Club 600


Well-Known Member
iv never grown the purple kush but the one im lst'ing in soil seems to be looking ok for 30 days im hoping about 2oz dry off her. or is that hoping for to much haha.... il be happy with 5 dry of the 3 plants like fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
iv never grown the purple kush but the one im lst'ing in soil seems to be looking ok for 30 days im hoping about 2oz dry off her. or is that hoping for to much haha.... il be happy with 5 dry of the 3 plants like fingers crossed
There are soo many versions of Purple Kush that I couldnt say.
I will be lucky to get 14 grams lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nice one jiggy, it takes a real man to have a daughter lol, well thats what my mum told me lmao. Think i called it on ur thread earlier lol.


Well-Known Member
Fking awesome Jig!!!


Well I made it safely, Im enjoying some spacebomb keif and a cold PBR right now. This is keif I made when I was living here, MY BUDDY STILL HAD A SHITLOAD I LEFT WITH HIM! What an amazing thing.


I'll be seeing these guys tonight.



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;StAXZgODPKc] st=TLA2EIHXhjUS8[/video]


Well-Known Member
Fking awesome Jig!!!


Well I made it safely, Im enjoying some spacebomb keif and a cold PBR right now. This is keif I made when I was living here, MY BUDDY STILL HAD A SHITLOAD I LEFT WITH HIM! What an amazing thing.


I'll be seeing these guys tonight.

Hope you have a blast.
My 2 ladies are coming along nicely :) Getting some nice swelling fat buds on my bushy indica (1st pic) and some nicely sized pinecone nug colas off the sativa, not sure what strain but I am excited to harvest guys will be my first harvest and my heart is already pounding just thinking about it. :mrgreen:

happy 4/20 in 2 days :bigjoint::bigjoint:bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
there are no loosers in a weed contest, only people WINNING! lol.
Should name a red/pink flowering strain "Tiger Blood".

Also... here's something some of you might think is funny. I thought of you doob.

Would love to blaze some bowls with Patton.
Yeah, I can get a "bit" windy sometimes (like the ocean is a "bit" damp, the sun is a "bit" warm, politician's are a "bit" deceitful, etc).
Funny thing is I don't really talk all that much, unless hitting the bong or toking on a fattie (then it's filibuster time).
But put me in front of a keyboard and, straight or stoned, I can't "shut up".
I lost the first version of my reply from yesterday, and it was huge.
Thankfully it disappeared into the ether.
I finished typing it, then clicked on the multi-quote button, and it all went bye bye, so I re-wrote it but tried to keep it "short".
So the "long" version of my post that bored/infuriated everyone, or got skipped over by the "tl;dr" crowd (I don't blame you in this case), was a few pages shy of "The Epic of Gilgamesh" (a great read, considering it was some of the earliest written Sci-Fi stuff from this epoch of man).
As for the government angle on race: whenever I fill something out and get to the part of "race", I leave it blank. Unless it's federal paperwork, because I want them to know there is still one more T'lingit out here, and I'm not going away until my heart stops beating and I breathe no more.
And after that I plan on haunting their asses for eternity. ;-)

And an update on the house we're trying to buy:

shadowed the Home Inspector yesterday and there are some issues to be dealt with, but nothing too major.
Some of the things that are needing repaired are things that would put a stop to any lending towards the purchase of the house until they are fixed, and will have to be paid for 100% by the current owners (water heater hot air exhaust needs more clearance away from combustibles, the roofers didn't put in a roof vent for the bathroom's exhaust fan even though there is a hole cut in the roof's sheathing for it, and there is now a moisture issue and spots of mold on some of the sheathing in the attic because of it, more soffit vents & roof vents are needed, replace water damaged fascia boards, and a few other minor but necessary things).
One of the things (the main one) is there is water damage & rot to the bottoms of 10 sheets of the T1-11 siding from rain water splashing up from the ground and infiltrating improperly sealed siding panels. The minimum needed for repairs is cutting of the bottom up to 12-inches from the bottom and replacing with new T1-11 (basically skirting the entire house), which would leave seams, caulking in the joints, mismatched paint, and the potential for more water damage if the job isn't done properly.
And there is similar water damage under one of the window sills. Since we're paying full market value for the house, we want it to not look like Dr. Frankenstein worked on it, so we are requiring replacement instead of patching.
We're now starting negotiations to let them know what we are and aren't willing to pay for.
The only thing we'll be paying for is an upgrade from patching the water damaged siding to replacing the full sheets of T1-11.
We offered to come up with the difference in cost between patching and full replacement of the exterior siding.
Expecting word back by Monday.
Sorry for being so long-fingered (internet version of long-winded).


Well-Known Member
Nice update. I'm embarassed to admit how much we fucked up when buying out house. It's totally the house we wanted, but sure handled the transaction poorly. Glad things are moving along for you guys.

LOL... just noticed the tag for the thread: Chuck Norris uses 600's That's funny.


Well-Known Member
Hello 6, hope everyone is having a better fucking day then I am. My kid fell off his bike and onto his pedal and put a 4" cut into his foot, had to get stiches and isn't a very happy camper. So now I don't think I get to make it to the Cup. Oh well there will always be another time. Family is more important.

Hope you have a blast whodat, we will have to meet up another time.

Think I'm just gonna go take a hit from the bong and pass out, it's been a real shitty day :(.

Night guys.


Well-Known Member
Hello 6, hope everyone is having a better fucking day then I am. My kid fell off his bike and onto his pedal and put a 4" cut into his foot, had to get stiches and isn't a very happy camper. So now I don't think I get to make it to the Cup. Oh well there will always be another time. Family is more important.

Hope you have a blast whodat, we will have to meet up another time.

Think I'm just gonna go take a hit from the bong and pass out, it's been a real shitty day :(.

Night guys.

Sucks bro. Spent my birthday sucking water out of my basement all day. Life is funny sometimes.