 16quid a month no contract.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright lads I just got back in and will have to go back and have a catch up just skimmed over the bitching.

@MRT cheers for putting that link up mate I had a look at it and still fancy giving the AK a go, it's been a good few years since I've smoked it and highly doubt it'll be the same as I remember but there's not much out there that live up to the great memories especially after you've been remembering something so fondly and comparing it to what was available at the time.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
having a quick read it looks like spice bros have gone , i found this though

i wouldnt trust them , if they have and seed stock it will be yrs old , defo an email first

but yeah the ak i got a jist it has been changed slightly , to what who could ever know ? its listed something about parents lost but have not been then a change to the plant that hasnt happened and claude just not really answering the question as to does ak still have the same parents , he said in the end yes but had posted up a rework and his son was doing it ! sooooo i guess its about a point of view , if you trust serious then everythings ok , if you trust the net people have reported the plants different , personnaly i think there pros but you never know in the world of seed , anything can or will happen

the spreading of the seed is errrrrrr lets say the hippy in me , i would love it to grow wild and figure why not bung out some mixed stuff just for the hell of it , i did this before but ive no idea if it took as its not possible to check , i hope it did and that time they were straight autos , this time its a mix of all sorts as it happens some of it is heath robinsons viking x lowryder , its not great and friggin lovessss mold hence happy to spread the stuff around , theres also mighty mite and other stuff , lets call it a legacy
I was planning on giving them a bell mate, I did think it was strange that they only had 5 serious strains since they took over magus a little while back.
LOL to legacy you'll probably make a few people happy and give some of the locals something to do whilst their watching it and praying no one comes back to claim it, I wouldn't be surprised if a few weeks after planting them a load of early chop hits the local market classed as commercial, eitherway best of luck and have fun planting them about the place mate, will put a new meaning to mountain of green lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
love a bit of ELO. always makesme think of the cylons from battlestar galactica stood singing like in some sort of choir Miiiiisteeeeerr BLUEEEEEE SKYYYYYYYYYYY

someone take the bit and fucking ring or email simon, i have before he's a canny bloke.

lol the cylons, next time I hear it now that's what I'll be thinking about, I used to like some easy listening whilst being stoned outta me nut and then getting my huff on when I had to get up to turn the cassette around for the B side lol I don't think I even had a cd player back then I'm sure I had a vinyl deck on top and thought it was the bollax.

I'm not to bothered about contacting them mate, I don't think they'd admit to changing anything out even if they did even though they've admitted to the kali and chronic, AK is probably their most recognised strain and I don't expect it'll live up to it's memory as unfortunately I haven't found much that has over the years, but still would like to give it a run just to put it to bed in my mind once and for all, it's been on my mind for some time now, since my first grow actually but I couldn't get them back then and since then have been swayed away by other things due to most of the market wanting cheese etc but this time or atleast when I get chance I'm gonna have to do it just so I can stop thinking about the what if.


Well-Known Member
@MRT cheers for putting that link up mate I had a look at it and still fancy giving the AK a go, it's been a good few years since I've smoked it and highly doubt it'll be the same as I remember but there's not much out there that live up to the great memories especially after you've been remembering something so fondly and comparing it to what was available at the time.
no worries mate. i fancy giving it a go too. i want to try a good sativa, thats why i wanted that kali mist. ive smoked ak before a good few times but like white widow that ive smoked years ago none of the times ive grown it has it been any where near lol