The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
I always wonder the same thing....but then it occurs to me that perhaps
we are not dealing with a native English speaker.

If not, then, yeah, not quite "5 by 5" was it?




Active Member
yes im not native american but i also was on my phone so it gets hard to write, can u speak 4 languages? if not then STFU


Looking good man. I hope they get nice, and fat for you:)
Thanks man I decided to try 12/12 from seed cuz I got a girl now that I vegged and it killed my light bill right now I got them under 75 watt cfl 5000k and a 60 watt 2700k but I plan to put it under the t5's I have 2 2ft t5s with reflector kit


Well-Known Member
yes im not native american but i also was on my phone so it gets hard to write, can u speak 4 languages? if not then STFU
No offense intended bro. You appear to be firing on all cylinders now. :0)

As to foreign languages, I only speak two well, but have been around enough
to know how to say "Not really" in more than four. lol

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
DURBAN POISON (dutch passion) w/ LSTLST
CRITICAL (royal queen)
LEMON SKUNK (dna) and in the cup is my backup 'KABRALES' (blimburn seeds). lemon is lookin a bit sick; scrawny and speckled :-( may have to do a lil swap within the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
for some reason I can't use the 'return' button on my keyboard :-/. Anyway these girls are all on 12/12 from SEED this time lol It must be around 16 days already. The Durban is showing sex and is growing like crazy! :leaf:


My plant has been on 12/12 from seed, is just under 5 weeks old and has just started yellowing from the bottom up! :( is that anything to do with nitrogen, heat stress? or what? This LITERALLY started overnight, only one leaf was slightly yellow and when i checked them today, the one which was first yellow is completely dead and the discoloration appears to be spreading up the plant!!! :( Please give any help you can... One thing i did notice was the soil was very dry, i gave it a good amount of water, but does anyone think maybe under-watering was the cause of this? anyway, please help, thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
My plant has been on 12/12 from seed, is just under 5 weeks old and has just started yellowing from the bottom up! :( is that anything to do with nitrogen, heat stress? or what? This LITERALLY started overnight, only one leaf was slightly yellow and when i checked them today, the one which was first yellow is completely dead and the discoloration appears to be spreading up the plant!!! :( Please give any help you can... One thing i did notice was the soil was very dry, i gave it a good amount of water, but does anyone think maybe under-watering was the cause of this? anyway, please help, thanks in advance!

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Looks like she could use a small dose of nutes. Try 1/4 strength or maybe a bit less at first, and work your way up over time.
When the soil is dry the plant cannot get any of the nutrients available so maybe thats why it happened so quick.
Hey guys let me start off by saying great thread, I've really been enjoying the read. I'm about to start my first grow with a 3x3 tent and 600w HPS. I plan on doing 12/12 from seed and just have one question before I start.

I see a lot of you plant in smaller pots then keep upgrading them to larger ones! Is there a reason for this? Should I start with a smaller pot and keep upgrading or just start it in the larger one?

Sorry if this is a bad question, just curious. And was the last thing I wanted to know before I start.


Well-Known Member
I upgrade once, from party cups after they sex into their final home. Saves on space and dirt, although I reuse the male dirt anyway.


Looks like she could use a small dose of nutes. Try 1/4 strength or maybe a bit less at first, and work your way up over time.
When the soil is dry the plant cannot get any of the nutrients available so maybe thats why it happened so quick.
Okay thanks man, I'll run to the store tomorrow to get some, I gave it a little extra water today and the drooping leaves have perked up now, the bottom yellow one is getting slightly greener, so there's only the one dead leaf that's a nuisance. Thanks again! :D


Well-Known Member
for some reason I can't use the 'return' button on my keyboard :-/. Anyway these girls are all on 12/12 from SEED this time lol It must be around 16 days already. The Durban is showing sex and is growing like crazy! :leaf:
you using IE ??s
if so go to "my rollitup"
click on "general settings" on the left side
scroll down to the fourth option from the bottom and you'll see this...

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Depending upon the capabilities of your web browser, you may not be able to use all of these options. If you experience problems when posting messages, try switching to a different interface type.

choose "basic" and wala !! you're back in the game

and great looking plants everybody ... you've inspired me to try a couple 12/12 from seeds


Active Member
Big Buddha Cheese Smoke Report

Well from seed to harvest took 10.8 weeks and 7.5 weeks of actual flower, yielding 23 grams dry, she was an easy grow and loved being fed late in flower, I found her to be easy going grow wise, but without blowing my own trumpet I think now Iv`e dialed in my set up my last few grows have been a walk in the park. Trichome production set in early on her and she also ambered up quick, I took her down at 25% Amber 75% Cloudy, under the scope now after being cured she`s almost 50/50.

As far as the smoke goes, I`m a little disappointed tbh, dont get me wrong its nice but not what I was expecting after being told about her and the fact a friend of mine has been running clones from mums for years.

Kinda like when you see a movie trailer that looks good but the film itself is a slight let down.

That being said the high is nice but not clear enough for me it feels a little dirty, meaning the cerebral side of it... A real intense mind fuck and brain ramble sets in for 20 minutes and then you slowly float down into feeling similar to like your on a come down from class A, hard to explain really but not my cup of tea, long gone are the days of getting really fucked but if that`s your thing Big Buddha Cheese wont disappoint.

After a few joints you can feel couch lock setting in and the calmness returns as you get use to the high, playing ya xbox or ps3 is out of the question until your brains calmed down, C.O.D is almost impossible for me when on the first hit, its too intense lol.

Taste wise lovely and smooth with blueberry undertones, the cheesy scent and taste is there but not as prominent as I thought it would have been but remember it was a single strain and I had no choice regarding phenotype.

9/10 for ease of grow
7/10 for taste
7.5/10 for the high (not being my cup of tea lets it down a bit)

Give her a shot if you like the intense smack ya bitch up feeling, I would have loved this strain in my 20`s out clubbing or having sessions with mates but I`m touching 40 now and prefer a cleaner high, personal thing I suppose.

I will try other Big Buddha strains in the future but I`m in no hurry to do so.


Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Here's the Kandy Kush and lemon skunk which will be coming down tomorrow, i reckon the k k will be my biggest yielder to date.
in jars are the C M, dog, ww x b and sour cream


Active Member
Chuck us a nug of each please SV :)

Looking real nice enjoy ya sticky fingers tomorrow
Hey man reading your sig you have a perpetual 12/12 from seed? How are you doing this? Buying seeds over and over again or are you taking clones? If you are able to take clones on 12/12 from seed I am in!