911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
im not a tin foil hat person i don't believe everything i hear i guess you another one who has done no research atall lol
I could ruin your "research" if i wanted. But im not going to waste my time trying to convert your silly ass


New Member
sheeple are so funny they will defend there corrupt government to the death .. funny stuff reading threw this seeing those deceived fools who as i say for the 1 millionth time you have done no research ... you fucking idiot go read for 10 minutes and your'l understand what i have stated in all my comments are true

rothschild family own's reuter's and associated press ... that is a fact go look it up ......dummy


Well-Known Member
tin foil hat people will believe ANYTHING that fits in to their world views. People fucking believe using a little plant spritzer with vinegar will somehow go up several thousand metres into the sky and neutralize "chemtrails", its like people don't understand the concept of distance or logics. Its game over man
lol vinegar lady is a prime example of the lunacy we're faced with im not giving up hope yet tho lol
I could ruin your "research" if i wanted. But im not going to waste my time trying to convert your silly ass
I'll never convert the likes of these idiots but there are many other lurkers ;-)


New Member
im not an anti semite im an anti zionist i oppose what some element's of our government's are doing ...........................


New Member
meaning i have nothing against Judaism . end of we have different veiw's its like a (Romney voter aruguing with a Obama voter haha ( i don't vote just using that as an example)lol


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then then infuse those patterns with intentional agency Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation of conspiratorial cognition. Mostly from stupid people.


New Member
but there are people in the us government who are self admitted supporter's of isreal .... is all im saying there's links there's proof there's fact's it's up to you if you want your head in the sand all your life or not i have an open mind i choice not to listen to the jewish owned media outlet's i also don't drink fluoridated water maybe that's the difference between you and me im not full of heavy metal's so my brain can function for itself


New Member
i understand that their's people who believe everything but saying 'that the rothschild (a jewish family) own's reuter's and associated press is not a conspiracy .. lol


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then then infuse those patterns with intentional agency Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation of conspiratorial cognition. Mostly from stupid people.
its to give their sad lives importance because now they posses secret knowledge that the rest of us are just too damn blind to see


New Member
i can't be asked to argue with a typical sheep who most likely vote's every 4 year's , and watches the new's for their information .... i bet you'r one of them tv owner's with like a massive 40 inch tv for you to sit and get your worthless info from then talk to friends about the latest headlines whilst watching mtv hahaha enjoy your manufactured reality ...


New Member
its to give their sad lives importance because now they posses secret knowledge that the rest of us are just too damn blind to see
if your not blind why are you denying the 2 biggest media sources are owned by the Rothschild ??? answer my question stop ignoring them and answer you dumb ass


Well-Known Member
i can't be asked to argue with a typical sheep who most likely vote's every 4 year's , and watches the new's for their information .... i bet you'r one of them tv owner's with like a massive 40 inch tv for you to sit and get your worthless info from then talk to friends about the latest headlines whilst watching mtv hahaha enjoy your manufactured reality ...
I cant be asked to argue with a retard.


Well-Known Member
if your not blind why are you denying the 2 biggest media sources are owned by the Rothschild ??? answer my question stop ignoring them and answer you dumb ass
whats that got to do with the price of fish on a 911 thread?

is it cause of the joooooz?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hahahaha you brain washed fool "anti semite" hahahaha
yes, it is anti-semitic. every third word is "zionist" and "Jew". this claptrap you presented as "proof" doesnt even pretend to be anything but a forum for spewing hatred and fear of jews. you gobbled it up so yes, your antisemitic too.

if you actually read it you wouldn't say that all the proof is there you might want to start reading ..
so how many hours of uninformative retarded posts do i have to read to 'eduacate myself" on the jew-threat? at what point will you start screaming "Wake Up" and calling non-believers in your shit,( which is even less convincing than the shit most Troofers can present) "sheeple"?

there's nothing anti semetic about it ... alot of whistle blower's have come out but as the population is as close minded as you . people still believe the white house's version of the story ...
well as long as "alot" of "whistle blower's" are screaming about how those dirty jews did it, thats not at all anti-semitic.

well there 3 separate report's witch are just so dumb , enjoy your slumber
"3 seperate reports" doesnt mean shit. dingbats have put together dozens of "reports" claiming the moon landing was an elaborate hoax too, that doesnt make their bullshit any less SHIT.

and how a report has a witch is beyond me. you are just so unintelligible, enjoy your hypoxia.

yes, im dismissing your ranting in bulk, to save valuable space for weed comments.