The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lets hope so anyway buds, god knows we could all do with some sunshine...

just seen the movie "life" is on bbc later, another good film so thats me sorted..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
seen it years ago, its defo worth the watch buds, and with a few spliffs ...

another eddie murphy comedy, still laughing at some of the bits from norbit, as they pop into my head through the day....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

decent link for fast 6, haven`t watched it yet so unsure of how it plays throughout...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
eurovision tonite, i know i will not be watching that. might watch a good time to die hard.

hahahahaha eurovision... gave yourself away now buds hahahaaha....

haven`t seen a good way to die hard yet, waiting until have a few spliffs in, same with fast 6..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
since the block voteing thing started its gone to shit, so been years since i`ve bothered with it, i just love how shit our entrys are to ensure we don`t win, the newsreader mentioned we won seven times today and heres our hope for 8 ... (but with the sneaky grin on her face like.. we haven`t got a hope thank god....)
ae86 grower:9095185 said:
Not sure if anyone else is growing outdoors but have you's seen the forecast for next week? Highs of 18 good week for nature =)

just seen the first fly of the year so the weather must be on the up and up....
From 2mor onwards supposed to be cracking bout time this country does be buzzing when the good weather starts puts everyone in great form

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
same here, weather was cracking yesterday but today it hasn`t stopped raining, worst thing about that is the kids are stuck in under my feet all day...

swear if i hear the words "daddy daddy daddy daddy" anymore today i`ll loose my mind, god theres days you`d miss a smoke more than others...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just out haveing a quick check on the girls and its lights out so its hard to tell, but the big one seems to be starting to finish up, leaves going yellow, only one or two but there going, and orange hairs everywhere....

at this rate i`d say they have about a week left in them....

the only thing i can think is that with the way she grew she`s just an earlier finisher, the other two which are the same age have at least two more weeks in them...

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Baby.jpgWell its a night of celebration in the Baggins household tonight, we have a new arrival as yet unnamed my tenth grandchild Im chuffed to bits, magners and vodka and cranberry juice ( I Know ) being quaffed. Slainthe my friends.