What's wrong with my plants leaves


Well-Known Member
I have 18 GDP clones in 34 days flowering and this shit started not to long ago. Using tap water with chlorine in it and Its phd at 7.2-7.4. Also temp is a good 82-85 always..1000 hps aircooled hood is about 15 inches from top of plants..I've been using cal/mag a few waterings and I think my tap water already has some minerals image.jpgin it so am I over doing it with the cal/mag...idk what it is any help??


Well-Known Member
this is so common during flowering.

It looks like calcuim. Could be lockout or deficiency. The lockout could be caused by overfeeding, out-of-whack pH, temps... I tried treating it with everything. Finally I just gave up and let the plants finish. Other than some ugly leaves, they plants produced nicely.

If you dont know whats in your tap water, you cant know if you are overdoing it. Most people who use tap water dont need cal-mag. My tap water reads 50ppm so I add cal mag.

85f with a 1000w HPS 18" from the tops of the plants is probably causing some radiant heat issues which can cause all sorts of problems.

Raise up the light, get a fan blowing on the tops/glass and


Well-Known Member
good looking out lol yaa i kinda figured but always like more opinions but i guess il be lowering my ph every watering from now on..never really messed with it a whole lot..i wish i had well water instead of this tap water


Well-Known Member
Yeah im going to correct my ph, raise my hood a bit and hold off on the cal/mag for a little and c how that goes..i got a fresh batch on the other side of my 4x8 and their all fine but its just these 18 that are almost done and having problems


Well-Known Member
Yeah im going to correct my ph, raise my hood a bit and hold off on the cal/mag for a little and c how that goes..i got a fresh batch on the other side of my 4x8 and their all fine but its just these 18 that are almost done and having problems
What you spend on PH up/ down, you will prob save on nutes that are not being consumed.:clap:


Well-Known Member
do you use nutrients? My tap water is over 7 but always gets down into the low 6's after I add the nutes.


Well-Known Member
I dont have a Nutrient line up like a lot of people got but i have jamaican guano for teas and at the end phas il hit it with some bloombastic..And bill i havent regurlary been phing my water...been lazy as fuck lol

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Using tap water with chlorine in it
That's not good either. Fill a container with water a day or two before you're gonna water your plants with the lid off. The chlorine will evaporate out of the water. Or you can get a sediment/carbon filter for like 100.

And when it comes to growing you can't be lazy lol. You can go to walmart and get those ph test strips for cheap


Well-Known Member
Yeah i agree tho if you want real healthy plants and want good niceeeee buds then you do have to keep on top of your shit..i do have a digital ph meter with which i phed and get 7.2-7.4..and i always let my water sit for a few days with the lid off for the chlorine to try nd evaporate but i think i have a good bit in my tap cause i can still smell it after those few couple days


Well-Known Member
You dont need to let chlorine evaporate off tap water nor do you need to pH it if you are growing in quality soil.

Thats just what I think.