Bad Karma
Well-Known Member
That sure sounds awfully familiar.As far as the issues between A51 and Fero...
It's simple, more than a year ago, we had released 1 LED panel together. The AF600.
Since then, Brent from Fero has proved to be quite the dumbass, and a scam artist.
He has attempted to rip us off (A51) for one time $1670, and another time for $17500. Seventeen Thousand and five hundies!!!!
If you recall, that's the exact reason I cancelled my order with Fero and bought an
Area 51 light from you, EH.
He kept feeding me bogus shipping dates and tried to charge me multiple times for the same purchase.
The guy was sha-dy.
You "future endeavored" Fero, lol.We wish Fero the best of luck in their future endeavors.