Club 600


Well-Known Member
100% of people that pee eventually die,,, it's a fact.

ok so iv made the rounds on riu and all my subbed threads keep popping back up,,, I got shit to do today!!! lol


Well-Known Member
apprantley there are 2 whodatnations^^^^ so I am sure he could stay on riu all day and do all the other things he (or should I say, that a superhero....) requires to do.

Me on the other hand, I have been up working since the back of 07 hunner this morgen (17:15 now) so I am going to have my first bifter of the day right about now....


Well-Known Member
Jig, I have to add that it is the coffee that puts the wake in wake and bake.

Hmmm...I have an idea for a new alarm clock. I will call it "The Bake".

Hey, they have one that you put a slice of bacon in, that wakes you with
the smell of your fresh breakfast. So, I think that there might be a market
for The Bake.

One can dream!



Well-Known Member
Jig, I have to add that it is the coffee that puts the wake in wake and bake.

Hmmm...I have an idea for a new alarm clock. I will call it "The Bake".

Hey, they have one that you put a slice of bacon in, that wakes you with
the smell of your fresh breakfast. So, I think that there might be a market
for The Bake.

One can dream!

Stank Ape and the cups of super strong black coffee has me sweating and buzzing right now lol


Well-Known Member
still trying to figure out how to put images in the body of the post...a lil help? have a macbook pro if it makes a dif


Well-Known Member
When in Advanced mode, do not just upload the images, but
after closing the file upload dialog, use the attachment dropdown
menu to select the images for insertion.

Just put the cursor where you want the image, then select the
attachment from the dropdown.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
still trying to figure out how to put images in the body of the post...a lil help? have a macbook pro if it makes a dif
I upload em post then go back click on it to see fullsize and copy image and edit post and paste.
I know there is a better way, but I dont remember it.


Active Member
apprantley there are 2 whodatnations^^^^ so I am sure he could stay on riu all day and do all the other things he (or should I say, that a superhero....) requires to do.

Me on the other hand, I have been up working since the back of 07 hunner this morgen (17:15 now) so I am going to have my first bifter of the day right about now....
Dunno how you go all day, but then u have just done an 11day stint with nowt.


Well-Known Member
Whats up 600? Me just chillen. I went through and watered and feed all my other plants(ie ivey, tomaotes etc etc) Then came to check on my babies. We it has been 11 days and the cheese suprise didnt pop. So I have a few more in baggies. 2 out of 3 Deep Pys popped although one died. 2 out for 3 Dog S1 popped and still going strong. 2 out of 3 Dog popped and are still going strong. I had a lemon skunk that just died on me too. i got my last bean on that one in the baggie as well. The rest seem to be doing fine. That little Austo I have, the more i think about it, the more i think it will go join my tomatoes in the backyard. They are all still littles ones at this point. Man still a long way to go till i get anything useful. Oh well part of the fun of a journey is getting there.


Well-Known Member
Well looked at that house and what a shit he for 550pcm, half PVC windows rest dirty flakey wooden ones. Old green bathroom tiles missing and taped over, old horrible green bath suit. Old boiler scruffy carpets scruffy cooker and beds and its ment to be partially furnished


Well-Known Member
Well looked at that house and what a shit he for 550pcm, half PVC windows rest dirty flakey wooden ones. Old green bathroom tiles missing and taped over, old horrible green bath suit. Old boiler scruffy carpets scruffy cooker and beds and its ment to be partially furnished
Doesnt sound too impressive from your description


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any opinions on ebook readers? just wondering if I should just get a mini ipad for the mrs d's birthday or get a kindle difficult can it be, lol.


Well-Known Member
The kindles are light as anything and really good to bring around. You can get the type with no keyboard and they are really conveinient. That's what I use. Wife these days just uses either her tablet or ipad. She got a good deal on a 3rd gen ipad a couple weeks ago. It's nice. Anyways, the tablet/ipad is heavier and has a backlit screen so not as easy on the eyes.

Kindle (the old fashioned kind) is not lit at all... it reads like a page in a book. If you are reading it in the dark you will need to have a light on, or you will need a little case type thing you can get for it with a built in light. It takes power from the battery. The little kindles batteries last for EVER. It's great, really light and I love it.

I wouldn't mess with a Kindle Fire or another like it. I'd just go with a tablet/ ipad.

Tablet/ipad, heavy, backlit (hard on eyes), not easy to see in the sun (kindle is great for this, no glare)... however, it does anything a computer would do. So my wife likes to read her ebooks, then check facebook, RIU, etc.

If you are getting an Ipad, get a kindle too, they are cheap in comparison. Then she'll definitely be happy lol

EDIT: Amazon Kindle $90 170 grams
Ipad mini $330-660 308 grams


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any opinions on ebook readers? just wondering if I should just get a mini ipad for the mrs d's birthday or get a kindle difficult can it be, lol.
Im a mac dude so i would say iPad mini...but she could decide if you go shopping together, it's something she'll use everyday for years, hopefully, so having her input would be wise?