Club 600


Well-Known Member
So we got a bit of a DOG show here.....:)

First up, this is my DOG from seed (the original DOG seeds I made back in 2010) I germinated another one and I think it looks to be a winner. It is danky stinkalicious. I just topped it as it's kind of been packed in the veg tent and not had much side lighting to get things going. I have tried to give it a bit more space and hope the toppping will get some of the side branching developing. As I say, I think that down to lack of light (remember - pheno = geno + enviro!. Anyway, enough of the gabbing, onto the pics.

Me like Webbed leaves!

These are some of the DOG bx2 (regulars)

One of the veg tents with DOG clones, DOG mum, OG kush2 (male) Blue Pit Male, and Sour KushxDeep Blue clone.

Deep Blue F4 (fan leaves on this are as big as ma heid!)

Also topped

DOG buds....soz, focus is a bit pants on heid.)

And that's it for the noo. Not sure what I was doing with the camera but I had to delete a load as they were out of foucs. Our new lens is a lot wider and also has a Macro function, but it's not really a macro function for up close shots, anyway, thanks for watching.
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
well just repotted my girls yesterday took a few cuts for the first time other day im going to put them on 12/12 tonight as its cramp in my cuboard and i have 5 females in this lot at least and 5 regs there to sort out.

1st 3 pics are my 2 sweet n sour regs 1 i snapped top off other day but its in prop hopefully rooting.
2nd 2 pics are my smelly cherry regs also snapped 1 there tops but went in bin before i thought about trying to root it.
3rd 2 pics are my cuboard full thats why i need to flip soon as i think!

the 4th pic with 2 clones in are off my biggest dog fem will get pics of my dogs up tomorrow
the 5th pic is the 4 cuts i took of my purple kush bag seed
6th pic is the 2 tops i snapped and tryed to root one if off a reg
and th pic is the 4 i just took off my purple kush before

will get a try for 4 more of my biggest dog tonight i will get yous a pic before i take them see what yous experts think


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Dog pound in the 600 this morning. i've got a couple of crackers about to come down.

1st 3 are 1 pheno, second 2 the sour d leaning one, third set are the newcomer to my stable, smelly fingerez ( smelly cherry x SLH )



Bag appeal anyone lol.


Well-Known Member
Well this morning my blue dream and think different popped up. The autobomb still a no show. But when the other two were germinated the autobomb didn't do any thing. So I scratched it a little with a nail file and went ahead and put it in some seed starter on a mat just in case. So its probably a dudd anyway. My other girls are doing good. They don't seem to be lacking anything but they are growing a little slow. This is propably because I topped them and transplanted them all in the last week.I post some pics later for some advice if you guys think its needed. Have a good day!


Good afternoon/evening gents!
Just a quick update on the grow.
Installed the screen for the scrog just a bit ago (finally):

Will give them 2 or 3 days to fully recover from transplanting & being bent over, and then will be changing over to 12/12 to see who has boobs and who has balls.

Today is Banana Muffin Day!
Oven is heating as I type.
For all my increased eating these last 2 weeks, I'm down to 142.
Going to add some protein shakes starting today.
I refuse to drop down below 140.
Fuck that noise.
looking good dubes bro,Blunt :bigjoint:


G'day 6'ers, hope all is going good for yous all!! I've been looking in seed boutique and I want them all but I'm going to order a few packs. I'm getting engineers dreams,phyco killer.deep psychosis,dippy ellse,cheese surprise. I also defo wanna try the dog as it looked like my og kush x ecsd mother I had for years before my garden of weeden got broken into they too about 5 yrs woth of my hard work;I mean yeah take the ripe plants but why my my 5 months and all my seeds plus all my equipment anyway enough of the scum that I gladly shoot,bring back to life and then od him again and again , enough of my raving the thing I wanted to know is what dog to get???? Is intostock or is it very seldom and there gone in 24 hours I hope not as I said looks like a twin to my og x ecsd mother. I've also noticed there gone bx2' and just dog regular,what one you recommend. Thanks Blunt :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's hilarious,keep it illegal and of course criminals will take advantage, legalise it then they won't. It's really quite simple, but instead, lets spend millions on a campaign to get people to grass up and walk around sniffing cards all day long. F.E.A.R you got the fear!!!!


Well-Known Member
It's hilarious,keep it illegal and of course criminals will take advantage, legalise it then they won't. It's really quite simple, but instead, lets spend millions on a campaign to get people to grass up and walk around sniffing cards all day long. F.E.A.R you got the fear!!!!
Think of all the jobs the cops will lose though.... this fight won't be easy.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty interesting. You would think that most people know the smell from being around it at one time or another. But then again it's that person that is totally striaght lace thats going to blow somebody in. If this world would quit spending money on prohibition of marijuana and spend a fraction of the money they save educating themselves on the benefits of marijuana. And not just the medicinal reasons but monestary reasons also. The world would be in a much better place.


Well-Known Member
Well here's some pics of my babies. They are roughly 3 weeks old. I tried to get a picture of the kalashinkova because instead of 2 nodes opposite of each other, all 3 plants have 3 nodes all opposite each other. When they started I wasn't sure if it was mutation or genetics. Still don't know but like the way they are growing.I also put a picture of a cool cactus I got my girl sun.001.jpg002.jpg009.jpg010.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good, and all those thick fukkers who joined the police can then go and fuk off and retrain themselves like the rest of the world has had to do, and then who knows, they might actually PRODUCE something that creates growth and money for the economy. Instead of just costing tax payers....
Think of all the jobs the cops will lose though.... this fight won't be easy.
And too right, it ain't an easy fight!


Well-Known Member
the babies look sweet Jimmer, but that is one mad looking cactus!

Well here's some pics of my babies. They are roughly 3 weeks old. I tried to get a picture of the kalashinkova because instead of 2 nodes opposite of each other, all 3 plants have 3 nodes all opposite each other. When they started I wasn't sure if it was mutation or genetics. Still don't know but like the way they are growing.I also put a picture of a cool cactus I got my girl sun.View attachment 2576653View attachment 2576654View attachment 2576655View attachment 2576656