Club 600


Well-Known Member
To my soil I add the following
Diatomaceous earth

And this, which is for connifers, and is a dried nutrient and contains beneficial schimmels/fungus for root development (mycorhizzae).

and this: which is great for Mg and all those other essentials. Water, and occassionally Bio Nova super soil mix.


Well-Known Member
it's 10 euro for a 2kg box of the dried nutes, and the kalk above I have had the same bag for about 3 years, lol...I think it was about 20 euro. Cheap and cheerful.....


Well-Known Member
well just been checked the tent all is good, room temp 24c 45%
max is 25c 65%
min is 18c 35%

res readings are
ph 5.7
ppm 670
and temp 21c


Well-Known Member
Another agent & brokerage has the listing, so our agent would be splitting it.

We've got all of our ducks in a row, have enough for more than 20% down so we're going to hold out for the right house at the right price.
Our rent is only $550 a month, so we can hold out indefinitely, and the longer it takes, the more our investments earn us.
We have up to $155k loan amount pre-approved and it's locked in at 3.625% until the middle of May, and will be keeping an eye on the MLS, and hiring a better agent who will work for us and not the seller.
Just matter of time now.
I got my first house 10 years ago. To get to the point, I got a forclosed on home. My freind was big into buying and flipping. If you go striaght to the local credit unions or banks yourself and not thru a agent or those classified adds. It takes some work but you can find them as soon as they forclose and not auctioned off yet or listed. You can get them for easily half price. They sell them as is but VERY WELL WORTH IT! You just have to put in the work yourself to find them. The banks just want what money thats originally owed. It's basically the jist of the infomerciall that comes on late at night. If you have everything lined up thenit's easy. I got a $85,000 house for $40,000 that's now my exwifes. I walked away with $20,000 to put back into the house and still had $25,000 in equity on the day of closing. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
HAPPY 420 6er's. The gf woke me up at 418 this morning with the bowl packed. She was back sleeping by 430. Been puffing ever since!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Happy 4/20 guys! I've been up for 4 hours already making butter, baking brownies, lucky charm treats, and blowing bho tubes for today. Hope you guys all have a wonderful 4/20! LEGALIZE IT!


Well-Known Member
Quick question guys. My edibles came out a little weak last time so I want to punch them up a little. Do you think 1.5 lb of fan leaves and trim to 6 sticks of butter would be good for about 6 batches? That's the plan I set off with this morning. Just worried they will come out a little weak like last time(even though last time I used less trim). Hard to get doses right for these


Well-Known Member
Happy 420 600 Club!!!!!

Hey everyone. Just stopping in to say hi! I'm off to a friends 420 Jam/Party to do some rocking today. I will be showing off my Breeders Boutique sticker that sits on the back of my guitar.

I'm not growing anything right now as I let my landlord know that we may be moving in the summer. He immediately put the place up for sale, which meant prospective buyer coming through, so I made the decision to tear everything down and pack it up. I even pulled out about 10 plants that had been vegging over a month but I couldn't take any chances. I'm going to wait until we have a new place lined up and then I'm going to start vegging some new stuff but this time I'm going to keep it under the 6 plants and just grow 1 monster in each tent while having 2 others vegging. By the time I move they should have a good month of veg in them.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day today and I'll pop in a little later to catch up a bit.

Cheers :peace:



Well-Known Member
Happy 420 600 Club!!!!!

Hey everyone. Just stopping in to say hi! I'm off to a friends 420 Jam/Party to do some rocking today. I will be showing off my Breeders Boutique sticker that sits on the back of my guitar.

I'm not growing anything right now as I let my landlord know that we may be moving in the summer. He immediately put the place up for sale, which meant prospective buyer coming through, so I made the decision to tear everything down and pack it up. I even pulled out about 10 plants that had been vegging over a month but I couldn't take any chances. I'm going to wait until we have a new place lined up and then I'm going to start vegging some new stuff but this time I'm going to keep it under the 6 plants and just grow 1 monster in each tent while having 2 others vegging. By the time I move they should have a good month of veg in them.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day today and I'll pop in a little later to catch up a bit.

Cheers :peace:

Man that sucks they were looking great to


Well-Known Member
To my soil I add the following
Diatomaceous earth

And this, which is for connifers, and is a dried nutrient and contains beneficial schimmels/fungus for root development (mycorhizzae).

and this: which is great for Mg and all those other essentials. Water, and occassionally Bio Nova super soil mix.
Thanks bro appreciate it. Sorry I can't read it.


Well-Known Member
No worries :-)
Who knows, in a month, the homeowners may knuckle under if no one else has the extra money to throw at it.
I was stressed out right up until the last e-mail rejecting our addendums to our offer, but feel so much more relaxed now.
So going to ring in 4/20 with some early-picked M1 bud-age to celebrate and then make something to eat.
Am working on some background music for a short vid, too.
Will have it online and post it here today (Saturday).
I have sample nugs from 9 strains to celebrate 420!


Well-Known Member
I am ultra-conservative and don't celebrate 4/20 for two more hours. Because that's when the 4/20 hippy arrives with her magical bong that never has to be filled and her bag of mystical treats.