Is indoor bud actually better than outdoor?


Active Member
I'm going to be moving into a house soon and ill have the choice between indoor and outdoor and since its all personal I just want quality.
And thank you!


Well-Known Member
If you had the choice do both? You can make perfect conditions inside tho..or you can not know how to listen to the plants and a good outdoor grower can grow better quality and quantity bud


Active Member
I think outdoor is always better but indoor just harvests alot faster as the conditions are always consistent.


Active Member
Why not do both?

It depends on the gardner but I like indoor better. I have had some killer outdoor but indoor seems to be better quality. But if I had the chance to grow outdoor I would do it in a heartbeat!


Well-Known Member
you should do outdoor if you can do it proper in a greenhouse. you will get a much bigger bang for your buck. indoor is good too if you have lots of space and money to invest.


Active Member
outdoor for quantity...
indoor for QUALITY

greenhouse accomplishes both IMO.. but harder to maintain in the winter...
but, if you take two seeds of the same strain...
the indoor will ALWAYS win in a quality test....


outside is always better ,but the downside is that depending on the weather. it determines how many harvests per year. but as indoor can be grown all year round no limits. but obviously outdoor plant sit back let nature do the rest ....good old mother


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way, even if the outdoor bud didn't come out quite as good, would you rather have 4-6 oz. per plant of a bit better bud or 2-10 lbs. of good bud?


Well-Known Member
I've never managed to grow as good weed outdoors as I do indoors. I hear reports that weed grown under the sun tastes better. Would love a chance to grow in perfect outdoor conditions some time to put this to the test.


Well-Known Member
I think indoor is better simply for the fact you can control conditions, (Light and temp), but more than that, you can control bugs.:hump:


Active Member
Ive never had outdoor which can match the potency of indoor and ive never had indoor which can match the taste of outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse is a great compromise. Having gone through about 4 lbs of indoor, 2 lbs of greenhouse, and 15 lbs of outdoor this last year id have to say indoor/greenhouse is much prettier and such.


Active Member
outside is always better ,but the downside is that depending on the weather. it determines how many harvests per year. but as indoor can be grown all year round no limits. but obviously outdoor plant sit back let nature do the rest ....good old mother
"Outside is always better" <--------- huh?
That's why people pay more for INDOOR hydro right? because outdoor REG is better?
Outdoor will drastically improve your yield...
Potency is ALWAYS better indoors....ALWAYS!


Well-Known Member
^ So potency is the only thing that matters on what is better?

I personally don't base an entire judgement on just one aspect of a plant.
In fact, potency doesn't top my list for desired traits. I prefer buzz type over just strictly potency.


New Member
"Outside is always better" <--------- huh?
That's why people pay more for INDOOR hydro right? because outdoor REG is better?
Outdoor will drastically improve your yield...
Potency is ALWAYS better indoors....ALWAYS!
Fucking sick of fucks like you who think potency is the only thing good cannabis is for. You ever put your fucking bong in the freezer just to completely chill the fuck out of a 1g bong bowl to get the full taste of your strain? All weed unless its shwagg will get you sky high on various levels but i can bet no all weed taste good

Taste will always come before potency, which is why i stay away from diesel strains


Active Member
Well this caused about as much problems as I expected.
I guess I got my answer though.
As I said its personal so that's why I don't need to grow both indoors and outdoors.
I want more than one type of bud as well.

Also diesel strains are my favorite cause they are so strong, just saying. Though I haven't grow any of my own.


Active Member
Fucking sick of fucks like you who think potency is the only thing good cannabis is for. You ever put your fucking bong in the freezer just to completely chill the fuck out of a 1g bong bowl to get the full taste of your strain? All weed unless its shwagg will get you sky high on various levels but i can bet no all weed taste good

Taste will always come before potency, which is why i stay away from diesel strains
My bong is always chilled sir...

and yes, my argument assumes that 'better' means stronger....
The taste is a close second.... but still second.
If it didnt get me stoned...I wouldnt just smoke it for taste...hence...potency being the deciding factor in 'better' weed...
but again..I did mention that outdoor giver you waaay better yields... there's no denying that.

Just as well...the taste of my indoor is unparalleled.
Thanks for showing your education level though!!
really SHINES through!!

..notice I never said 'dont grow outdoor it sucks"
because outdoor is awesome... but more potent weed comes from INDOOR (that's just me trying to stay on topic)
Do you ever pay $300+ and Oz for outdoor???.... because i would feel REALLY fucking bad for you!

you should smoke some of your weed... it might chill you out ;0


New Member
My bong is always chilled sir...

and yes, my argument assumes that 'better' means stronger....
The taste is a close second.... but still second.
If it didnt get me stoned...I wouldnt just smoke it for taste...hence...potency being the deciding factor in 'better' weed...
but again..I did mention that outdoor giver you waaay better yields... there's no denying that.

Just as well...the taste of my indoor is unparalleled.
Thanks for showing your education level though!!
really SHINES through!!

..notice I never said 'dont grow outdoor it sucks"
because outdoor is awesome... but more potent weed comes from INDOOR (that's just me trying to stay on topic)
Do you ever pay $300+ and Oz for outdoor???.... because i would feel REALLY fucking bad for you!

you should smoke some of your weed... it might chill you out ;0
Its a rum night for me sir