Well-Known Member
Found a study awhile back somewhere that said small amounts of neem were actually beneficial to microlife
Great read fellas, lots of great info!
I have been using a different mix of soil less for veg and flower and supplementing with Earth Juice organic nutes for a while now and have been getting pretty good results. As with most things in my life, I am simplifying, economizing and ecologizing. I have more than a few cubic yards of reclaimed medium (see below) and was wondering if I would be ok with using this as a base for amendments rather than starting over. Good place to jump off? If so, how would you recommend varying the initial peat/EWC/etc additives per yard?
Not looking for spoon feeding, just curious if you guys would recommend this approach and/or if anyone has worked from this angle before.
Here are my current mixes:
8 parts Pro Mix BX
5 parts Fox Farm Ocean Forest
2 part Fox Farms Light Warrior
3 parts vermiculite
2 parts earthworm castings
8 parts Pro Mix BX
2 parts Fox Farm Ocean Forest
2 parts perlite
2 parts vermiculite
2 parts earthworm castings