Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I was told by a learned and trusted source that fortunately, it doesn't take a lot to work, and it also breaks down and is a great N source.
Been top dressing with neem cake for 8 months or so and Rrog is right about the N source cause my ladies get lots. It's well worth it.
fattiemcnuggins - whatever is pictured in the 2nd picture can't be're camera doesn't have that good of a macro lol. almost all nematodes aren't visible to the naked eye...especially against a soil background.

are you referring to the little fuzzy patch in the picture? i can't tell what is going on in that pic haha, too many bowls this morning.
I was reading the new skunk magazine issue for shits and giggles and it looks "the rev" uses the no till method now and cannabis leaves for mulch. He has an article titled "All Natural Top Down" page 94. There is a pic with a little stump like the one in this thread with cannabis leaf mulch. Crazy he never mentioned that in his book. Good that these methods are catching on. Maybe he will start scratch making his soil too.
He is on the same journey we are. Organics is a big rabbit hole. Growing also has much to do with personal preference and life circumstances. I am working for a farm trying to go commercial scale rev TLO. Some things we do seem funny to me based on my organics knowledge, especially his three day long tea brewing, adding enzyme and caMg every watering, etc. One things for sure though, the meds are very high quality. I grow for quality and living soil is the way in my garden. No TLO at home, still doing my own constantly evolving away from bottles and bags thing. Another step down the path on the journey of growing. The truly lost ones are those who call it good and quit trying to improve quality and lessen impacts of the garden. Danks to all contributors on here showing me the next bend on the path!

Cann I have not ignored your why no synth silica question. I am just looking for nice relevant sources so its not just my opinion/preference vs. yours. Glad you asked, I am learning a lot about certifications, salt chemistry, plant nutrition, etc.
Great read fellas, lots of great info!

I have been using a different mix of soil less for veg and flower and supplementing with Earth Juice organic nutes for a while now and have been getting pretty good results. As with most things in my life, I am simplifying, economizing and ecologizing. I have more than a few cubic yards of reclaimed medium (see below) and was wondering if I would be ok with using this as a base for amendments rather than starting over. Good place to jump off? If so, how would you recommend varying the initial peat/EWC/etc additives per yard?

Not looking for spoon feeding, just curious if you guys would recommend this approach and/or if anyone has worked from this angle before.

Here are my current mixes:

8 parts Pro Mix BX
5 parts Fox Farm Ocean Forest
2 part Fox Farms Light Warrior
3 parts vermiculite
2 parts earthworm castings

8 parts Pro Mix BX
2 parts Fox Farm Ocean Forest
2 parts perlite
2 parts vermiculite
2 parts earthworm castings

Any suggestions or is the circle closed?
yankeegreen - honestly i'd have no idea where to start with all that fox farms stuff...i'd say first scratch all the earth juice nutes. then get rid of the idea that you need a separate veg and flower soil mix. throw all that shit together, cut it with a lot of super high quality local EWC or thermal compost, and then add (hydrated) sphagnum peat /aeration until you are happy with the consistency. then per cuft of mix add 3-4 cups rock dust mix, 1/2 cup oyster shell flour, 1/2 cup neem/karanja cake, 1/2 cup crab shell meal, 1/2 cup kelp meal, and maybe a handful of alfalfa or fish meal or something. let it sit for 4+ weeks, fill up pots, you know the drill.

just my drunken 2cents...

kalyx i got you on the silica...keep researching and get back to me. would love to come to a verdict on this..cause if you determine it's detrimental somehow (to the earth or?) i might stop using it.

and yeah the rev never mentioned the mulch in his book cause he didn't used to do that till he stumbled on the ROLS thread...most likely the ICmag one, not this one, but ya never know. how recent was said skunk magazine?
This month and no I'm not saying this thread hombre just think it's funny that's all. Prob ICmag. Another thing I failed to mention is that he quit using bagged soil in that article. My wife bought me a subscription last year so I get it and read it when I'm bored.
Help Help im out of Calimag!!!

Gogi OG update:

Nice Strong stems!


Rrog, thanks for the kind words bro. I try hard at this to provide the best meds I can for my wife and I. Canopy management is a pain when running multiple genetics. We are always learning so it's work in progress. Speaking of WIP:

Working great thus far. I have a few that I'm testing and then I'll run it all that way.

What kind of lights does everyone use? What you in tents or room? Do you use the old 12/12 (I do)? I run a combo of 400, 600, and 1000s I get curious cause I seem to notice that less is more sometimes even with light. Maybe I'm wrong but I've bleach my plants in the past. Also anyone get better results with those crazy light schedules?
holy shit headtreep you really clean those ladies up underneath!!! how/when do you remove all that foliage??