I Piss on my plants


Active Member
Piss would probably not be a wise choice...Considering all piss is, is impurities and water from your body...Why would you want to piss on them instead of watering them anyways? o_O You are aware you're going to smoke that later...And...I dunno', just the thought of smoking something that used the water from my piss to grow doesn't sit well with me. lol.


Well-Known Member
dont know im highe and thought id ask. cause my plants r outside and i check them at night and usey have 2 piss...an i jus take a leak right out by them(never on them) what if piss made the plants more potent?


Well-Known Member
There are a few threads about using piss to give your plants nutrients, but i wouldnt recommend it.


Active Member
I'm sorry.. but that seriously doesn't sound like a good idea... Your pee has amonia in it.. so It might harm the plant or make you sick when you smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Although if you grow organically, you are using poop in your grow. I have heard about using piss as a deterrent on an out-door grow to keep animals away, the scent may help in getting rid of deer and so fourth. While urine is high in Nitrogen, even if the urine doesn't effect the buds negatively, I'd have a hard time smoking nugs that were ferted with piss.

You won't find an OMRI seal on pee, either.
Take a crap in a sunny place in your yard. Bury it and wait a few days. When no plant grows you’ll have your answer. lol

I surely would not piss on my plants.


Well-Known Member
your piss will kill most any plant if it comes directly in contact with it, the large salt content of your piddle will suck the plants moisture right out and leave you with necrotic tissue. when diluted 10/1 it can be very usefull as a field fert, if you notice any plants badly in need, the urea in urine provides lots of natraul nitrogen. on a second note, potency is geneticly prededirmined before the seed ever sprouts, there is little you can do to increase the harvest potency all that much at this stage.


Well-Known Member
One time I found a rogue plant in the walkway next to my house. I pissed on it a few times. When it was ripe, i PICKED IT gave it to my roommates and told them I had been pissing on it and they happily dried it and smoked it.
I heard no complaints and I didn't kill it.


Active Member
human urine is not an effective fertilizer if you choose to go all organic then purchase some blood meal or bat guano to supply that needed nitrogen. Your urine may have a few trace elements in it although due to dietatry changes will vary quickly and is not good for the plant.


Active Member
ya. u might be putting some nutrients on em like urea. but u would give them too much salt and nitrogen and their roots would shut down and then they would die. not the best idea.


Well-Known Member
piss is high in nitrogen which is good, but im sure its not that great for the plants, and there are definitly better ways to give your plants N.


Well-Known Member
This will probably change your minds or at least shed some light on the subject. I dilute urine into the water for my plants and it definitely is a good additive fertilizer.

Urine, Human


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I sneak over and poop on my friends plants when hes not around. Poop is high in peanuts and corn so it should help his plants cuz I poop on them alot.


Active Member
dude. that fuckin cracked me up. i didnt expecet somethign like that. but yeah. to come to think of it, i have sprinkled some piss on my plants b4 when they are showing N deficiencies and my grow buddy w/ a car is too lazy to get ferts.

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
I'm not going to piss on my plants, but I'll sure as fuck feed them old bat shit.

...and for all the 420 fetishists out there, we've already got a few websites dedicated to pictures of naked chicks smoking the herb, what if we had a site full of pics of people pissing on their plants?