Bigboy's Round 2. SOG style.


Well-Known Member
No Dispensary's Where I live (East Coast Canada) :sad: I know a guy who always has/grows fire. We help each other out between grows sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Time for another update!! This time in color :clap:.

Mixed a full strength week 5 mix. Same as last week. Advanced schedule tells me to stop Big Bud this week, but I like to stretch it an extra week, and use the Overdrive week 6 & 7 then flush. I also like to try and burn them up just a bit towards the end of week 5 with PK. A bit of good stress ;). I forgot to mention that I use one product that is NOT an Advanced Nuts. product. A friend gave me a big bottle of Bud-XL by H&G. I've been using it at 1 ml/L starting week 4 until flush. ( I've had good results with it, so I keep adding it to the mix.

I mentioned last post that my Purple Kush (from seed) were sketchy genetics and a few of the 5 were true hermi's. I caught it real early, and started going over those affected daily, tweezing off pollen sacks. None opened, and they seems to have stopped forming. Hopefully I brought those lady's back around. I am pretty observant, so I will keep a close eye for any more that form. They might fire off some nanners too, so I will be ready for them. Last grow I earned my Nanner Hunter stripes. I know all the hangouts.

Took these tonight just as lights came on. I unplugged the HPS, and just plugged in my little lamp with a 6500 cfl in it. Buds are getting noticeably fatter every day now. Big difference from last week even. Trich production is in full swing. My 3 Chemo's are going to be plump little one cola wonders. Smell is getting up there.. Almost time to bust out the Ona.

Great White Shark -- DSCF2383.jpgDSCF2384.jpgDSCF2395.jpg

Chemo They grow ugly as hell, but the weed is fire.-- DSCF2385.jpgDSCF2391.jpgDSCF2392.jpg

Blueberry Kush - DSCF2387.jpgDSCF2388.jpgDSCF2389.jpgDSCF2394.jpgDSCF2396.jpgDSCF2397.jpg

Purple Kush Didn't take many pics of these lady's. -- DSCF2399.jpgDSCF2400.jpg

Here are a few randoms. Notice my home made watering stick..:P Its hard to reach the girls in the back, so instead of taking the hard to reach ones in and out every time, I just slide this pole under the canopy to the pot. Its made of a small funnel, a 4 ft. length of my son's broken (Plastic) hockey net and some duct tape. It works like a charm, and my back loves me for it. :leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
haha awesome!

Yea, the canopy is looking pretty sweet. Should have some nice Nugs by the time they are done. Everything is dialed in nicely.


Well-Known Member
Evening folks. Figured I would stroll through with another update and give those who are watching another peek into my favorite place to be!!

Today was the end of week 5/Start of week 6. I mixed up a batch of nutes, and added the Overdrive. I am not completely sold on this product, and have kicked myself every time I used it so far, but I hope it will have different results on different strains. Before when I used it, on a few strains I ran, it would just throw them into another round of producing Calyx and pistils, which is fine, but that new growth would never be ready by harvest. The pistils would still be white, mixed in with already browned, receided calyx/pistils. If I don't like the results this time, I will scrap it from my late bloom nute list.

Things otherwise are going great. I was persistent with the Hermi's, and they have stopped producing male parts all together. I would say in total, I only picked off about 12 sacks between 5 plants, so it wasn't a HUGE problem to deal with. I just looked them over extra close once every 2 days, and caught them all before they opened. With about 3 weeks left, I am getting less and less concerned with a rogue pollen sac opening. Pistils are starting to turn red all around, and will be starting to swell soon. I will keep an eye open for late popping nanners though.

I am glad I only have a few weeks left. Temps are starting to heat up, and even running lights through the night is starting to stay a bit too warm. My highest temps have been around 85, and never for more than 6 hours. This will definitely be the last run before summer temps hit. I don't have an A/C yet, and no way my ventilation will keep it below 90. I usually throw down a few outdoors, so I am stoked for that. I love growing big fat buds under the sun!!

On to the good stuff. Pics taken tonight. Frost is setting in nicely. My 3 Chemo plants are going to be little hogs. I figure when they are said and done, they will each be around 14 inch of pure bud, fat as a pop can. So far the stinkiest by far is the Great White Shark. That shit has a mad skunk smell. If you touch a bud, it will literally stink up the room you are in, an hour later.. Just from the resin on your fingers. I always have to wash my hands with some Hand Sani. to get rid of the stink. The blueberry Kush is right on schedule, and starting to look beautiful. The Purple Kush is looking like it is going to be very oily. It is starting to shine like its wet. :leaf::leaf:

Chemo -- DSCF2420.jpgDSCF2422.jpgDSCF2432.jpgDSCF2438.jpgDSCF2439.jpg

Great White Shark --DSCF2414.jpgDSCF2415.jpgDSCF2416.jpgDSCF2417.jpg

Blueberry Kush --DSCF2410.jpgDSCF2411.jpgDSCF2412.jpgDSCF2413.jpgDSCF2426.jpgDSCF2428.jpgDSCF2429.jpgDSCF2430.jpg

Purple Kush -- DSCF2423.jpgDSCF2435.jpgDSCF2437.jpg


Well-Known Member
Damn.. I walked by my shed earlier (where my grow room is) and lights are off, and I could smell it about 20 meters away..:S Guess its time to change the Carbon in my exhaust. Ona block isn't working very well either.

Reached my highest temps so far last night. It was a warm day, and stayed warn throughout the night. High reached 86 :wall: That was with 3 fans blowing in the room, and the outside door open..:S Glad things will be done in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel for your scent issues....I will have to see how I do this crop.

I have been really successful. Nothing leaves the man-cave.

....but I really pushed it this crop. I love the skunky smoke and I went
for all the OGs and Cheese that looked cool. The Purpleberry is supposed
to be a stinker too. LOL. An embarrassment of stench. LMAO.

Take care. I am about. I tend to let the more experienced answer questions.



Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel for your scent issues....I will have to see how I do this crop.

I have been really successful. Nothing leaves the man-cave.

....but I really pushed it this crop. I love the skunky smoke and I went
for all the OGs and Cheese that looked cool. The Purpleberry is supposed
to be a stinker too. LOL. An embarrassment of stench. LMAO.

Take care. I am about. I tend to let the more experienced answer questions.

yea bro, mine is not getting any better.. I was just out there poking around, checking bud development, bumping things around and whatnot.. Well, its warm rainy night here and when I went back outside, my yard, and a few of the neighbor's yards were stanking BAD. lol.. my buddy (who has no clue I grow, who lives a few houses down,) called me and asked if I had any of the Dank left that I was smoking in my backyard b/c he smelled it from his bedroom window. :S oops. I would be concerned if I wasn't legal. I know the LEO can bug me for scent, but a quick trip to the hardware store to grab some replacement Carbon filter should calm it down. Still 2-3 weeks left..:S


Well-Known Member
Howdy Folks!!! The finish line is in sight!! The buds are beginning to swell, and the Fan Leaf starting to yellow out. Smell is at a high. The Kush's are starting to get real earthy, and I swear last night, I touched a bud (on the bbk), and rubbed the Trich's between my fingers, and it smelled like straight Blueberry jam. I sat there for a few minutes just smelling my fingers LOL. My last Feeding with Nutes was on Thursday. I will let them get almost droopy, then give them a good flush, and water from there on out. I tested the "No Flush" theory last grow, and I did not like it. I fed nutes all the way through week 7, and just one feeding of water before harvest, and even after a good dry and cure, the bud still crackled and almost sparked.. It was crazy. I will be flushing properly from here on in.

I have been on nanner watch the last week, and haven't found a one. I know where they like to hide to.. Little bastards. I am pretty sure I solved my hermi problems when I retired a few strains last run.. One in particular was a pain in the ass, but the end smoke was worth the tweezing. Its been rainy the last few days, and temps have been easy to control. Even with the pounding rain, the RH is staying down in the 50%'s. Even at lights out, with a fan running, it keeps it just above 60, which I am ok with, and haven't seen any signs of mold starting.

On to the pics.. I am too baked atm to label them. If you wanna know which strain is which, just ask..:)



Well-Known Member

GWS Dude this is gonna be a good indy I know you like Indicas.
I grew it 5yrs ago and was damn good,Mine were from BC Bud Depot.
Damn wish you woulda sent me the link when Ya started!!


New Member
Just got word w/about a month lefts lol. Oh well, looking good mayne! I'm running a few kushes this round too boss. Some blueberry and some purple :joint:


Well-Known Member
Whats up Fellas!! Thanks for swinging by.. Just in time too..;)

I like the GWS for sure.. It is my stinkiest too. Definitely some skunk genes. I love the Heavy buzz. That second pic there Beech is one of the BBK Pheno's. I have 3 different ones in there atm. 1 pheno from my mother plant, which produces the frosty ass buds in my avatar, 1 pheno from my old buddy, who got the seeds from me, and one more found this run through seed, the pic you asked about. There is also another pheno that turns yellow and lankey once flipped to flower, I throw those ones out.


Well-Known Member
I really like my bbk. I ran it first last run, found an awesome mother, and will probably keep her around a while. This is my first time running the PK. By the looks of it, it will probably be longer than the 8 weeks my BBk is. Looking like 9 minimum. It's all good though, I got nothing but time.

Just got word w/about a month lefts lol. Oh well, looking good mayne! I'm running a few kushes this round too boss. Some blueberry and some purple :joint:


New Member
Nice bossman! I'm running the blueberry headband which is blueberry sour og, and the darkstart which is a purple kush x indian sativa strain!
Also the greenhouse bubba lol. About to be kushed out for a while around these parts!
Next time let me know tho lol.
I woulda never know had Beech not gave me the link lol.


New Member
Yeah, luckily enough this thread is concise lol unlike mine. It'll take HOURS to find any one thing on mine!
Gonna try an be a lil more low-key with the next one jesus :joint: