The truth about minimum wage and income inequality


Well-Known Member
Your state should set min wage at that. Every high school kid working at that Starbucks needs to be able to support himself. Of course the downside of this is that that 3 dollar coffee goes to 4.50 and everyone else will find their check that was not raised now has less buying power.

Your state should be allowed to set it at whatever they want. Your state should also be allowed to do away with min wage if they see fit. It would be an interesting case study if two neighboring states decided to do this. It's been fascinating watching Indiana vs Illinois vs Ohio. Funny thing, our favorite mayor in Chicago has been watching too and is talking austerity. I bet he never would have been elected had he campaigned on that.
Every state sets their own minimum wage as does the fed for the US overall..state minimum wage ALWAYS supercede fed when the benefit to the employee is greater.


Well-Known Member
first of all, please show me one place where i have said my views fall in line with anarchy. please proceed, douchebag.

secondly, it doesn't even take two hours a day most days. on days where i have to water extensively, we're looking at about an hour and 15 minutes. on days when i have a lot of transplants to do, add an hour. pruning is some of the most time consuming work, but even that only takes a couple hours tops to do 40+ plants.*

it only takes me about an hour to take a batch of clones, maybe a little more if you count prep time of cleaning containers and utensils, running to the store for supplies and so on and so forth.

an indoor grow op is not very time consuming at all until harvest, when i run into 6-8 hour trimming days for 3-4 days in a row.

but an indoor grow op like mine would barely pay my bills, much less leave me anything leftover at the end to buy new shoes or an extra tank of gas to take the dog out to the beach. that's why i also do an outdoor grow op every year.

and if you think an outdoor grow op is as easy as an indoor one, please feel free to come to portland this summer and put in the 24 hour, non stop, around the clock guard work for 3+ months. you'll be rewarded at the end with a solid 30 day block of 10-14 hour trimming days. breaks and days off are not an option as your task is time sensitive.

let me know what ya think, "greese" boy.
I think you are a whiny little cunt....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm sure the CEO and shareholders of walmart work their asses off every day. I'm not advocating taking from the middle class and you know that. Wealth redistribution is a necessity for capitalism to work, otherwise the middle class disappears and you have a small group of extremely wealthy individuals who own everything, and a growing number of poor workers who own little. We're seeing this happen in the US right now, and it's been progressing for the last 35 years since this idiotic form capitalism started catching on. You guys on the right don't understand that wealth in capitalism is inevitably consolidated, and businesses become monopolies as they expand which is one (of many) reasons taxes and anti trust laws exist. They also exist to pay for roads, bridges, infrastructure, defense, etc. Hell, a couple years ago in 2006 Citi group and Goldmansachs started calling American society "the emerging plutocracy". Talk about hearing it from the horses mouth.
correction..the right DOES understand and they are desparately trying to maintain a system (GOP) that is tragically broken and out of date..much like the constitution, bible..both were written in a MUCH different can we govern in the millenium when we're still clinging to the prehistoric?


Well-Known Member
Every state sets their own minimum wage as does the fed for the US overall..state minimum wage ALWAYS supercede fed when the benefit to the employee is greater.
Yes, of course but they MUST maintain at least a federally mandated minimum wage. That's what central planning does. It treats Nauvoo Alabama like NYC. It also creates unbalanced laws based on age discrimination. You could have a job that any monkey could do given enough bananas. If you allow a 15 year old to earn a few bucks after school you can pay what you want. If he's 18 he MUST make at least X. If the same job is being performed why does the age matter?

It's also just an opinion that the benefit to the employee is greater. If he is it out of work it's not beneficial. This is why I would love to see liberal states set min wage at a "living wage" and allow neighboring states to abolish min wage. It would be an awesome experiment that would prove whose argument has merit. If liberal logic holds, those states with the highest min wage would have the best overall living conditions and other states would follow. If liberal logic fails, the neighboring states would show how allowing markets to work in a natural way would improve living conditions. Then the rest of the states could prosper and the liberal states could start making excuses and blaming the other states.

Having 50 labs to see what works where and what doesn't was how we were designed and it worked. If it's not the moral majority trying to make us live the way they want, it's the PC crowd. I'd rather we realized the correlation between freedom and success of a society.


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course but they MUST maintain at least a federally mandated minimum wage. That's what central planning does. It treats Nauvoo Alabama like NYC. It also creates unbalanced laws based on age discrimination. You could have a job that any monkey could do given enough bananas. If you allow a 15 year old to earn a few bucks after school you can pay what you want. If he's 18 he MUST make at least X. If the same job is being performed why does the age matter?

It's also just an opinion that the benefit to the employee is greater. If he is it out of work it's not beneficial. This is why I would love to see liberal states set min wage at a "living wage" and allow neighboring states to abolish min wage. It would be an awesome experiment that would prove whose argument has merit. If liberal logic holds, those states with the highest min wage would have the best overall living conditions and other states would follow. If liberal logic fails, the neighboring states would show how allowing markets to work in a natural way would improve living conditions. Then the rest of the states could prosper and the liberal states could start making excuses and blaming the other states.

Having 50 labs to see what works where and what doesn't was how we were designed and it worked. If it's not the moral majority trying to make us live the way they want, it's the PC crowd. I'd rather we realized the correlation between freedom and success of a society.
minimum wage is not age based..legally, you have to pay age 15 the same as age 18..where did you hear that?


Well-Known Member
Come on man, there are several stipulations for children. Under 16 are only allowed to work certain government approved jobs and there are special exemptions for people hiring in those approved jobs to pay less than min wage.

You also realize you can hire a downs syndrome kid to sort yarn and pay a buck an hour if you want all while receiving tax benefits for hiring the tards, but if you replace him with an able bodied adult that same job must now pay min wage and the owner loses his tard tax break. This is what we do when we pick and choose who can be discriminated against and who can't, and think we can control everything from a central location. We miss some sets this way. But it's all good intentions, so that's cool.


Well-Known Member
Come on man, there are several stipulations for children. Under 16 are only allowed to work certain government approved jobs and there are special exemptions for people hiring in those approved jobs to pay less than min wage.

You also realize you can hire a downs syndrome kid to sort yarn and pay a buck an hour if you want all while receiving tax benefits for hiring the tards, but if you replace him with an able bodied adult that same job must now pay min wage and the owner loses his tard tax break. This is what we do when we pick and choose who can be discriminated against and who can't, and think we can control everything from a central location. We miss some sets this way. But it's all good intentions, so that's cool.
sorry, but gonna have to pull rank here..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You're right in one sense. I don't like big bureaucratic government, but what about unchecked unaccountable and undemocratic private industry? You just completely omit half the equation. And you wonder why the government is corrupt and doesn't work? Half of the government is made up of people who are trying to destroy it and then say "Oh well shit I guess it doesn't work.."
I don't wonder why the government doesn't work. It doesn't work because at the base of it all it uses a business model that runs contrary to peaceful consensual human interactions.

Which part of the equation did I miss here?


Well-Known Member
I don't wonder why the government doesn't work. It doesn't work because at the base of it all it uses a business model that runs contrary to peaceful consensual human interactions.

Which part of the equation did I miss here?
the part where we don't make a new constitution every time a new robroy goes through puberty and/or reads ayn rand.


Well-Known Member
Why not put some tarrifs on the Chinese crap and others imports and stop exporting jobs overseas? there would be no minimum wage necessary the demand for workers would take care of things naturally. These so called free trade agreements are a screw job. There used to not be an income tax, tarrifs took care of funding the Federal government. We dont see any common sense coming from Washington because they are bribed well not to do the right thing. Fucking traitors!!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
the part where we don't make a new constitution every time a new robroy goes through puberty and/or reads ayn rand.

What good would a new constitution do? The old one has never been capable of stopping government over reach has it?

By the way, I was checking out some grow journals in a foray out of the politics section, nice work.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why not put some tarrifs on the Chinese crap and others imports and stop exporting jobs overseas? there would be no minimum wage necessary the demand for workers would take care of things naturally. These so called free trade agreements are a screw job. There used to not be an income tax, tarrifs took care of funding the Federal government. We dont see any common sense coming from Washington because they are bribed well not to do the right thing. Fucking traitors!!!
Protectionism does not benefit the consumer. Competition does.

What passes as "free trade" or the "free market" in the USA is a farce. The USA has all kinds of hoops to jump thru for a person trying to start a business. Remove those obstacles, dump the income tax and you will see great employment opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Why not put some tarrifs on the Chinese crap and others imports and stop exporting jobs overseas? there would be no minimum wage necessary the demand for workers would take care of things naturally. These so called free trade agreements are a screw job. There used to not be an income tax, tarrifs took care of funding the Federal government. We dont see any common sense coming from Washington because they are bribed well not to do the right thing. Fucking traitors!!!
tariffs are just an effective tax on the middle class, they hurt the middle class and working poor more than anyone. it's a regressive tax.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a job you cant be a consumer, or maybe you can with your welfare check.

If they really wanted to create jobs they would by pushing small business programs. You're right rather than promote private small business they do everything in their power to eliminate it. Big business pays congress well to eliminate competition.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a job you cant be a consumer, or maybe you can with your welfare check.

If they really wanted to create jobs they would by pushing small business programs. You're right rather than promote private small business they do everything in their power to eliminate it. Big business pays congress well to eliminate competition.
Obama has passed 18 jobs bills with the majority being aimed at small businesses and has created 80 gajillion jobs.

Lets take a poll. Should he stay the course,thousand points of light and all that. Should he do 18 more or let someone else give it shot?
Obama has passed 18 jobs bills with the majority being aimed at small businesses and has created 80 gajillion jobs. ....
Mark Twain said " "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."

I saw it on television (okay, can't quote a source) that we have lost, and continue to lose jobs that pay well. And the new jobs that are created are mostly on the low end of the pay scale.


Well-Known Member
Obama has passed 18 jobs bills with the majority being aimed at small businesses and has created 80 gajillion jobs.

Lets take a poll. Should he stay the course,thousand points of light and all that. Should he do 18 more or let someone else give it shot?
Stay the course and cut the number of weeks you can collect unemployment and raise the income level for food stamps. I know people who dont have jobs becuase they dont want to find one


Well-Known Member
Foreign products are bullshit quality. All my American products far outlast all my imported goods.
you're preaching to the choir, racist rabbit.

my dad just gave me his 29 year old chainsaw, the same one i see in childhood pics from the house we lived in which was heated by a wood burning stove. we would get shipments of logs in and cut, split, and stack those fuckers in the basement. i frankly can't wait until that is a possibility again, for the record.

but the same company that now makes that same brand of chainsaw (and many others) are now chinese made crap, and parts are harder to come by then they are for this 29 year old chainsaw.

but nonetheless, there is obvious demand for these cheap pieces of shit, and your defense of protectionist tariffs does not exactly scream "free market", like you do in just about every other post of blind rage (you commie!). they also hurt low income wage slaves like you more than they hurt anyone else.

but, i'm not surprised to see you arguing against your own best interests with a generous helping of double standard and hypocrisy mixed in.