Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
ps. i completely fixed that fucking magnessium bullshit plus all those other things like a true champion, i cant believe i had almost killed another plant -_- hahaha but i pulled through, im so happy with myself. i hope things continue going awesome - waiting for some comments :D


Hey there Luigi. Been an on again off again lurker on this forum and finally was motivated to post for the first time here. Just read your entire last grow in one sitting (even though the pics dont show anymore it seems) and then got directed to this one from it. Read this one in one go after finishing your first one. Just wanted to say, you seem to be doing a hell of a job and I wish you the best of luck. :)

Cant wait to see how this one ends up. Very inspiring.

Side note:

I had a plant sitting out on the window sill facing west and slightly southish. Plenty of bright sunlight where I am. I planted the sprouted seed on March 1'st. Made a very makeshift MacGuyvery grow box/space last night and brought in the plant today to start flowering phase. Funny I came across your project, and how it seemed like you were going to flip the lights on the 4th of April just like me haha. I'm sorry to ask this here, but I was wondering if any of you can tell me something. For my situation, it would be more convenient to have the lights on at night (say 6 PM to 6 AM ), however, since the plant has been growing in normal sunlight, will it be problematic if I suddenly switch the light period by not giving it a dark period and just bring it in now (6:00 pm, getting dark out) and put it under lights for the next 12 hours?
In essence, to be able to do the 6 AM to 6 PM indoor lighting hours, it would have to go for 24 hours of light the first day (12 hours outdoors today, its final day, now brought indoors at 6 PM, to be placed under lights to continue till 6 AM). Would this cause it to hermie?
Again, my apologies for asking this in your thread, and you dont have to answer my query.



Well-Known Member
ninja haha thanks dude, i was planning to flick the switches tonight!!!! :o

erfan glad to have you here dude and thanks alot , last grow was a lot of work, this one is getting up there with the work load as well

i think the way you wanna do it is fine . people always talk about a little bit of dark period of before you flick them in to 12/12 .. u dont wanna have to give them 24 hours light.. from whatever the outside was giving them.. and then right back to 12/12 i think that would fuck with them a little but not sure.. it may be fine. i would suggest , taking your plants inside for 6am , keep them completely dark untill 6pm and then have ur 12/12 begin :) cheers brother!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey there Luigi. Been an on again off again lurker on this forum and finally was motivated to post for the first time here. Just read your entire last grow in one sitting (even though the pics dont show anymore it seems) and then got directed to this one from it. Read this one in one go after finishing your first one. Just wanted to say, you seem to be doing a hell of a job and I wish you the best of luck. :)

Cant wait to see how this one ends up. Very inspiring.

Side note:

I had a plant sitting out on the window sill facing west and slightly southish. Plenty of bright sunlight where I am. I planted the sprouted seed on March 1'st. Made a very makeshift MacGuyvery grow box/space last night and brought in the plant today to start flowering phase. Funny I came across your project, and how it seemed like you were going to flip the lights on the 4th of April just like me haha. I'm sorry to ask this here, but I was wondering if any of you can tell me something. For my situation, it would be more convenient to have the lights on at night (say 6 PM to 6 AM ), however, since the plant has been growing in normal sunlight, will it be problematic if I suddenly switch the light period by not giving it a dark period and just bring it in now (6:00 pm, getting dark out) and put it under lights for the next 12 hours?
In essence, to be able to do the 6 AM to 6 PM indoor lighting hours, it would have to go for 24 hours of light the first day (12 hours outdoors today, its final day, now brought indoors at 6 PM, to be placed under lights to continue till 6 AM). Would this cause it to hermie?
Again, my apologies for asking this in your thread, and you dont have to answer my query.

Thats funny, you and luigi are having a little coincidence and you and i are having an ironically similar situation. I air cooled my hoods because my temps were getting up to 94 degrees but it didnt seem to help as much as i was hoping for. It only brought them down to 84 ish. I was running them from 6 am to 6 pm and figured that if i run them at night id have cooler temps so just last night i ran them an extra twelve hours to get them on a cooler night schedule. Dont worry, they wont hermi unless theyre hermis already. My friends a retard and he gets too drunk and falls asleep sitting up on his couch all the time. He forgets to turn off his lights and they run 10 hrs longer than they should all the time. Hes never had a hermi....ever. If you got your seeds outta a bag of smoke then they have a better chance of going hermi because it may already be in their genetics to pop seeds...get it? Welcome aboard :):):)


Well-Known Member
alright boys Day 55

ninja, i not really worrying just concerned the leaves look funny the way they bent and only on some. im gunna giver som more grow room untill friday.

and here are the pics u asked for + some bonus pictures ;)

its stretching now for suree, i can se a huge difference in a week. i see what ur saying with the shiska strain .. holyfuck - anyways i may do some tieing down in about an hour or so, ninja if ur around lets do a skype :)
youd better not flip the lights tonight. Even if you didnt tie her at all shed still be fine if she tripled in size right? Your going to tie through the stretch right? So you could totally wait a week. You gotta push this one man if you want to get better numbers.....push the vertical limit man, your a caarazy boyy!! You can keep her under control man, i got faith. Dont be fllippin too early and missing your target. You got this :):):)


Hey there Luigi and NinjaBowler,
First off, thank you for your warm welcome, and for taking the time to answer my question. Much appreciated. And NinjaBowler, you are right, there seems to be a couple of funny coinidences between all three of our grows haha :) The universe perhaps draws people in similar circumstances together.

I'm worried now, being the often impatient fella' that I am, that maybe I have screwed myself over on this one.
When I brought my plant in an hour or so before it was dark out, I placed it in my grow box, with the lights off (meaning they went into dark period a little earlier than usual), made my inquiry here, then decided to switch the lights on, with the aim of leaving them on till 6 AM, then after an hour or so, I saw your replies and realised I may have pulled a stupid move as it is a plant from bagseed. Then I switched them off again, to leave them off, till 6 PM tommorow.
I hope I havent fucked things up so to speak (please dont hermie..). The reason I had chose to start flowering today was that I noticed a few white pistils growing at the 2 newest nodes, and I plan to keep this plant small as it will double or triple in size in flowering, and I have limited space. Well, here's hoping for the best.

Now, my issues aside and back on the topic of this thread; I wonder if getting a couple of those blue liquid filled, hard plastic Ice Packs would be beneficial to you Luigi.

You could get 2 (4 would be better though) and leave them in your freezer. That way you can place 1 (or 2) in your grow room, taking very little space compared to the baking tin, and no mess with water. I believe they remain cold/frozen longer, and can be replaced with a fresh one out of the freezer, while the warm one is rotated back to the freezer. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
NINJa! i wont flip.. ill wait 8 more days , just for u buddy, that will leave it at 9 full weeks of vegging.. il probably do some ties real soon, ill have some pictures up in a bit :)

ERFAn , ninja wil answer your light questions :) hes been beside me for the past almost HALF A YEAR - and the most solid person i know on this site... fuck most solid person i know ONLINE overall. real great dude and great advice :)

also for the ice pack thing, my freezers kinda off limits, having random icepacks in there would send a flag i think - i have specialized living conditions lets just say ;)


Well-Known Member
NINJa! i wont flip.. ill wait 8 more days , just for u buddy, that will leave it at 9 full weeks of vegging.. il probably do some ties real soon, ill have some pictures up in a bit :)

ERFAn , ninja wil answer your light questions :) hes been beside me for the past almost HALF A YEAR - and the most solid person i know on this site... fuck most solid person i know ONLINE overall. real great dude and great advice :)

also for the ice pack thing, my freezers kinda off limits, having random icepacks in there would send a flag i think - i have specialized living conditions lets just say ;)
Good call bro, hopefully shell take off in the next couple days and we can fill that box. And thanks bro :)
Erfan, hermis are genetic for the most part so if she is, she is. No point in worrying. You said you were getting hairs? Thats a sign of matureness, means shes ready if your sticking to 18/6. If your leaving her by the windowthe sun probably triggered flowering. Theres light sencing hormones in the plant that tell it when to flower and lack of light makes an overload of them and she goes into heat. I was already in flower when i decided to run all the way through to adjust my timer but you may have made the right callon yours because youll build up more of that hormone and and it could give you a jump start ;) heres one from yesterday, theres a younger one next to her, shes filling out nicely huh? Two more weeks :):):)


Well-Known Member
Update day 56 :) everythings good, watered her about an hour and a half ago with regular water :)

only thing is .. gunna be a hard time filling up the box properlly with the stupid water container -_- esp. cause i rotate the plant always to get both spectrums everywhere ;)



@ Luigi

That plant of yours is looking great bro. Its great that you post such regular pics showing the progress. A real treat for me. Incredible, to think this is the plant that at first seemed like some sort of mutant haha, now look at her! Also I understand about your living situation not being the best for random Ice Packs in the freezer, though they are often used for back pain and such. However it looks like whatever you are choosing to do is working and working well. Kudos bro. :)

@ NinjaBowler

That pic looks sweet! How long into flowering is that lovely plant of yours? I take my hats off to both your growing skills. :clap:I remember you posted some of your pics earlier where the lighting appeared fuschia/purple. Are you using LED's?

P.S. How do I give Reps to you guys?


Well-Known Member
@ Luigi

That plant of yours is looking great bro. Its great that you post such regular pics showing the progress. A real treat for me. Incredible, to think this is the plant that at first seemed like some sort of mutant haha, now look at her! Also I understand about your living situation not being the best for random Ice Packs in the freezer, though they are often used for back pain and such. However it looks like whatever you are choosing to do is working and working well. Kudos bro. :)

@ NinjaBowler

That pic looks sweet! How long into flowering is that lovely plant of yours? I take my hats off to both your growing skills. :clap:I remember you posted some of your pics earlier where the lighting appeared fuschia/purple. Are you using LED's?

P.S. How do I give Reps to you guys?
Ok so, to give rep, theres a thing that looks like a sherifs badge on the bottom left of the persons post. Yu click on rep worthy posts and then theres a spot to add comments on the nice plants man, or whatever the reason is. You cant just keep reppin the same person, you have to spread the rep around. And to use the multiquote feature to respond to two people at once just click on the quotation marks that are in a word bubble like in comics on the bottom right of the post you want to respond to. It has a little plus sign on it. Click on as many quotes as you want and type after the [/quote) ....] to respond to multiple people. Its hard to do on luigis thread cause all the pics he posts go with the quote and it takes up lots of room. But on most threads it works well.
For your led question, yes i have one. Do i recommend them? depends on what your useing them for. Ive never tried to flower under them but i havent heard great things. They make awsome veg lights if you have a tent or closet in your room where you have to be all the time. They dont get very hot like hid high intensity discharge lights which need to be cooled to maintain optimal veg temps. Even a 400 watt metal halide probably will need an inline fan and those bitches are noisy to sleep next to and hot. Thats another reason i got the led, fire hazard. Hids are so hot that they scare the crap outta me. If one fell it could be bye bye house, no worries with the leds. It grows short bushy plants with tight internode spacing from my expirience which i like. Most led manufactures lie about the footprint it covers, mine too, and the actuall watts they use, well actually led manufactures lie about alot of shit lol. Also theres alot of total crap leds out there that dont work worth a damn. I like mine but i could have easily just bought two 42 watt cfls and done just about the same job. :):):)


Well-Known Member
lmao dude, i hope humidity and temps stay roughly cool if i were to remove the pan of water.. thats my only concern ( cause thats the reason its there in the first place remember haha ) last time the soil of both the plants kept the temps and humidity i needed with that little jug for extras haha... its like my box was made for 2 and only 2 hahahaha :P ill take some pictures in a little boys, cheers

Route 420

also for the ice pack thing, my freezers kinda off limits, having random icepacks in there would send a flag i think - i have specialized living conditions lets just say
What do you do about odor?


Well-Known Member
hey dude odor is the last of my worries, i smoke in my appartment all the time , but i do use cuttings of scented furnace vent filters which do amazing, and also i use ona gel :) i only really notice smells when i walk in to my appartment in like the 5-6th week flowering ... and from then its only a matter of weeks ;) cheers


Well-Known Member
yo my photobucket is being really stupid, anyone no another really easy way to upload photos on here?? thanks guys, i gotta couple i took this afternoon but wasnt able to upload!!