400w MH & HPS ~ 4 plant Blue Cheese ~ ScroG


Well-Known Member
I know how to hyperlink and all that jazz.. but when I click the post number or try to link the post number it just pulls up this entire page rather than that individual post. Not specific enough for what I'm wanting to do with it.
It should let you bring up a specif post ... that`s how my sig is laid out brother. My Cataract link is split in two, The Grow Journal part brings you to the beginning and my New Update part bring you to the most relevant picture update post I have. Clicking on the post number should put the post at the top, and the address bar should have just that. Preview the post a few times, but it should be able to hyperlink a specific post. Good luck

KC :weed:


Active Member
You're too smart for your own good!
You're right.. the post # link does indeed pop the entire thread page up, but centers that post number on the screen.
I'll make it happ'n Cap'n!


Active Member
Done and done.. Check it out KC, you're FAMOUS!! And I can add to the list of answers rather than having to ask them over and over..

I have a few pics here I might as well dump. These were from last night and this afternoon..

A couple of the Miracle Grow bastards I tossed into the outdoor GH for acclimating to natural sunlight. Figured they could expand my experimental grow experiences a bit. The bucket plant will stay in the bucket.. in the GH, the other will go into the ground in the yard.


Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Superb CP mate, your big scrog grow looks more droolworthy every update, and I like the tying down of the vegging one at the bottom, great stuff.


Active Member
Awsome grow man , very impressive
hey thanks! Think I did okay for my first scrog attempt..

Lookin good, happy frog is good stuff mix in some perlite
Money is always an issue here, so the budget always comes into play.
Sucks trying to find a big bag of media for under $20ea., while living off of a disability income.
The organic Black Gold I'm using now seems to be the most bang for my buck.


Well-Known Member
Hey CP,

FWIW, I decided to try Kelloggs Patio Plus this Crop.

It costs about $5 a bag.

It is OMRI listed for organic use.

I can report already that it is much "mulchier" than FFOF.
FFOF is more like "dirt". One effect is that water runs right
through the PP. I am looking on this as an advantage, and
expect that this effect will lessen as the plants take hold.

So far, so good.

Take care,



Active Member
Right on..
Think I may be shooting myself in the foot growing my adults in 5gal. buckets. Going through quite a bit of media..
The Black Gold is $17 a bag, which feels affordable. Until I need to fill 6 buckets anyways. To this point, I'm extremely pleased with this soil, and don't see myself making another switch anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
5 gallon buckets will support big plants. The cost up front will pay off in buds, I am sure.

I am a pig, and am doing a 6 X 6 grid of 36 2 gallon smart pots in a 5'X5' tent.

...but this means 36 X 2 == 72 gallons. This took 6 bags of soil (9 cu ft).

So, for me the savings were as much as $90. This helps. BUT only if the grow rocks. :0)

I would have to do a grid no larger than 4 X 4 of larger plants, if I want to get to LST and such.

I have my mothers in 3 gallon smart pots, and am thinking of using them as
the basis for my next crop. They are just soooo dense at this point....some LST
and they would amazing.


Maybe a 3 X 3 grid of the mothers, transplanted to 5 gallon pots (or even a tad larger)....

My next crop is supposed to be a very cool rack of Sensi genetics, but I need to restart
my mothers area, as it has become a jungle. I need to read the bonsai mothers page
very carefully.

Good luck!



Active Member
See,.. that's what I like about scrogging so much. Can map out your grow space, and the scrog ensures you stay within those perimeters. All the while getting the maximum potential from your lights to the bud sights. Rather than just the tops and tallest arms of the plants.
As for doing LST in a confined space, I know exactly what you're saying. My last grow was a total pain in the ass.. trying to have 6 large plants tied off in every which way. Didn't think ahead on that one. Which isn't saying much, since I didn't really know what the hell I was doing to begin with.


Well-Known Member
So far, I have just re-used my FFOF with outdoor, potted vegetables.

I am sure that it would do one or two more grows without too much effect,
but I do want to optimize my buds. :0)

I am with you on the newness CP. I have been very lucky so far.



Well-Known Member
Whoa ... You guys need to spend some time in my composting and vermiculture journals I have... :D

About 1tbsp dolomite lime / gallon of soil plus some organic compost (easy to do, see the journal, it`s a bit lengthy, haha) and you`re re-dressing soil mad easy. Some people like to buy new, but I like a remediated soil works just as well if not better as you can then add in what the soil has been leached of. Some food for thought :)

(See Blue link in Sig)

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
I make straw based compost for mushroom cultivation.

I was going to write that I cannot risk my efforts when I have
only one tent to work with, but really I can just do a pot or two.

It will be fun.

BTW. To answer my own question CP. The humidity in jars of
curing bud that one wants to see is 60-65% This is what was
referred to as the curing range here.

I will shoot for what it refers to as the long term storage range,
55-60% as this is optimal for smoking.

The higher values might be desired by someone curing for sale,
as these levels make the buds juicier (and, frankly, heavier).

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I make straw based compost for mushroom cultivation.

I was going to write that I cannot risk my efforts when I have
only one tent to work with, but really I can just do a pot or two.

It will be fun.

BTW. To answer my own question CP. The humidity in jars of
curing bud that one wants to see is 60-65% This is what was
referred to as the curing range here.

I will shoot for what it refers to as the long term storage range,
55-60% as this is optimal for smoking.

The higher values might be desired by someone curing for sale,
as these levels make the buds juicier (and, frankly, heavier).

Take care,

I would agree with this entirely Java. I like a lower range as most of my product isn`t stored (other than my personals, which are cut, dried, skip cure, and vac-sealed into the freezer to keep some moisture). You`ll be fine this way if you`re selling or intend on keeping some for a while. Good on ya!

**Edit - Keeping in mind of course anything over 50% RH runs the risk of mold or rot IMO. Had these levels destroy ounces of product before **
KC :weed:


Active Member
I have this really cool link in my signature that lists the recommended RO levels for all stages, from germination to curing.
60%-65% seemed awfully high in comparison to what's on the list. But like I said previously, it basically comes down to personal preference.
Now my personal preference.. that's following the leader. Not because I lack my own mind, but because he's been there before and knows where he's going.


Well-Known Member
I am all about smoke-ability. Weight is no matter to me. :0)

I am finding that it is not easy to get the RH down...well, it does
not happen quickly....lol but this is the idea.

Take care,


P.S. I am eyeballing some 65% Boveda packs on Amazon.